
Natural Family Planning: Do you know what’s going on with your body?

Jackie Aguilar is an expert in the field of fertility regulation through natural means. She teaches both the Couple to Couple league and the Creighton Methods of Natural Family Planning. She is also a board member of Natural Womanhood.

Natural Family Planning

Jackie Aguilar is an expert in the field of fertility regulation through natural means. She teaches both the Couple to Couple league and the Creighton Methods of Natural Family Planning. She is also a board member of Natural Womanhood.

Jackie Aguilar Biography

Jackie graduated from Texas A&M University with a bachelors in Marketing. After an extremely frustrating experience with the birth control pill that diminished her physical attraction for her husband, she learned a natural method of fertility awareness and used it to plan, to the month, the birth of three children. Creighton charting and NaProTechnology were instrumental in helping her and her husband conceive a fourth child after months of infertility and a miscarriage.

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