Virtue Signaling Without Virtue: porn industry brags about its voluntary shutdown over coronavirus

In response to calls by an industry lobbying group to voluntarily close down the so-called adult entertainment industry for two weeks to halt the spread
of COVID-19, Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., commented: “Wow. That is really decent of them to shut down their $16.9 billion
per year business for two weeks. This is nothing more than them going on vacation or a spring break. Big deal.”

Morse added: “I wonder if they will figure out how to make X-rated movies where those involved keep social distancing. Perhaps, instead of having sex
on camera, they could rub elbows.”

“The coronavirus is only one of their problems,” Morse explained. “‘Adult industry’ apologists brag about how ‘clean’ they are, because they test the
performers for STI’s and wipe down their S&M paraphernalia in their dungeons. For an industry that caters to human vices, a two-week shutdown
is a meaningless move. It’s virtue-signaling from those without virtue.”

“More importantly,” Morse continued, “pornography is an affront to human dignity. Pornography does nothing to build up the spousal relationship, which
is one of the natural organic purposes of human sexual activity. Instead, the use of pornography actively harms married love. According to Marripedia,
an academic website on marriage, pornography use is strongly correlated with increased infidelity, separation, divorce and marital dissatisfaction.
Keeping the ‘adult industry’ sanitary and voluntary does not change these basic realities.”

The Institute’s upcoming Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution – Protecting Children and Families (July 17-18
in Lake Charles, Louisiana) will include a session on “Protecting Children from our Pornified Culture.”

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization
of love. Find more information here.

Jennifer Roback Morse is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives.

To schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact

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