Transgender Takeover of Medicine

Dr. Quentin Van Meter on the Dr J Show, ep. 161

Dr. Quentin Van Meter, medical doctor and endocrinologist, continues his discussion on how medicine was conquered by radical transgender ideology. 

Quentin Van Meter, MD, FCP, President of the American College of Pediatricians, served 20 years in the Navy Medical Corps, including serving as Pediatric Department Chairman at the Naval Hospital in Oakland. After the Navy, he joined a multi-specialty private practice as a pediatrician. Since 2003, he has been practicing pediatric endocrinology and is actively involved in clinical research with growth hormone, novel insulins, and GnRH agonists.

Dr. Van Meter has a long history of advocacy for children through his leadership in the American Academy of Pediatrics. He grew continually frustrated by the political bent of the National AAP and has continued his advocacy role with the American College of Pediatricians as an organization that actually works for children and their families by strengthening the role of the family. He has spoken around the world on the subject of transgender children. His experience began at Johns Hopkins in the 1970’s with Dr. John Money and he has seen the travesty of continued experimentation on children evolve since then.

Dr. Van Meter gave testimony as an expert to the Florida Board of Medicine, which was undergoing a thorough investigation into the benefits of transgender “care” for minors.  Dr. Van Meter has decades of experience in the field of treating babies with ambiguous genitalia, or “intersex” deformities, and in the Dr J Show explained how these rare abnormalities occur and how to treat such conditions.  The Florida Board of Medicine held extensive hearings, listening to the sociological and scientific facts from numerable studies, experts, and people who transitioned themselves.  The hearings proved not only that there is no long-term evidence that “treatment” helps patients with gender dysphoria, but there is significant evidence that it can harm patients.  The Florida board came up with a hundred-plus page report and submitted it to the state, recommending that puberty blockers and opposite sex hormones and mastectomies and genital amputations NOT be the “standard of care” for minors.  This led to the state deciding not to include such procedures under Medicare tax funding.  It has been grossly and blatantly misreported in the media that “Florida banned gender affirmation treatment,” but NOTHING has been “banned.”  The only thing that has happened is that, following the Florida Board of Medicine’s thorough report, trans treatment for minors is not recommended as the “standard of care,” and is no longer covered by Medicare.

Part one of this episode with Dr. Quentin Van Meter:

Overview of the Florida Board of Medicine’s hearings and decision making:

Dr. Van Meter’s presentation to the Florida Board of Medicine:

Florida Medicaid Standard of Care Report:

American College of Pediatricians:

Dr. Quentin Van Meter previously on The Dr J Show:

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The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State and Love and Economics – It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.

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