The UN Sexual Education is Insane

Sharon Slater is the president of Family Watch International (FWI) and the chair of the UN Family Rights Caucus. She is a consultant to multiple UN Member States on issues of life, human sexuality, and family policy
and the author of the book Stand for the Family: A Call to Responsible Citizens Everywhere, also known as the “Family Defense Handbook.”
Sharon also serves on the board of directors of No Left Turn in Education and on the board of the Political Network for Values, a global platform and
resource for legislators and politicians across the globe defending human life, marriage, family, religious freedom and conscience. Sharon co-chairs
the U.S.-based Protect Child Health Coalition ( Sharon has directed
multiple widely acclaimed documentaries including “The War on Children: The Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda,” “Cultural Imperialism: The Sexual
Rights Agenda,” and “Porn Pandemic: The Devastating Impact on Marriage, Children and Families.” She is currently the executive director of a series of videos on transgender issues (see at familywatch.or g/transgenderissues/). She and her husband Greg reside in Arizona and have
seven children (three of whom are siblings adopted from Mozambique) and twelve grandchildren.



Sharon Slater [00:00] They start with newborns to four years old, and they teach them that they can touch their body parts for sexual
pleasure. They teach them about their sexual identities to confuse them about their gender. At age nine they’re teaching about orgasm. *cut* Planned
parenthood is behind the scenes writing a lot of this stuff for the world health organization for U.N. agencies because C.S.E. or Comprehensive
Sexuality Education is a marketing tool to get kids into their clinics.

Dr. Morse [00:28] Yeah.

Sharon Slater [00:29] Because once they’re sexualized what do they need? Condoms, contraceptives, abortions. Now they’re doing transgender
hormones. Planned Parenthood Federation of America says they’re the second largest provider of these expensive harmful toxic cross-sex hormones.

Dr. Morse [00:45] Yeah.


Dr. Morse [00:56] Hi everyone I’m Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse founder and president of the Ruth Institute. Welcome to today’s episode
of the Dr. J Show. My guest today is Sharon Slater, and Sharon is involved in so many pro family organizations I can’t keep track of all of them,
and so I’m gonna just waste no time to introduce you to Sharon Slater, and Sharon tell people one or two of the organizations that you’re involved
in in defending the family.

Sharon Slater [01:25] Thank you. Well first of all Dr. J, I’m so honored to be on your show. You bring on very interesting guests
and with important information and I’m honored to be among them. So, well, first and foremost I’m the president of Family Watch International which
is a non-religious social science based organization we’re accredited at the U.N. and we work to protect the family. I also chair the U.N. Family
Rights Caucus and I co-chair a national coalition that works to protect children from premature sexualization called the Protect Child Health Coalition.
That’s a few-

Dr. Morse [02:04] That’s wonderful, that’s stupendous. So is- there’s probably a story about how you became so passionate about family
issues. Tell people how you got involved in this area.

Sharon Slater [02:13] Sure, well, when I put my youngest in kindergarten I was trying to figure out what I was going to do with my
life and I found myself at a United Nations conference and I had never been politically active, involved, I’m embarrassed to say, not even into
the P.T.A. or anything. And I was asked to monitor what was going on inside U.N. negotiations and mark down on my paper anything positive in support
of life or family and my paper remained blank. The things I heard were just crazy, and I thought, “does anybody know what’s even being discussed
here?” And then a lone delegate raised her hand and said let’s put a provision in here calling for protection of religious and cultural values,
and you would have thought that she had done the most controversial thing possible. Everybody stopped: they started attacking her and she was floundering
and she was losing her point and at that point I started shaking because I had the very citation she needed to support her argument, that is, citations
from past U.N. documents that nations had agreed to that called for protection of religious and cultural values. So, I made my way up behind her
and I stuck it on her lap. The page was turned to the right provision, and all of a sudden she looked down she saw the citation, she raised her
hand, she read them off, and she won the argument. And the room was silent, and she asked for a break, and she pulled me out in the hallway and
she said, “who are you?”

Dr. Morse [03:40] *laughter* And how did you answer at that point: “who are you?”

Sharon Slater [03:46] I was a mom! That I was a mom that happened to be at the right place at the right time with the right tool to
impact international negotiations that could impact families across the world. That thought astounded me, if I could stumble in there and not know
anything, what could happen if I started to learn, if I brought other people to the U.N. who are smarter than me and had more background? And that
began my journey over 20 years ago with Family Watch International.

Dr. Morse [04:13] So what year was that- would you- when you had that experience there as a Mom?

Sharon Slater [04:18] February of 2000.

Dr. Morse [04:21] Wow, so the new millennium kicks off with Sharon Slater out of the gate. Look out everybody! And so one of the issues
that- I know you for two things, Sharon, when I think Sharon Slater I think U.N., you know that you go to the U.N. and you bring other people with
you. If i’m not mistaken don’t you train other moms and and various people to come with you?

Sharon Slater [04:41] Correct, we train youth, grandparents, moms, but also lawyers, and doctors, and nurses, and teachers, and people
of all different countries, backgrounds, cultures, and we bring them to the U.N. to advocate for life and family.

Dr. Morse [04:54] That’s just stupendous- so that- and God bless you a thousand times, because I would have no aptitude for that whatsoever;
I would be-

Sharon Slater [05:02] I doubt that! I am certain we’re gonna take you, Jennifer, you would do awesome. We need to bring you there
as a speaker. Yes, yes, yes, you would be great!

Dr. Morse [05:13] Oh, the legislation negotiations. Oh no, just, “here’s what it is!”

Sharon Slater [05:18] We could put on an event on survivors of the sexual revolution and you would be awesome!

