
Can We Actually Lose Our Empathy? This Expert Explains What Porn Does to the Mind

Dr. Donald Hilton is a neurosurgeon specializing in spine surgery. Dr. Hilton graduated cum laude with his medical degree from the University of Texas-Galveston. He did his surgery internship and residency in neurosurgery at the University of Tennessee. Dr. Hilton currently serves as a clinical associate professor of neurology at the University of Texas Medical School in San Antonio and is nationally recognized for developing the first tubular dilating system. This system has widely impacted surgical treatment for herniated discs, degenerative joints, and spinal stenosis. Dr. Hilton is a published author of several book chapters, peer-reviewed journals, and a book, titled He Restoreth My Soul. Dr. Donald Hilton has spoken nationally and internationally. Additionally, Dr. Hilton is venerated for his work presenting the neurological impact of pornography addiction on the brain, receiving the Guardian of the Light award in 2008. He is a member of Neurological Associates of San Antonio, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, and the American Medical Medical Association. Readings episode of The Dr. J Show featuring an interview with Erin Brewer: "I am going to be a boy, it will keep me safe&quot, Dr. Patrick Carnes’ book, Out of The Shadows: Understanding Sexual Addiction: amazon.com/gp/product/1568386214 if your loved one is a pornography user, check out Stephanie Carnes’ book, Facing Heartbreak:Steps to Recovery for Partners of Sex Addicts, amazon.com/Facing-Heartbreak-Recovery-Partners-Addicts Resources National Center on Sexual Exploitation website, endsexualexploitation.org: resources listing on pornography Your Brain on Porn, yourbrainonporn.com Fight the New Drug, fightthenewdrug.org NoFap, nofap.com Reboot Nation, rebootnation.org Support Groups S-Anon (for spouses and parents): sanon.org Codependents of Sex Addicts: cosa-recovery.org Sexaholics Anonymous: sa.org Sex Addicts Anonymous: saa-recovery.org Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous: slaafws.org

Dr. Donald Hilton is a neurosurgeon specializing in spine surgery. Dr. Hilton graduated cum laude with his medical degree from the University of Texas-Galveston.
He did his surgery internship and residency in neurosurgery at the University of Tennessee.

Dr. Hilton currently serves as a clinical associate professor of neurology at the University of Texas Medical School in San Antonio and is nationally recognized
for developing the first tubular dilating system. This system has widely impacted surgical treatment for herniated discs, degenerative joints, and
spinal stenosis. Dr. Hilton is a published author of several book chapters, peer-reviewed journals, and a book, titled He Restoreth My Soul.

Dr. Donald Hilton has spoken nationally and internationally. Additionally, Dr. Hilton is venerated for his work presenting the neurological impact of pornography
addiction on the brain, receiving the Guardian of the Light award in 2008. He is a member of Neurological Associates of San Antonio, the American Association
of Neurological Surgeons, and the American Medical Medical Association.



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