Ruth Inst. President: The Global Ruling Class Likes Pedophilia

“There’s no other way to describe it: The global elite likes pedophilia,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “Of all of the
demons released by the Sexual Revolution, the exploitation of children is the most depraved.”

Morse charged: “The evidence is overwhelming. The sexual abuse of children is a growing scandal in our society. At our Summit for Survivors of the
Sexual Revolution, I stated flatly: ‘The Global Ruling Class likes pedophilia.’ In the six weeks since I gave that talk, three more incidents point
to the same conclusion.”

“First, the Democratic Party nominated Kamala Harris for Vice-President of the United States. In the seven years she was San Francisco’s District Attorney,
she did not prosecute a single priest who was accused of sexual abuse. She couldn’t find a single priest, living or dead, whose behavior needed
to be examined in the entire Archdiocese of San Francisco. Unbelievable.”

According to a recent book by Peter Schweizer, Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite,
of the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the United States, San Francisco was the only one in which no priests were prosecuted.

Meanwhile, Netflix began promoting the film “Cuties,” to air September 9. Morse explained: “The movie is about a group of pre-teen girls doing highly
eroticized dance routines to win a competition. From the way they’re dressed to their moves, ‘Cuties’ sexualizes girls who were playing with dolls
a short time ago. Such depictions groom young women to be victims. What kind of mind even conceives of such a program?”

Thirdly, a committee of the California Assembly voted 6-2 to weaken the prohibition on statutory rape. The bill exempts from mandatory registration
in the state’s sexual offender registry an adult who had sex with a minor, if the ages of the victim and the perpetrator are less than 10 years
apart. “Do the sponsors of this legislation understand that it would exempt a 20-year-old who had sexual relations with a 12-year-old?” Morse asked.

She added, “Any time you reduce the penalties for statutory rape, you encourage it. That California is in the forefront of this dangerous movement
is hardly surprising.”

“The same elite that claims to be horrified by pedophilia is blasé when confronted with the evil. Sex with children is one of the few remaining taboos.
Radicals are determined to sweep it away so that nothing interferes with indulging their appetites, no matter how perverse.”

“The pagan cults of the ancient world sacrificed the lives of children to appease the bloodlust of the gods,” Morse noted. “Today we are sacrificing
the innocence of children to appease the sexual appetites of adults.”

See Dr. Morse’s speech at the Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, “Childhood Sexual Abuse: Ending It, Healing It.”

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization leading an international interfaith coalition to
defend the family and build a civilization of love.

To schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact

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