Dr. Morse [05:24] Okay, all right, but now, but the second issue that I know you for, and I think Sharon Slater, I think U.N., and
then I also think Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Tell people a little bit about your work in that area because there is some overlap in some
of this U.N. stuff, but this is in everybody’s neighborhood across the United States, so say a little bit about your work on comprehensive sex

Sharon Slater [05:48] Sure, well something you may not know about me is we adopted three AIDS orphans from Mozambique. They were siblings:
Luisha, Melia, and Alfonso, and it took about six years for us to adopt them so I’d go back and forth between here in Africa working on the adoption,
and one day I was there and my 10 year old, Amelia, who I eventually adopted, came home with a little booklet. And in that booklet, it had graphic
descriptions on how to engage in anal and oral sex and use protection. And I was shocked, I’m like “who in their right mind would give this to
a 10 year old?” Then I started noticing, and I would travel to other African countries when I would come to Mozambique, that there were all these
posters and all these different messaging that was going into Africa where AIDS rates are so high, just telling children “have sex it’s fun but
just use a condom” and “all the reasons why you might want to have sex” and just sexualizing children. And then I came home and I found some of
this in my own child’s school, at high school, and I’m like “What, what is going on?” And I learned that there was something called Comprehensive
Sexuality Education and this was- my journey began in 2002. Then when U was at the United Nations, at the U.N. Commission on Population and Development,
all of a sudden a country proposes Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the document, and it had never been in any of the U.N. documents before.
Whenever new language comes forward you know there’s going to be a problem, so I started researching and researching and I found this huge agenda
attached to it and I’ve devoted my life now to exposing it across the world and equipping people with tools and through various projects and websites
that we have to stop Comprehensive Sexuality Education from sexualizing children.

Dr. Morse [07:35] This is an issue that I’ve never really dealt with myself that much, and at the Ruth Institute we don’t deal with
it that much. But, I know when I wrote The Sexual State, and you know really explaining how the sexual revolution goes, and so on- I have
in here a manifesto for the family, and the very first thing in the manifesto is get rid of sex ed, because in my view, the way I look at it, it’s
just all propaganda. It’s propaganda for the sexual revolution. It’s normalizing the ideology and it’s sexualizing the children. And so you come
at it from the sexualizing the children aspect, and I come at it from the normalizing ideology and we’re both like agh make this stop, you know,
get rid of it. And you, I think most of our followers, a lot of our followers, would be surprised at how widespread this type of material is in
schools here in the United States. Tell people a little bit about some of the things you’ve seen in U.S. schools.

Sharon Slater [08:33] Sure, first let me just say that you’re exactly right. It’s not just sex, it’s ideology, it’s gender ideology,
transgender ideology. We’ve identified 15 harmful elements that are usually found in Comprehensive Sexuality Education programs, and you can get
that list, we have a website at, but what we found is this is a global agenda, and Planned Parenthood, starting with International
Planned Parenthood, that has 65,000 service points and 170 countries, is largely behind this agenda, and they’ve infiltrated all the U.N. agencies,
or pushing it across the world especially in Africa. But their largest affiliate is in the United States and their member organization is called
Planned Parenthood Federation of America, and they have almost a monopoly on sex education in the U.S. They’re the largest provider, and they’ve
been getting over a hundred million dollars- well maybe not them specifically, but a lot of their member organizations- a lot of the money that’s
coming through congress for teen pregnancy prevention, and they have all these horrible programs. Most of them have scored anywhere from 12 to
15 on our harmful analysis as far as the harmful elements. Do you want me to give you one example? For example, a popular program that’s taught
in many states including in Arizona-

Dr. Morse [09:54] Yes, give people some specifics. And by the way, if you’re listening to this in your car and you have small children
in the back, you might want to postpone listening until- this is not for young years.

Sharon Slater [10:07] It’s not appropriate for children, but the specific manual I’m going to tell you about is for children starting
at age 12.

Dr. Morse [10:14] Okay, so yeah, I’m going to jump in here because the Ruth Institute did make a comment about a program being taught
being voted on in Washington state and I’m sure you know this-

Sharon Slater [10:24] Yes.

Dr. Morse [10:25] This story not long ago: Washington state voted for a new curriculum, and the proceedings in on C-SPAN, they put
a warning label “Warning-

Sharon Slater [10:35] Isn’t that crazy? Warning for adults right?

Dr. Morse [10:38] mature content”, perhaps disturbing content, when they were debating on it. And what they were voting on is whether
to put this in children- in schools for children- so some of the content, yes, is very disturbing so anyway with that-

Sharon Slater [10:50] And they voted for it even though it was too graphic to show adults, right?

Dr. Morse [10:54] No kidding!

Sharon Slater [10:55] That’s how crazy it is.

Dr. Morse [10:57] It is completely nuts, completely. Carry on, Sharon. Tell people about it. People need to know.

Sharon Slater [11:02] One of the very popular programs that’s being taught by Planned Parenthood entities, or similar entities in
U.S. schools, also in Arizona, is called Making a Difference. Making a Difference has a worksheet that they do with the kids. At the top of the
worksheet it says, “What is abstinence: how do I express my sexual feelings?” and it tells the teacher to elicit as many of the following responses
as possible. And, in that list, it has things like holding hands, saying I like you, touching each other’s genitals, anal sex, oral sex. This is
how you express your sexual feelings for 12 year olds as part of abstinence. I mean it doesn’t doesn’t make any sense so-

Dr. Morse [11:42] Yes.

Sharon Slater [11:43] They’re redefining abstinence, and again, this comes from Planned Parenthood because the U.N.published something
called the International Technical Guidance on Sexuality Education in 2018 and it redefines abstinence as saying abstinence is not just refraining
from having sex, it’s also deciding with whom you’re going to have sex and when. That’s abstinence.

Dr. Morse [12:07] Yep.

