Summit 2021 Awards Dinner

Come listen to our three awardees for activism this year. You can find more of their content by purchasing a virtual conference pass from this year’s Summit:

Walter B. Hoye II is both Founder and President of the Issues4Life Foundation, the California Civil Rights Foundation, Founder of the Frederick Douglass Foundation of California, co-founder and Executive Member of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition, a Board Member of The Morning Center (providing free full-service maternity care for women in urban and under-served areas), a published author (Leadership from the IN|SIDE Out), a board member of The Ruth Institute, a full-time pro-life activist, and a leadership consultant.

Katy Faust is Founder and Director of Them Before Us. She received her undergraduate degree in Political Science and Asian Studies at St. Olaf College and then received a Fulbright scholarship to Taiwan. Her fluency in Mandarin assisted her when she worked with the largest Chinese adoption agency in the world.

In 2012, Katy began writing about why marriage is a matter of social justice for kids. Her articles/interviews have appeared in USA Today, Public Discourse, LifeSite News, and The Federalist, The Daily Signal, The Eric Metaxas Show, Breakpoint, and ABC Australia. She has filed three amicus briefs supporting children’s rights and advocated on behalf of children with lawmakers in the US and abroad as well as at the United Nations.

Sharon Slater is the president of Family Watch International (FWI) and the chair of the UN Family Rights Caucus. She is a consultant to multiple UN Member States on issues of life, human sexuality, and family policy and the author of the book “Stand for the Family: A Call to Responsible Citizens Everywhere,” also known as the “Family Defense Handbook.” Sharon also serves on the board of directors of No Left Turn in Education and on the board of the Political Network for Values, a global platform and resource for legislators and politicians across the globe defending human life, marriage, family, religious freedom and conscience. Sharon co-chairs the U.S.-based Protect Child Health Coalition ( Sharon has directed multiple widely acclaimed documentaries including “The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda,” “Cultural Imperialism: The Sexual Rights Agenda,” and “Porn Pandemic: The Devastating Impact on Marriage, Children and Families.” She is currently the executive director of a series of videos on transgender issues (see at She and her husband Greg reside in Arizona and have seven children (three of whom are siblings adopted from Mozambique) and twelve grandchildren.

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