Selling Hate: How The Southern Poverty Law Center Profits by Creating More Hate

Senior Editor of PJ Media, Tyler O’Neil is an author and conservative commentator. He has written for numerous publications, including Christian Post,
National Review, the Washington Free Beacon, the Daily Signal, and the Colson Center’s Breakpoint. He has appeared
on Fox News’ Tucker Carlson Tonight. He is the author of Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center.
He enjoys Indian food, board games, and talking ceaselessly about politics, religion, and culture.

Readings &amp, Resources

Action Items

  • Follow Tyler O’Neil on Twitter: @Tyler2ONeil
  • Tweet about the SPLC’s corruption using the hashtag #MakingHatePay
  • Whenever you hear or read about the SPLC or its “Hate Map,” write the editor, speak out, correct the record!
  • Write to your congressmen, big tech, and corporate america, encouraging them to stop trusting the SPLC

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