Donate to the Summit

Donate to the Summit

Can't attend but still want to support the summit?

want to support the Summit?

The Sexual Revolutionaries have captured the government and the media. Our kids are being seduced away from us and our values.

It’s time for good people like you to fight back! By supporting the Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, you can be a part of that fight!

Your generous donation of $50, $100, $250, or more enables us to continue the fight.

Able to contribute more and want to be recognized on the big screen during the Summit and in the Summit program? Consider these levels:

Ø   $1,000 Summit Angel helps cover transportation and lodging for one Emerging Leader!

Ø   $3,000 Plenary Patron covers transportation, lodging, and honorarium for one plenary speaker!

Ø   $5,000 Panel Patron covers transportation, lodging, and honorarium for three panelists!

Ø   $500 Table Sponsor helps cover the cost for a table of eight!


© 2025 Ruth Institute

Society needs these truths. Help us!

Society needs these truths. Help us!