
Let’s Celebrate the 8 Billionth Person!

Despite hundreds of years’ worth of prophecies of doom for planetary population, baby 8 billion represents hope for humanity.

“We should celebrate the arrival of the 8 billionth person on earth, not bemoan it,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

According to the United Nations Population Division, the world’s population will reach 8 billion around November 15.

“Get ready, the population-control crowd is about to go into overdrive,” Morse warned. “They’ll be whining about overpopulation, the depletion of resources, carbon footprints, and other nonsensical notions.”

“No one knows how many people the planet can accommodate. Thomas Malthus thought the world was overpopulated in the late 18th century when there were a billion of us. When Paul Ehrlich wrote The Population Bomb in 1968, and the earth’s population was 3.6 billion, he predicted worldwide starvation in the 1970s. It never happened. November 15 will be a repeat of overpopulation hysteria.”

“In reality, with falling fertility, the world’s population will begin to decline as early as 2050. In takes an average of 2.1 children per woman just to maintain current population. Between 1950 and 2017, worldwide fertility was cut almost in half, from 4.7 to 2.4. In Italy and Japan, the number of newborns is so small, they could disappear in the not-too-distant future.”

Elon Musk, reputed to be the world’s richest man, put it simply: “If people don’t have more children, civilization is going to crumble.”

“Each child born is not only a blessing but a precious resource,” Morse said. “Thanks to human ingenuity, we’ll always find the natural resources we need. But population is the ultimate resource that drives civilization.”

“While most of the world may fret, the Ruth Institute has plans to celebrate the arrival of baby 8 billion.” For more information on the truth and consequences of declining fertility, check out the Ruth Institute’s Demographic Winter Resource Center.

About the Ruth Institute

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State and Love and Economics – It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.

To get more information or schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact media@ruthinstitute.org.

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