Sharon Slater [12:08] It also teaches children about sexual pleasure, how to get, you know, sexual stimulation, to get sexual pleasure.
Many of these programs push masturbation, and Planned Parenthood has a number of programs that push gender ideology. So at the root of these programs,
the the end goal is they’re trying to change all the gender and sexual norms of society in radical ways by indoctrinating the upcoming generation
and sexualizing them.

Dr. Morse [12:37] Yes, and for those of you who are hoping that we’re going to make progress in this area by having children and raising
our children correctly, you need to understand that the sexual revolutionaries are coming for your children. They really, literally, are first
of all: most of those people don’t have and raise large numbers of children. They’re doing good to replace themselves if they have one child, they’re
doing great. Somebody like Sharon, who has seven children, the way they’re going to compete with somebody like Sharon is to educate her children
out of her values and into their values so everybody watching this program, whether you’re a parent, grandparent, wherever you may be in the whole
process, wherever your family may be, you need to get involved, because I guarantee you this is in a school near you. Continue sharing, there’s
more great stuff. Great stuff, you know what I mean, there’s more shocking stuff. Go ahead.

Sharon Slater [13:31] One of the other- one of the most disturbing things I came across was I was at the United Nations and I saw
on the schedule that there was an event being hosted by the Girl Scouts the of the U.S.A., and I thought “whoa what are they doing at the U.N.?”
You know, “what controversial things might I find here?” I went and they wouldn’t let me come in. They said it was for children only under the
age of 18. So, I waited-

Dr. Morse [13:52] What?!

Sharon Slater [13:53] Yeah that’s what they told me. So, I waited until it was over and I thought i’m going to see what materials
they’re handing out, and I went there and I just happened to have the booklet I found: it’s called “Healthy, Happy and Hot.” There was a huge stack
of these, by the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and I was astounded when I opened it up and I learned that this is for hiv-infected
youth. And it’s to teach them about their rights to sexual pleasure and how to get sexual pleasure even though they’re infected with hiv. But,
the worst thing about this, is it tells children that they’re, if they’re infected with hiv, that it’s a violation of their international human
rights to have to disclose their hiv status to their sexual partners- they don’t have to tell their sexual partners they’re infected with hiv-
and this was in the Girl Scout meeting.

Dr. Morse [14:45] Wow, well. So that is so disturbing on so many levels. I wish I could write it down fast enough. Number one: when
adults want to talk to your child about sex without you present, I think you should have red flags going off that this is a form of sexual grooming,
okay? I have had any number of concerned parents ask me that. “Dr. Morse this looks like grooming to me there, it’s like they’re softening the
kids up to say yes to people and things they should not be saying yes to, and (things) they wouldn’t ordinarily say yes to.” So do you agree with
that- that this is grooming?

Sharon Slater [15:18] Absolutely.There’s a book that we can’t even show you called, It’s Perfectly Normal. It’s in many school
libraries across the United States and it’s endorsed by Planned Parenthood in the foreword, and so forth, and actually shows, although it’s cartoon,
it’s very very realistic showing different children in different sex positions masturbating. I mean this stuff is graphic and it’s very, very harmful-
it’s obscene materials for minors.

Dr. Morse [15:45] And the other aspect of this, is that I don’t think it’s technically correct what they’re saying it’s a violation
of international law to be forced to tell your sex partner. I don’t think that’s true as a matter of law.

Sharon Slater [16:00] Yeah, that’s just-

Dr. Morse [16:01] Do you know? Do you know?

Sharon Slater [16:02] Well, it’s not true. It’s absolutely false.

Dr. Morse [16:04] That’s the point. That’s the point. But, there’s- they’re talking about it as though it’s true. They call- they
label it an international human right-

Sharon Slater [16:11] Right.

Dr. Morse [16:12] As if it’s true, but it isn’t true, so you know, basically, they’re, they’re- what do we call that? Do we call it
a flat out lie? Do we call it misleading? Do we call it disinformation? You know, but it’s un-truth is what they’re doing.

Sharon Slater [16:24] It’s all the above. They’re promoting human wrongs as human rights. And another disturbing point of information
is that the World Health Organization, which is supposed to set the health standards for the whole world, is behind this agenda. They’ve established
a guideline for sexuality education in Europe, and in this publication you can find it online we also have it on our website at, they
tell children, they start with newborns to four years old, and they teach them that they can touch their body parts for sexual pleasure. They teach
them about their sexual identities to confuse them about their gender. At age nine, they’re teaching about orgasm. But even more disturbing, at
age nine they send them to International Planned Parenthood Federation to learn about their sexual rights so-

Dr. Morse [17:13] Wow.

Sharon Slater [17:14] Planned Parenthood is behind the scenes writing a lot of this stuff for the World Health Organization, for U.N.
agencies, because C.S.E., or Comprehensive Sexuality Education, is a marketing tool to get kids into their clinics because once they’re sexualized
what do they need? Condoms, contraceptive,s abortions, now they’re doing transgender hormones. Planned Parenthood Federation of America says they’re
the second largest provider of these expensive, harmful, toxic cross-sex hormones- it’s, it’s just unconscionable.

Dr. Morse [17:47] Yes, and the other thing that I’ve noticed, some time ago, I noticed this. And this is like, I think like the ground
floor underlying ideology under all of this, is that every person has the right to a sex life. What do they say? A satisfying sex life. Okay, so
now, if you look at that and you ask yourself, “okay if everybody has a right to a satisfying sex life who’s required to provide that?” you know
“is it somebody’s job to make sure you have a satisfying sex life?” So, you know, right there this is different from other kinds of rights: this
is not like a right to vote, or right to a jury trial, or, you know, right habeas corpus, you know, this is a different kind of right that we’re
talking about. And it- once you start to analyze it- you realize that it is propaganda for a particular view about human nature, or a particular
view about the human person. And what makes people happy, you know, ultimately what is life all about, you know, so if if everybody has a right
to a satisfying sex life, and we’re not going to mention who is responsible for tha, who’s empowered by that. Sharon, what do you think? Who is
empowered who’s better off if ever-

Sharon Slater [18:58] Pedophiles, and perhaps, you know, perpetrators. They’re the ones that are empowered by this, not children!
We know the children who have sexual contact, and this is according to the C.D.C. they do their um adolescent surveys that they do, children in
the U.S. for example that have had sexual contact are going to have more sexual violence, more stds, more depression, more suicide, almost everything
that you can measure, more alcoholism, you know. This sets them up for failure, harm, and medical, and mental health consequences so they are the
losers in all of this.

