
Pornography is Worse than COVID-19

In the middle of the pandemic, Melea Stephens explains why Pornography is Worse than COVID-19, during the Ruth Institute Summit.

Star Parker on The Dr J Show, episode 178

In the middle of the pandemic, Melea Stephens explains why Pornography is Worse than COVID-19, during the Ruth Institute Summit.

Melea Stephens is a practicing marriage and family therapist and an activist leader against sexual exploitation in her home state of Alabama. She is a board member with the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and the founder of Rescue Innocence Movement, a nonprofit created to protect this generation of children from the harms of sexual exploitation through prevention, education, and legislation. After witnessing the detrimental effects of hardcore pornography in the lives of both children and adults she treated, Melea felt a call to raise awareness about the unacknowledged health and societal harms of this illegal material. Since 2012, Melea has organized several city and statewide events and public awareness campaigns. She frequently partners with anti-trafficking leaders to promote education and meet the needs of survivors of sexual exploitation. Through the Rescue Innocence Movement and with the help of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation and local leaders, she has been instrumental in the launch of the nation’s first emergency treatment program for pediatric survivors of sex trafficking at UAB Hospital. Melea often speaks publicly on topics such as the public health crisis of pornography and enhancing sexual intimacy within the context of Christian marriage. She was also a key leader in the recent passage of the Alabama Resolution to Declare Pornography a Public Health Crisis. Melea longs to see a day when the evil of sexual exploitation is fully extinguished by a majority in society who have grown intolerant of its immense harms and injustices. She believes that, through continued awareness, education, advocacy, and united activism, that day is close within our grasp.

Rescue Innocence Movement RImovement.org

I Don’t Love You Anymore, by Dr David Clark ~ book filled with hard-hitting truth about the mindset of a spouse in infidelity and the best way to save one’s marriage through boundaries and self-respect www.amazon.com/Dont-Love-You-Anymore-What/dp/0785265155

The Dirty Dozen List: https://endsexualexploitation.org/dirtydozen-2020

The Global Summit: https://endsexualexploitation.org/cesesummit2020

The Action Center: https://endsexualexploitation.org/actioncenter

Best resource for inoculating children from the harmful effects of pornography: www.protectyoungminds.org

Best resource for teens: https://fightthenewdrug.org/about

Resources for spouses of addicts: www.btr.org and www.lifestarnetwork.org

Non-religious platform for those seeking to break free from pornography addiction: www.rebootnation.org and Nofap.com

About the Ruth Institute

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State and Love and Economics – It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.

To get more information or schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact media@ruthinstitute.org.

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