
Friday 6/24

Core Training

8:30 am: “Understanding the Sexual Revolution and Confronting the Sexual State,” Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Founder and President, The Ruth Institute


9:45 – 10:15 am: Networking and Snacks


10:15 am: “Counting the Casualties of the Sexual Revolution,” Fr. Paul Sullins, Senior Research Associate, The Ruth Institute


11:30 am – 12:30 pm: Lunch


12:30 pm: “The Medical Costs of the Sexual Revolution,” Dr. Quentin Van Meter, President, American College of Pediatricians


1:45 – 2:15 pm: Networking and Snacks


2:15 pm: “Demographic Winter and the Future of Freedom and Family,” Don Feder, Communications Director and Coalitions Director, The Ruth Institute


3:30 pm: Core Training Ends


Awards Banquet

5:30 pm: Doors Open

6:00 pm: Banquet Begins

7:00 pm: Awards Ceremony

Activists of the Year: Maria Keffler, Erin Brewer, Co-founders of Advocates Protecting Children

Scholar of the Year: Dr. Scott Yenor: Outstanding Research in Political Philosophy

Witness of the Year: Walt Heyer: Thriving and Surviving after the Trans Ideology

Pro-Life Leadership Award: Kristan Hawkins: Outstanding Contributions to the Pro-Life Cause

Keynote Speech by Kristan Hawkins, President of Students for Life of America

Saturday 6/25

Summit Day 2

8:00 am: Doors open, Continental Breakfast

8:30 am: Welcoming Remarks and Opening Prayer


8:45 am: “Defend Your Values Like a Pro: A 15-Minute Defense of Traditional Christian Sexual Ethics,” Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse


9:00 am: Table Talk – What questions do you want answered?

Part I: Learning from the Past

9:15 am: The Mistakes of Modern Political Philosophy and Why they Matter,” Dr. Scott Yenor


10:00 am: Snack and Networking Break 


10:15 am: Panel – Learning from the Past

Arnold Culbreath – Defending Life with Dr. Jack Willke

Jim Garlow – Defending Marriage during Prop 8

Eric Scheidler – Defending Against Lawless Litigation


11:00 am: Table Talk What questions got answered?

Part II: Confronting the Present 

11:15 am: PANEL – Defining the Sexual Revolution

 Fr. Shenan Boquet – Contraceptive Ideology

Dr. Steve Baskerville – Divorce Ideology

Katrina Zeno – Gender Ideology


12:00 pm: Q&A

12:15 pm: Lunch

1:15 pm: Walt Heyer – “Don’t Let Them Kid You: Change is Possible!”


2:00 pm: Table Talk What fears have been addressed?

Part III: Facing the Future with Hope 

2:15 pm: PANEL – Activism for the Integrity of the Body: Confronting the Trans Ideology

Erin Brewer and Maria Keffler – Advocates Protecting Children

3:00 pm: Snack and Networking Break

3:15 pm: PANEL – Change is Possible! Sexual Orientation Change Efforts: Statistical Analysis and Personal Testimony

Fr. Paul Sullins – On the Data

Charlene Cothran – Former Lesbian

Paul Darrow – Formerly Gay

4:00 pm: Table Talk – Discuss what you’ve learned so far.

4:15 pm:  PANEL – Healing the Family

Dan and Bethany Meola – Healing Adult Children of Divorce

Lori Hoye – Healing the Post-Abortive Congregation

Dr. Quentin Van Meter – Kids Need Their Parents

5:00 pm: Closing Remarks, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse

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