Dr. Morse [19:33] Right, and not only that. If you think about child sexual abuse- this is something the Ruth Institute has gotten
interested in in the last couple of years because we felt compelled to get involved with the Catholic clergy sexual abuse crisis, and we’ve done
some important analysis of it- and so on and so forth. When you talk to the people who survive that kind of thing it really is a traumatic experience
for them and if the general ethos of society is everybody’s entitled then who’s empowered by that? The child is disarmed, the vulnerable party
is disarmed by the ideology, and the predator now has a nice new big shiny tool in his tool bag. Well, of course, you want to be sex positive now
don’t you you? Don’t you? Don’t want to be uptight. You don’t want to be a prude now. Oh, and don’t tell your parents. Of course Planned Parenthood
and these type of sex ed programs have already primed them to not tell their parents anything. Right?

Sharon Slater [20:33] Right. They define the term barriers as any kind of laws that require parental consent for either services,
or sex, and so forth. And so they’re working- you know we fight at the United Nations day in and day out. Right now, at the U.N. Commission on
the Status of Women, there’s a battle going on- there are six references to Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the document being negotiated
called “agreed conclusions”, and we rally nations to fight it, and they keep saying, “no, no, no!” And the European countries, and now the U.S.
under the Biden administration, or in Canada, and you know the developed countries, are all pushing it, and it’s just a big fight day in and day
out. And we usually get the term out, but then they use other deceptive terminology or they interpret other innocent sounding terms in the document
to include it so that the U.N. agencies can have a mandate to push it anyways in countries across the world.

Dr. Morse [21:27] And not only that, if you look at the power imbalance between a country like Mozambique, or a country like Uganda-
which I have visited and have seen the same kind of things that you were talking about: the sort of relentless propaganda, you know, and the parroting
of these phrases, these catchphrases, which obviously came from somewhere else- if you look at the power imbalance between them and the United
States- and we have all this money to dole out, and they know, and we know, and everybody knows if you think about it- that the money is conditioned
on whether you’re going to accept this: except western sexual norms. You know? And so it’s a kind of cultural- it’s cultural colonialism, it’s
imperialism, it’s ideological imperialism. That’s what it is

Sharon Slater [22:13] Exactly. We actually- I directed a documentary, it’s called “Cultural Imperialism: the Sexual Rights Agenda”
and in that you hear testimonies of various U.N. diplomats saying they threatened us with taking away our foreign aid unless we would implement
Comprehensive Sexuality Education. And that documentary you can find in our website in the videos section at

Dr. Morse [22:36] Do you know, not long ago, I was looking at statistics from the Philippines- looking at U.S.A.I.D. money to the
Philippines- and this was almost 10 years ago now, this particular number, but it’s like 20 million dollars for Family Planning and 1 million dollars
for clean drinking water.

Sharon Slater [22:53] Yeah it’s absurd. And the Africans are speaking up. They’re saying we don’t need more condoms, that’s the last
thing we need. We need to clean water. We need food, we need shelter. But this is what the western world pushes as foreign aid, you know. Contraceptives,

Dr. Morse [23:11] And don’t you just have to wonder where are all these people who position themselves as champions of the poor and
downtrodden- as opponents of colonialism- where are they when you need them? You know? Because this is the worst kind of wiping out somebody’s
culture with these measures that have not really done us any good, you know, that have really harmed us. And now we’re going to export it all over
the world. I- I- it’s- it’s- it’s- really something.

Sharon Slater [23:39] Well- and let’s talk about the Trump administration, and the end of that, and the beginning of the Biden administration.

Dr. Morse [23:44] Sure, sure, let’s- please do! Let’s talk about that record.

Sharon Slater [23:47] We’ve worked at the United Nations under various, you know, administrations in the White House, and there is
a huge difference of what happens at the United Nations and what happens across the world with billions of foreign aid and because of the policies.
So under Clinton, under Obama, you had the U.S. championing Comprehensive Sexuality Education sexual rights for kids, opposing any references to
parental rights or um religious or cultural values protections. And then overnight, when trump came in, that changed. I was honored to be invited
to the White House, and I didn’t meet with president Trump, but my number one goal when I went there was to show the Trump administration that
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is the number one tool to push abortion across the world. That’s one of the 15 harmful elements: it indoctrinates
kids in abortion ideology and encourages them to, you know, have sex and then get abortions. And one of our greatest accomplishments was to convince,
in that one meeting, the Trump administration to reverse their support for Comprehensive Sexuality Education and then they started becoming the
number one champion on the U.N. floor to stop Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Now that has just absolutely reversed under the Biden administration.
Now we have the U.S. aggressively pushing it right now at U.N. Headquarters, at the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women, so who’s in the White
House makes a huge difference on the protection of children.

