In First Presidential Debate, the Family Was Lost in the Shuffle

“Last night’s confrontation between President Trump and former Vice-President Biden shows the need for a separate debate focusing solely on family issues,”
said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

Partnering with Life Petitions, the Ruth Institute has a petition calling for a debate on family-related issues. More than 6,000 signatures have been collected.

Morse observed: “Last night’s debate covered the Supreme Court, COVID-19, the economy, and race and violence, among other pressing concerns. It was
entirely predictable.

“This is all well and good, but the family lies at the heart of all of these concerns,” Morse noted. “Urban crime and violence are spurred by the decline
of the family in inner cities. Strong families are the foundation of a strong economy. Intact families have found it easier to weather the coronavirus

Morse explained: “It’s a case of missing the forest for the trees. At the root of many of our most perplexing problems is the decline of the family,
and a revival of family values is the solution.

“Some people claim that it ‘takes a village to raise a child.’ We think that is code for ‘let the government raise children and run the family.’ We
at the Ruth Institute believe exactly the opposite. We believe it takes a family to raise a village, or a community, or a nation.”

Morse added: “Families in America want to know what the candidates would do to end the horror of abortion (currently verging on infanticide), if they
would declare pornography a public health crisis (as have 16 states), what they would do to stop sex-trafficking, if they’re concerned about so-called
transgender medical procedures for minor children, if they support using U.S. foreign aid to force developing nations to adopt Western-style laws
on abortion and homosexuality, and how they would strengthen man-woman marriage, currently under attack on so many fronts.

“Last night’s debate in Cleveland strengthened our commitment to promoting a presidential debate on family issues,” Morse said.

Sign the Ruth Institute/Life Site petition calling
for such a debate.

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