Research By Father Paul Sullins, Ph.D.

Ruth Institute Senior Research Associate

Clergy Sex Abuse

"Is Sex Abuse in the Catholic Church related to homosexual priests?' (2018 study analyzing the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report and other data.)

This ground breaking report can also be accessed in Polish/Polski and Spanish. You can also access the background information for this study in Polish.

Receding Waves

"Receding Waves: Child Sex Abuse and Homosexual Priests since 2000," (2019 study analyzing USCCB reports, journalist reports and other data.)

Sexual Orientation Change Efforts

Sexual Orientation Change Efforts are not harmful, even when they don't change sexual orientation. (2022 study analyzing self-harm and Sexual Orientation Change Efforts Therapy)

Correcting A False Research Narrative

Sexual Orientation Change Efforts Do Not Increase Suicide. This was published in Archives of Sexual Behaviors

80% Of persons with same sex partners, changed orientation in 5 years

An analysis of of the British 2010 National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles, showing that 80% of persons who had same-sex partners more than 5 years ago, have changed sexual orientation.

The Children Are Not All Right

On December 10, Fr. Paul Sullins gave a presentation, remotely, to the conference of the International Catholic Jurists Forum meeting in Rome. He was responding to efforts by some moral theologians to revise Catholic teaching same-sex "marriage," contraception and abortion.

Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE) Conclusion & Rebuttals

Here we present the four exchanges between Fr. Sullins and others defending the conclusion that Sexual Orientation Change Efforts do not actually increase suicide and tends to decrease it, even when the efforts are non-efficacious. There are 4 exchanges, summarized in the fifth document.

2022 Presentations