Dr. Morse [25:20] That’s really important information, and I think a lot of people don’t realize just how quickly that whole thing
turned on a dime. Like you said, just overnight it had all changed. And when you think about our image overseas, as Americans, what is it that
we want to export? Is that- is this really what we want to export? Is this really what we want to be known for around the world? There are two
different things I’d like to be sure we talk about: one is I’d like you to talk about the program that you have for training ordinary folks to
go to the U.N. and be part of this process, you know- say somebody’s watching this now and they are a recently empty nester and they’re trying
to figure out what to do with themselves they, you know, their children have left home they don’t have any grandchildren yet and they’re passionate
they got a fire in the belly about these type of issues what would you say to that woman to that newly retired guy- what what can they do how would
they get involved with you and what you’re doing?

Sharon Slater [26:20] Sure. One of the first things they need to do is get educated on the issues and we have lots of resources for
that. We just started a series of webinars that are all going to be folded into our Family Watch University where you can actually get a certificate,
but we’ve done webinars on each of the U.N. agencies and how they’re pushing all these radical agendas. Today, this morning, I just did the fourth
out of the series on the International Planned Parenthood Federation. Today was the first of two parts: that’s how they’re sexualizing children
through their U.S. affiliate, and we’ll be doing all sorts of ones on international law and protection of the family, and the youth radicalization
and mobilization, and so forth, and so on. All of those webinars are recorded, so we strongly encourage people to go start getting educated. Watch
those, look at our policy briefs, watch our videos. We have a series of transgender issues videos that we’re about to release on puberty blockers,
and suicide, and cross-sex hormones, and causes, and just a wealth of material, so I would start studying. And then sign up for our newsletter
so that when we need help at the United Nations, and we send out an alert, and we say hey everybody there’s a U.N. conference we need volunteers
they can now with some education behind you, because you’ve watched the videos you’ve read the materials maybe you’ve read our newsletters, you’ll
be prepared to join our team. Right now we have 168 people that joined our team because the U.N. went virtual for the conference that’s going on
right now, and so we were able to do virtual trainings with all these people, and then now we’re going to be asking them to lobby their own governments,
you know, on the issues taken in the negotiations right now. But we would love as many people who are listening to us to get involved with us in
a number of ways.

Dr. Morse [28:10] Yep! That sounds great. Now, before COVID, you actually had people going to the U.N. isn’t that right?

Sharon Slater [28:17] Yes. So when there is not COVID we can bring up to 20 people. So we do an application process. We send an email
out through our newsletter, which is free, you can sign up for When there’s U.N. events where we need volunteers, and you don’t
have to have special certification or background or professional background, we want moms dads, especially youth. We have a big push for youth
because Planned Parenthood brings all of their youth, and we prepare you through materials and training calls andalso on the ground training at
the United Nations to lobby and advocate for life and family.

Dr. Morse [28:53] That sounds tremendous. And when you are there you guys are like a registered non-governmental organization. You’re
a registered N.G.O. at the U.N. And how do those kind of N.G.O.’s interact with the sovereign states and diplomats and things like that?

Sharon Slater [29:10] Sure. Well we’ve been lucky over the 20 years to develop really close relationships with a number of governments
and they’re mostly from African countries, Islamic countries, you know the Holy See is very active and very effective at the U.N. A number- a few
of the european countries. Brazil, right now, we have that’s very much pro-family and pro-life. So we provide talking points for them suggestions
on the documents we do analysis and then we have our volunteers lobby. We put on events that are themed around issues that are going to be debated
in the negotiations- and education- so there’s a number of ways we go about it.

Dr. Morse [29:51] I see. I see that because this is just not familiar to me at all and probably to a lot of our people won’t be familiar
with how that works, but that’s how an ordinary person can get involved and make a difference at the global level, so that’s tremendous. Let’s
talk now about Comprehensive Sexuality Education at the local level. Let’s leave the globe behind and let’s go right into your own backyard. If
somebody goes and starts poking around in their local school district what are they likely to find and what can they do about it?

Sharon Slater [30:21] Thank you. They’re likely to find some very objectionable materials, and we can actually help you find what’s
in your state. So I mentioned that I’m the co-chair of the Protect Child Health Coalition, which is a few hundred people in various different states
working to stop CSC in their local schools, in their districts, and at the state level. So if you go to our website at protect child health dot
org, you can click on our USA map, and if you click on your state you’ll get a state profile. It’ll give you the laws related to sex ed, including
age of consent laws, you know, what what’s being mandated. And it will also tell you which programs and which organizations have received federal
funding for CSE. And if you click on the program it’ll take you to our analysis of the CSE programs that have been funded in your state, and you
will immediately have the exact quotes that are being taught to children at different ages. And so these excerpts have been used very effectively
by moms and dads who find these teachings in their schools. They go to the school board meetings, we train them what to do. If you go to
we have a defender’s toolkit, and the first tool- there is an action plan and it gives you a step-by-step plan what to do when you find objectionable
material, or if you’re trying to pass a law, or stop a bad law from being pushed because Planned Parenthood is working to change all the laws in
favor of their agenda, so we also need to work on laws and policies at the state level, at the district, and sometimes even at the school level.
But, we have step-by-step tools and instructions to help you get Comprehensive Sexuality Education out of your school, your district, or your state.

Dr. Morse [32:10] So tell us some of your favorite success stories with this type of campaign, locally organized using your materials.

Sharon Slater [32:18] Thank you. So I’ll do one in Africa and one in my own state of Arizona so-

Dr. Morse [32:34] Okay.

Sharon Slater [32:35] Our number one tool for exposing and stopping Comprehensive Sexuality Education I haven’t even told you about
it’s called-

Dr. Morse [32:31] Okay

Sharon Slater [32:32] “The War on Children: the Comprehensive Sexuality Education Agenda” and it’s a documentary and you can find
a movie.

Dr. Morse [32:40] It’s a movie! I’ve seen this movie. I know it. Again, it’s a good movie. Yes, yes.

