James Parker on the Dr. J Show Ep. 244
If you had asked James whether or not he was born gay, he would have told you that he was. He would have told you that all the way up until 2019. After all, that was how he experienced sexual attraction from the time he was he was 14. He also decided to come out, during secondary school, not to everyone, but to a smaller group. He continued into his years at University proclaiming his same-sex attraction. As this began for him in the 1980’s, it was a difficult thing, but he was loud and proud, especially in his activism. He was in a committed, long-term, same-sex relationship, and was quite happy in life. That all changed when a man he met asked him if he wanted more love.
Watch the full episode, uncut and uncensored here: https://theruthinstitute.locals.com/post/5891596/would-a-gay-man-in-a-committed-long-term-relationship-want-to-change
Since his conversion to Christ, James has served at every level of the Church: the Vatican, three cardinals, Bishops’ Conferences, archdioceses and in parish life. He chaired the Christian charity More Than Gold – one of the world’s largest ecumenical initiatives which served the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Today, he travels internationally speaking about the serious long-term consequences of the Sexual Revolution and the differences between long-term homosexual and heterosexual relationships. His life experiences include being fostered and adopted, surviving childhood sexual abuse, being a gay activist, struggles with gender dysphoria, overcoming a stronghold of porn addiction, converting to Catholicism, marrying and becoming a father. Today, he facilitates a peer-support network across Australia which deals with educating others around sexuality, gender and identity, overseeing recovery work of individuals and in group settings, and engaging in advocacy work fighting for the rights of the new minority often hounded and crushed by other minorities. He is passionate about the godly restoration of people who are same-sex attracted and gender questioning and of all men and women.
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Buy Dr. Morse’s Books:
The Sexual State: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/the-sexual-state-2/
Love and Economics: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/love-and-economics-it-takes-a-family-to-raise-a-village/
Smart Sex: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/smart-sex-finding-life-long-love-in-a-hook-up-world/
101 Tips for a Happier Marriage: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/101-tips-for-a-happier-marriage/
101 Tips to Marry the Right Person: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/101-tips-for-marrying-the-right-person/
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About the Ruth Institute
The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.
Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State and Love and Economics – It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.
To get more information or schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact media@ruthinstitute.org.