Make 2021 the Year of T-RUTH!

In this special New Year’s edition of the Dr J Show, we talk with our president, Dr Jennifer Roback Morse, and give you an invitation to make 2021
the year of T-Ruth. Dr. Morse is the founder of The Ruth Institute, an interfaith international coalition to defend the family and build a Civilization
of love. Dr. Morse was a campaign spokeswoman for California’s winning Proposition 8 campaign, defining marriage as the union of a man and a woman.
She has authored or co-authored six books and spoken around the globe. Her latest book is The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives and Why the Church was Right Along.

She earned her Ph.D. at the University of Rochester and taught economics at Yale and George Mason Universities. Dr. Morse was named one of the “Catholic
Stars of 2013,” on a list that included Pope Francis and Pope Benedict XVI. Dr. Morse and her husband are parents of an adopted child, a birth child,
a goddaughter and were foster parents for San Diego County to eight foster children. In 2015, Dr. Morse and her husband relocated to Lake Charles,
Louisiana, where the work of the Ruth Institute continues.

Dr. Morse’s books include:

  • Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village (2001)
  • Smart Sex: Finding Lifelong Love in a Hookup World (2005)
  • 101 Tips for a Happier Marriage (2013), coauthored with Betsy Kerekes
  • The Sexual Revolution and Its Victims (2015)
  • 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person (2016), coauthored with Betsy Kerekes
  • The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives and Why the Church was Right Along (2018)

MAKE 2021 THE YEAR OF T-RUTH! Be not afraid! Be encouraged by Dr J in this special episode. And be active! Dr J is calling on you! Topics include:

  • The world as we once knew it is gone, and it’s not coming back
  • We are deciding what and who we are going to be for the next 500 years
  • We must not submit to fear
  • The issue behind all the other issues is the issue of Truth
  • Defeating demoralization
  • Using military concepts, strategy and tactics in the fight against the culture of death
  • Thinking in terms of psychological warfare
  • Christians have compassion on all people, loving their enemies
  • Do something small — every little bit has a ripple effect!
  • Weapons of spiritual warfare: Wielding the power of the Church Triumphant
  • Calling on the angels
  • “Offering Up” our sufferings
  • Making 2021 the year of T-RUTH!

Action Items

  1. First and foremost, you must form small groups for prayer and study.
  2. Share one of our stories or podcasts on social media.
  3. Post a review of the Ruth Institute on Google. 
  4. Post a review of The Sexual State on its Amazon page.
  5. Write a note of encouragement to someone who may need it.
  6. Share a Survivor story with someone who needs to hear it. (see our Cloud of Witnesses project, among
  7. Send us Survivor stories that you come across.
  8. Share your own Survivor Stories.
  9. Do your part to reclaim your profession, especially if you are now retired. They can’t fire you!
  10. Educate yourself to become a more effective advocate. I have heard it said that if you study something for 30 minutes a day, you will be an expert
    in 5 years. We need more experts! Pick a topic and dive into it. We’ll get you started!

Dr J Shows:

Archbishop Vigano’s Year End Reflection: “We are not alone: a 2020 recap” at LifeSite News

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