Sharon Slater [32:44] and we have used that in Uganda. For example, somebody got a hold of it and they posted it on the inter-parliamentary
network for all the parliamentarians. And in that documentary, when we talk about Africa, we talk about a program called The World Starts with
Me which has terrible, you know, things in it for children, and we said it’s in Uganda, and they’re like no it’s not in Uganda we’re gonna check,
so they went and they found it I don’t remember how many schools they found in a lot of schools and they were mad. They were so mad, they were
so mad that they passed a law outlawing Comprehensive Sexuality Education in the country of Uganda- so now it’s illegal now. Planned Parenthood
and their U.N. partners, they have none of this, so they’ve done a lawsuit that’s been going on for a few years. Hopefully we’ll win that lawsuit,
but they’re trying to strike that law down. They’ve tried to create a framework through the Ministry of Education. We were able to show the bad
parts and get those out of it, so it’s like step-by-step battles where you have to constantly help these countries, even on the ground. So we now
have a director in Africa, and a policy expert in Africa, and we’re working in different African countries to help raise the opposition and we’ve
been very effective in a number of countries in Africa.

Dr. Morse [34:01] So hold on. Before we go to arizona, okay, let’s finish up on Africa here, because a few months ago I interviewed
a doctor from Kenya and he was describing how the foreign aid agencies weasel- there’s no other word for it- how these people weasel their way
into the deliberations of a sovereign country. So I just want to highlight what Sharon just said everybody, okay, so listen up Ruthie’s, what she
just said was: this is a sovereign nation that made a legal decision a legally binding legitimate decision about how they want to run their country
and the international community, the international power brokers, zoomed in and are legally harassing them. It’s “lawfare”- what they’re doing
is “lawfare”- they’re using the instruments of law for a lawless purpose, you know, which is to inflict this stuff on people. And then they’re
putting their little moles into the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, and all these places and it doesn’t take much to corrupt people.
And, you know, if it doesn’t, I say corrupt, but it’s not clear if it’s corruption or they’ve really convinced people that this is a good thing.
But the point is, when they, when we have so much money and they have so little and you promise them we’ll give you this, and this, and this, if
you will implement this program, or we will help you get advanced in your career if you do this, and this, and this, and if you don’t we’re going
to be opposing you- when you’ve got that kind of pressure being applied it is no longer anything like self-government, people, it’s just not. And
this is what we the champions of freedom are doing in the third world? All right, so-

Sharon Slater [35:43] Let me just add to that that’s exactly right, but it’s not even just through money, and bribery, and blackmailing,
which they do do, it’s also through deception. A lot of our work is just exposing what’s in the programs that the governments themselves have agreed
to that don’t even know that that’s part of it, because they’ve used deceptive wording to get it approved. So, again, the number one way we stop
Comprehensive Sexuality Education is simply exposing the content, you expose the content in African countries, they go nuts. This is against their
values, against everything that they want for their children.

Dr. Morse [36:20] And, you know, I noticed in the slideshow that you showed me, a chart which talks about, which shows a whole list
of these programs. As we segue into America now- we’re going to talk about Arizona in a minute- but the same point applies. It’s got a whole list
of these programs and the studies that have been done. Of those programs, do these so-called abstinence programs, these so-called sex ed programs,
do they actually reduce teen pregnancy? Hmm. Do they Sharon?

Sharon Slater [36:51] No. I’m so glad you asked that question, because I have a google alert set. So google sends me, every day, any
articles written about Comprehensive Sexuality Education in Africa, and it’s so sad. Every day my heart just hurts, because I’ll see an article,
probably facilitated by Planned Parenthood in various different African countries, and they all do the same thing. They’ll pick an issue, like
they’ll say sexually transmitted diseases are high in our country, and the only answer is Comprehensive Sex Ed. Teen pregnancy, menstrual hygiene,
HIV, AIDS, violence against women, there’s not an issue that they do not write about in their newspapers and say Comprehensive Sexuality Education
is going to solve it. All the U.N. agencies say Comprehensive Sexuality Education has been proven to prevent teen pregnancy, STD’s, and so it’s
magically going to solve every problem- domestic violence. But, we commissioned a study by an independent research organization called the Institute
for Research and Evaluation, and they took all the studies that Planned Parenthood and the U.N. agencies I’ve been pointing to, and even the CDC
have been saying, these studies show the Comprehensive Sexuality Education works and abstinence doesn’t. We thought, wow, wel, we want to see that
evidence. So we had experts comb through it. Through 120 of the top vetted studies that everybody agrees are rigorous, and you know, accurate studies,
and they found the opposite. When they looked at the data, first of all, a number of the programs that were saying they had “effects”, those evaluations
were done by the program marketer or the authors of the program, not independents. Okay, but even if you took those ones into account, out of 120
studies, it showed an 87 failure rate across the world including in the U.S. In all the programs that are supposedly evidence-based, in the CDC,
in the HHS database list, they were an 80-87 percent failure rate for having any evidence of preventing teen pregnancy or STDs. And yet, these
are the evidence-based programs listed under the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program for the U.S.

Dr. Morse [39:05] I think we should call that- I think this is what we call a lie. This is what we call a lie. I mean it’s just- it’s
just blatantly untrue, the headlines versus the reality of what’s inside the study, you know? I’ve been seeing this in the various areas that I
do track closely, whether it’s the impact of same-sex parenting on children, or, you know, the various issues that I have been involved in. All
the time- all the time you see this glamorous headline: oh my gosh lesbians are the best parents ever! Oh my gosh, you know, and then you look
at the study, and it’s like: what’s in the study and what’s in the headline? No connection, no connection. So I’m glad you guys are doing this
in that area too. So that’s another tool that people can know, that if you have (a program) in your school you can find out. Okay, here’s what
the program is, okay, this program has been studied, let’s take a look at what those studies really say and not what the marketing company says
they say.

