The Truthful Research The LGBT Couldn’t Tolerate

What do you do with research that doesn’t match your opinion? You demonize it, of course. That shows how tolerant you are.

Dr. Mark Regnerus is a professor of sociology at the University of Texas at Austin and a senior fellow at the Austin Institute for the Study of Family
and Culture. The author of 40 articles in peer-reviewed journals, his research and scholarly essays have appeared in media outlets as diverse as Slate and First Things.

Dr. Regnerus’ books include The Future of Christian Marriage (2020), Cheap Sex: The Transformation of Men, Marriage, and Monogamy (2017),
Premarital Sex In America: How Young Americans Meet, Mate, and Think About Marrying (2011), and Forbidden Fruit: Sex and Religion In The Lives of American Teenagers (2006). He and his wife Deeann have three children.

This episode is also available as an audio podcast: Listen

Topics discussed in this episode of the Dr. J Show include

  • Many “scientific” research studies are driven by, and corrupted by, an agenda.
  • LGBTQIA+ apologists masquerading as scientists resist admitting the baseline differences in parenting results.
  • LGBTQIA+ apologists add duplicate variables, because, if you keep adding variables, you can design your conclusion.
  • 55% of children living under same-sex couples experience parental separation.
  • There are professional pressures on researchers to ignore basic factors.
  • The promiscuity &amp, relationship instability of the homosexual lifestyle inevitably leads to break-ups, which most harm children. Among homosexuals,
    “open” relationships of tolerated cheating is just “another way of loving.”
  • SCOTUS’ Obergefell decision did nothing to diminish sexual minority distress. The fact is, neither hormones nor surgery helps mental health issues
    in transgenders.
  • Even though a pro-trans study may be proven wrong, it still gets shared (cited) all around the world.
  • LGBTQIA+ social media trolls create scandals and/or crises to discredit studies that disprove the gay or trans agenda.
  • Homosexuals and transgenders do not like reality (the truths of this life). LGBTQIA+ people will always be at war with the truth, because they hate
    reality and want to change human nature.
  • Like many professions since the Sexual Revolution, to be accepted, sociologists must pay respects to false gods.
  • Parental stability is key for a child’s academic and psychological progress. If we took children’s rights seriously, the way we understand these things
    would be profoundly different.
  • Kids are entitled to a relationship with both their natural parents.

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