Staying Sane During Quarantine!? How to be a Happier Parent!

Betsy Kerekes is the happily married mother of three girls and a boy. She shares amusing, light-hearted stories about her husband and children at
Her first book with Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, 101 Tips for a Happier Marriage, has three foreign translations. She also wrote 101 Tips for Marrying the Right Person with Dr. Morse. She has published multiple articles, has been on numerous radio shows, and was a week-long guest on EWTN’s “Women of Grace.” She has
also done public speaking, including the annual “Parenting with Purpose” conference in Washington, D.C. Her latest book is Be A Happier Parent or Laugh Trying.
Betsy serves the Ruth Institute as online editor of our newsletter, our Facebook page, and much more.

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