Sharon Slater [40:06] And you can find that online. We’ve posted on a page at sex ed, that’s sex ed report, and this is
a peer-reviewed study, and, again, looking at the same evidence that the other side looked at to claim false things, and they show you what the
evidence shows.

Dr. Morse [40:23] Right, right. So it’s people, I’m telling you Sharon’s on it, she’s all over this. Okay, so, now tell us about your
success story in Arizona, I want to hear about this.

Sharon Slater [40:31] Oh, okay. So I’m embarrassed to say I’ve been ignoring Arizona for many years, because we’ve had a very conservative
legislature, and they, you know, have taken care of making sure no bad laws get in. But about… I think it’s been about two years ago… We got
a new superintendent of schools, and somebody let me know that she put a proposal to change our sex ed laws. She wanted to remove the provision
in our sex ed laws that says you cannot teach children about abnormal deviant and sexual acts. Can you imagine? She wants that to be available
to children, and I said, “oh over my dead body is that going to happen in my state!” So, we did an emergency meeting, and we established a coalition
within two days of about 20 organizations- it’s called the Protect Arizona Children Coalition- and we said we need to go to the school board meeting,
and we need to have at least 30 people give testimonies, and we help them craft their testimonies based on all the arguments we know Planned Parenthood
make,s and we had them give their testimonies, and we won, and we stopped that law from going forward. That was a really great success, and so
we’ve taken that kind of plan and we’ve helped people in other states do the same thing.

Dr. Morse [41:44] And Sharon, do you get involved with private schools? Don’t we have a lot of the same problems in private schools?
Probably the dynamics, a little bit different, but still this objectionable material is in a lot of private schools too, isn’t it?

Sharon Slater [41:58] Yeah, unfortunately. Even the religious schools. In fact, we have an expert on as part of our coalition, her
name is Audrey Werner, and she works solely on trying to eradicate CSC programs from religious schools. Somehow, you know, even religious people
get duped by the arguments that sound so good they’ll say, “well if you don’t give the kids this, they’re gonna, you know, if they’re transgender
they’re gonna commit suicide, or they’re gonna get pregnancies, or they’re gonna, you know, die of unsafe abortions” or this or that and the other
thing. And even good people get duped into accepting that this information is true when it’s really demonstrably false, so we have to work at all
levels, but we usually work when people bring us an issue and they say “how can we solve this” and we help them solve that.

Dr. Morse [42:45] So do you have- are you organized in such a ways that you have affiliates around the country, or do you help kind
of ad hoc groups of people in different states? How are you organized, Sharon?

Sharon Slater [42:56] That’s a very good question. So we have a distribution list of about, I think it’s like 160,000 people in 170
countries, that regularly read our newsletter to understand what’s happening with all the issues, and we’ll respond to our alerts when we need
people to sign a petition, or do something, or so forth. But, we’re also involved in probably 10 different coalitions of pro-family pro-life organizations;
one for Africa, one for Latin America, one for Europe, several coalitions here in the U.S. And through those coalitions we’re able to empower and
equip other organizations that are like-minded, that need tools and information, and help, and strategies for fighting these agendas.

Dr. Morse [43:38] And so the basic strategies are the things that you have outlined on your website, which anyone can go and look
at, and you’re not worried about your opponent seeing your strategy, you’re okay with that?

Sharon Slater [43:48] Yeah. You know, we weighed the costs, you know, for a long time. We have a lot of strategies we don’t share
with anybody, you know. We hold special meetings. We don’t even tell you who comes to these meetings, and we give them, and equip them, but we
thought a certain amount of this has to be public, because people need it, and we just can’t simply reach the people that might need it. By word
of mouth, we need it to go viral. And so we have exposed a lot, but if they want to try to use our same plans have at it. A lot of it-

Dr. Morse [44:16] That’s right.

Sharon Slater [44:17] A lot of what we do is patterned after what we’ve learned Planned Parenthood does and we just counteract it.

Dr. Morse [42:23] Yes, yes, that’s very wise. So recently there was a report being crafted by an independent expert on sexual orientation
and gender identity at the United Nations, and you and a couple of other people put forth a call for organizations to respond to that, or to provide
input into it. Can you tell people a little bit about that particular situation, because this was quite- I was impressed by how quickly you guys
organized and got people involved to submit things. So tell people about that.

Sharon Slater [45:00] Sure. Well, the U.N. has a system of experts- they’ll establish experts on different human rights issues, and
unfortunately they have an independent expert on the protection against violence and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.
His name is Victor Madrigal Borlas, and his goals- he stated he’s just supposed to be protecting against, you know, violence and killings, which
we support that, but he has expanded the scope of his mandate, and he wants to decriminalize homosexual sex across the world, ban therapy for same-sex
attraction, mainstream transgenderism, and all laws and policies, and indoctrinate young children in this what we call SOGI ideology- that’s Sexual
Orientation and Gender Identity- and he recently issued a call for input. He had a list of 12 questions that he wants people to make submissions
on to help inform a report that he’s going to be giving to the U.N. Human Rights Council, and you can see in his questions what he’s looking for.
He’s seeking to mainstream gender theory, also known as queer theory, into international human rights law, he’s seeking to redefine gender in all
international law and policy to advance laws based on sexual orientation and gender identity, he’s seeking to identify obstacles to Comprehensive
Sexuality Education, because he says that CSE or Comprehensive Sex Ed is supposed to advance diverse sexual orientations and gender identities,
and then, the last thing, he’s seeking to identify people who are speaking out against gender ideology. This is very, very dangerous. So we started
a petition, and we also helped other people make submissions. So our goal was to get a hundred groups making submissions calling out this special
independent expert for the radical things he was trying to do that run against his mandate, that run against religious freedom rights, and all
sorts of things. And thank you to the Ruth Institute. I believe you’re one of the groups that responded to our call, and you made a submission.
We have multiple submissions that came in from Africa, from Europe, I believe there were some from Latin America. We haven’t counted them all up,
but this is the first time we’ve had such widespread pushback against the expert at the U.N. who’s pushing this agenda. We also drafted a petition
that you can sign online, right now we need as many people to sign it as possible, and you can go to, and then there’s a slash
SOGI- SOGI that stands for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity petition. So at SOGI petition, you can sign on and have your
voice heard, because we’ll be giving all of those signatures and that petition to all the U.N. member states, asking them to push back formally
against this report when it’s given at the United Nations.

