
What do Therapists Think About The Priestly Sexual Abuse Crisis?

Shasha Kleinsorge, Ph.D. is a Secular Carmelite and a private practice clinical psychologist in Ann Arbor, Michigan specializing in psychodynamic therapy. Therese Cirner MA, LPC has a private practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan specializing in trauma recovery and life transitions. Karen Klein Villa, Ph.D. is a clinical neuropsychologist in private practice in Brighton, Michigan for the past 20 years. She specializes in integrating interpersonal neurobiology, psychoanalytic psychotherapy and development. Readings &amp, Resources "Clergy Sex Abuse: Why Do We Still Need to Talk About This?&quot, by Sasha Kleinsorge, Therese Cirner, and Karen Klein Villa Dr Morse after Hurricane Laura, on trauma (Facebook video) for Catholic therapists: Catholic Therapists’ Forum Facebook group For laypeople and clergy to interface / dialogue with victim support groups: Spirit Fire at spiritfirelive.wordpress.com highly recommended: documentary Betrayal: Abuse in the Catholic Church (The Fifth Estate) on YouTube

Shasha Kleinsorge, Ph.D. is a Secular Carmelite and a private practice clinical psychologist in Ann Arbor, Michigan specializing in psychodynamic therapy.

Therese Cirner MA, LPC has a private practice in Ann Arbor, Michigan specializing in trauma recovery and life transitions.

Karen Klein Villa, Ph.D. is a clinical neuropsychologist in private practice in Brighton, Michigan for the past 20 years. She specializes in integrating
interpersonal neurobiology, psychoanalytic psychotherapy and development.

Readings &amp, Resources

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