Kenya Threatened by Cultural Colonialism in Abortion Bill

“Despite a recent poll showing 85% of Kenyan citizens
support the right to life, international NGOs are pushing a new abortion bill, which would override the will of the people,” said Ruth Institute Founder
and President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

The deceptively named Reproductive Healthcare Bill is currently before the Kenyan Parliament. Morse noted: “The Kenyan Constitution, updated in 2010,
states that ‘the life of a person begins at conception.’ It prohibits abortion except when the life or health of the mother is threatened.”

The bill not only imposes abortion on demand, but violates the conscience-rights of medical workers by providing a three-year prison sentence and a
fine of one million Kenyan shillings for those who refuse to refer a woman to an abortion provider or, in an emergency, perform the abortion themselves.

“This not only nullifies the right to life enshrined in the Kenyan Constitution, but mandates draconian punishment for medical professionals who refuse
to participate in abortions – either directly or indirectly,” Morse said.

Anne Kioko, CitizenGo Campaign Director for Africa, said
the bill goes beyond abortion. “It imposes abortion on demand, surrogacy, and sexualization of children through what they euphemistically term
‘age appropriate’ education, which also advocates homosexuality for children.”

Vincent K. Kimosop, Secretary of the Kenya Christian Professionals Forum, confirmed that, “The current version of
the bill allows minors access to contraceptives and information on sex without parental participation or responsibility.”

Morse observed: “Groups like Planned Parenthood International, Marie Stopes International and the Soros-funded Open Democracy foundations have been
relentless, both lobbying and making legalization of abortion a condition for international aid.”

Speaking at the 2019 Uganda National Youth Conference sponsored by the Kasana-Luweero Diocese, Morse stated: “The old economic colonialism attempted
to dominate the physical resources of the African continent. The new ideological imperialism attempts to dominate the soul of Africa.”

Morse concluded: “The Sexual Revolution is not native to Africa. Wealthy and powerful people and organizations have spent vast sums of money to promote
the Sexual Revolution.” These elites have “captured the use of government and international agencies to impose these ideologies around the world,
especially on traditional societies.”

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