Dr. Morse [47:59] So do you, when you do a project like this, just to kind of get this into people’s minds the strategi, your strategic
thought process, because a lot of people will have these type of questions and issues, do you really think the expert’s going to read all these

Sharon Slater [48:15] Wel, is it going to make any difference in his final report? Absolutely no. But, is it going to possibly help
us get him in big trouble? I hope so, because his report is supposed to be a compilation of all the submissions that he gets, and he’s going to
now have a very difficult time leaving out all these submissions saying, “wait a minute sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender ideology
theory pushes cross-sex hormones, and surgeries, and here’s the data, here’s how it harms children. You’re way over your mandate. You can’t unilaterally
redefine gender for the U.N. to include all these radical ideologies” and so forth, and so on, and I’m just very curious as to what his report’s
gonna look like. Is he gonna, you know, he asked, he wanted to make a “name and shame list” of everybody who’s speaking out against gender ideology?
Well, all these people are now submitting to him against gender ideology, so is he gonna put them all on his “name and shame list”? I hope so because
then we can take this to the U.N. member states who are the ones in charge of these processes, and these mandate holders, and say this is wrong.
I know that the Islamic states are upset about it. They may, as a bloc, do something. Maybe the African group will do something, and maybe, finally,
we’ll get some huge pushback in the U.N. system to stop these radical U.N. experts, that he’s just one in a long line of experts that are pushing
radical agendas that go way beyond the treaties or the issues that they’re supposed to be advancing.

Dr. Morse [49:51] And so, in effect, what you’re doing, is you’re building a record.

Sharon Slater [49:54] Yes.

Dr. Morse [49:55] You’re reading something into the record, which even if this guy ignores the record itself, can’t be ignored by
everybody indefinitely. And, if there’s somebody who does want to make a stink, they’ve got something to work with. You’re basically giving some
back, a backstop to those countries that do want to get something done.

Sharon Slater [50:13] Yes, and a second thing we’re doing is: he said he will post every single submission on his website.

Dr. Morse [50:20] I know he said that!

Sharon Slater [50:22] So yeah. So now he is advertising all these great, you know, people that sent in all this science and everything
that shows the truth with the medical facts and social science data, so people can go to that website and learn the truth through all these beautiful
submissions. And like, we give links to our transgender videos at transgender, so maybe people will find important information that
can help them cut through all the deception by going to his web page where he’s going to post these all. So we’re excited about that.

Dr. Morse [50:52] I was excited too when I saw that. When we sent in our submission, he wrote back, you know, a forum letter obviously,
you know, wrote back and said, you know, ultimately these will all be posted, and I’m like “oh well that’s okay alrighty then you know um that’s
a good thing that’s a good thing.” So we’re coming to the end of our time here, Sharon Slater, so why don’t you tell people- I give people kind
of a short list of the various projects that you’re involved in and how people can get involved- where people can find you. We’re going to put
it on the show notes, but I want to give you one last chance to kind of state completely the different kinds of options for involvement that you
offer. And we at the Ruth Institute 100% endorse people getting involved no matter how good a job we do over here doing our research, it’s not
enough. We got to have boots on the ground who can apply, and use, and get active, and get involved. So Sharon, give people your list of the things
you’re involved in and how people can be involved with you.

Sharon Slater [51:54] Sure. And I guess it depends, because there’s so many things that we need help with. But, I would start with
just going to If you sign up for our newsletter- it’s free- we’ll send out alerts. We’ll be writing commentary, and all these
things that are happening, we’ll give you news about all these issues, and that can keep you really informed. And on that website, you can also
find our family defense handbook called “Stand for the Family,” and you can order that, and it has lots of talking points, and social science database
arguments, and that can really, really equip you. So that’s number one: go to But also on that website, click on the video section
and watch our documentaries. They’re all right there. We’ve made many of them. You can watch The War on Children there, you can watch
our transgender issues videos, and so forth, and so on. But also our webinars. Click on the webinars button, go right now and register for the
next webinar which is the second part of Planned Parenthood in the United States and how they’re sexualizing and aborting children. Then, if you
really want to get involved in CSE specifically to prevent the sexualization of children in your state, or your country, or wherever you might
live, I would go to, There you can also watch The War on Children, but you can get the defender’s toolkit with
the action plan on what you can do, step by step, to stop CSC where you live. And then, finally, I would say go to, if you really want to get involved
at the national level in the US, go to That’s, and join our coalition here in the united states
and become part of the army of people working at the state and local levels to stop CSE and to protect children. Our ultimate goal is to protect
the health and innocence of children, because they’re going to form the future families of the world, and if we’re going to protect the family
as the fundamental unit of society, we must protect children. So thank you so much.

Dr. Morse [54:00] Sharon, this is a great place to stop. Sharon Slater of Family Watch International. Thank you so much for being
my guest on the Dr. J Show.

Sharon Slater [54:08] Oh, thank you. It’s been an honor! Thank you so much.


Fr. H [54:14] You’ve been listening to the Dr. J show, a production of the Ruth Institute. The Ruth Institute equips Christians to
defend the family and build a civilization of love. Check out our website at For helpful
resources and support, join us on Facebook. Our podcasts can also be found
online at

I’m Father Mark Hodges. Thank you for watching!

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