Ruth Inst: Prof. Mike Adams’ Death Shows Academic Establishment’s Fear of Truth

Commenting on the tragic death of University of North Carolina Professor Mike Adams, Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said, “Mike was a constant irritant to the cultural ruling class. The Academic Establishment hates being challenged, especially by someone truthful and funny.”

Commenting on the tragic death of University of North Carolina Professor Mike Adams, Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., said, “Mike was a constant irritant to the cultural ruling class. The Academic Establishment hates being challenged, especially by someone truthful and funny.”

Professor Adams, a 27-year teaching veteran, was found dead in his home, apparently of a gunshot wound. He was a tenured professor of sociology and criminology at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, and an author, public speaker and frequent contributor to conservative publications.

“His uncompromising opposition to abortion, feminism, LGBTQ activism and the trans movement made him a regular target of the Establishment,” Morse observed. “He made them look ridiculous, which joyless ideologues simply cannot abide.”

“Reporting on his death, the media describe Adams’ tweets as ‘controversial’ and ‘provocative.’ However, they never disproved the truth underlying his humor,” Morse added.

Among Adams’ tweets was: “The violent outrage of white liberals taking to the streets is brought to you by your local university. None of this would be possible without the encouragement of academic extremists who have hijacked the system of higher education.”

“Can any serious person deny this?” Morse said.

Speaking of the COVID shutdown, Adams wrote: “Presently a woman can get her baby cut out of the womb in North Carolina. But she cannot go to a salon to get her hair cut.”

Morse noted: “North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper is on record supporting infanticide. So which part of Mike’s statement is untrue?”

One of Adam’s media critics wrote: “He called trans people mentally ill and asserted that any doctor willing to help with gender-reassignment surgery should be charged with mutilating a mentally ill person.”

Morse responded: “Anyone who thinks it’s normal for a man to have his penis cut off or a woman to have healthy breasts removed needs a serious reality check.”

The university forced Adams, 55, into early retirement. In recent weeks, friends said he was “under a lot of stress.”

“No kidding,” said Morse. “The stress came from his persecution. In any other context, this would be called workplace harassment.”

Morse concluded: “The academic totalitarians took another conservative scalp. A brave man has left us too soon. An eloquent voice has been stilled. Professor Mike Adams, rest in peace.”

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