What Happens When We Start Disrespecting Family?

Louisiana priest Father Shenan J. Boquet travels around the world spreading the Gospel of Life as president of Human Life International. Having journeyed
over a million miles to more than 87 countries, Father Boquet has given numerous talks at conferences and symposia in the United States and around
the world on issues ranging from the dignity of the human person and the nature of marriage to social justice and moral theology.

Father Boquet has appeared on EWTN television and radio shows, Catholic Answers Live, Ave Maria Radio, Vatican Radio, as well as a number of
local Catholic radio programs in the U.S. and in other international media outlets. His writings have appeared in numerous publications such as: LifeSiteNews,
LifeNews, Catholic Exchange, CNSNews, Catholic Lane, Catholic Online, Crux, Legatus, and The Wanderer. Father Boquet’s weekly newsletter, “Spirit and
Life,” goes online Mondays at ww.HLI.org.

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