Planned Parenthood Despicable for Medicating “Transgender” Youth–Ruth Inst.

February 16, 2021

For Immediate Release

For More Information: 

Planned Parenthood Despicable for Medicating “Transgender” Youth–Ruth Inst.

“Apparently there’s no longer enough money in the abortion racket. Now Planned Parenthood has found a new class of victims to exploit,” said Dr. Jennifer
Roback Morse, Ph.D., Founder and President of the Ruth Institute.

Morse was reacting to an explosive interview with an anonymous Planned Parenthood employee, calling trans kids ‘cash cows.’ The PP staffer told Wall Street Journal that youth who identify
as transgender were quickly prescribed cross-sex hormones with no examination of their underlying condition.

The staffer also said that many of those seeking such treatment “showed signs of emotional and mental health issues” and then “are kept on the hook for
the foreseeable future in terms of follow-up appointments, blood work, meetings etc., whereas abortions are (hopefully) a one-and-done situation.”

Morse stated, “Our friends who do sidewalk counseling outside Planned Parenthood clinics told us about the increase of ‘trans-minded’ clients, so we weren’t
surprised by these revelations. Planned Parenthood has simply found a new way to exploit youth.

“Young women who are often at their most vulnerable visit a clinic and are put on an operating table as quickly as possible,” Morse said. “There is no
counseling. No alternatives are discussed. The names of underage women who were sexually exploited often aren’t reported to the police. It’s: Get on
the table, put your feet in the stirrups, and you’re done. There isn’t even a discussion of the psychological effects of abortion, like post-abortion
syndrome or the increased risk of breast cancer.”

With Planned Parenthood’s recent selling baby parts scandal, “How much more evidence is needed of the predatory nature of Planned Parenthood’s ‘business’?”
Morse asked.

See the Ruth Institute transgender help pamphlet for sidewalk counselors.

See also the press release “Brits Ban Puberty Blockers.”

Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend
the family and build a civilization of love.

To schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact


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