Faith Hakesley
There is evil in the world and a big reason for this is that many people have stopped putting their identity in Christ. We see evil all around us. It is present in our families, churches, schools, government, and everywhere else. This upside-down world will never change until people open their hearts to the light of Christ and let Him in.

Hurting Becomes a Vicious Cycle
Many individuals who are causing harm to themselves and/or to others are doing so because they had evil done to them. However, even when evil has been done to someone, it does not excuse their harmful actions. We might understand the “why” behind someone’s negative actions but that’s still not an excuse for harming someone else (or yourself). Two wrongs don’t make a right.
There is an expression that says, “hurt people hurt people.” There is some truth to this. Of course, it should go without saying that this absolutely does not apply to all hurt people. Many individuals choose to help others instead. Yet, the reality is that most people who hurt others have been hurt themselves. It can become a vicious cycle.
One reason (there are many reasons) for this vicious cycle is that people who are angry, hurt, and confused often search for answers to their problems in all the wrong places. They look only to the temporary solutions that the world offers. They repeatedly pursue things that help to numb the pain. These things don’t actually fix anything. Sometimes these things are not good, healthy, or holy and hurt us and/or others. The result can be disastrous all around.
As confident and put together as people might come across on the outside, they might be suffering quite deeply. We never know just how many people are contending with unresolved trauma, grief, or mental health issues. Whatever issues we face (and we all have our issues), deep down we all want to know “who” we are. We have a desire to know where we fit in and how we relate to the world.
We are all searching for something that is greater than ourselves. A problem with our society is that so often we are encouraged to look in all the wrong places. We turn to things and are told to do whatever feels good or right in the moment. When one particular thing doesn’t fix our problems or show us who we truly are, we turn to the next best thing. People even attempt to change their physical bodies in dangerous and drastic ways in an effort to meet unfed needs. They probably think they are helping themselves. In reality, they are making their suffering worse and merely covering their hurt.
Our choice to live perverted lifestyles and/or hurt others is never the answer. Bad choice after bad choice will never bring us the peace, comfort, and healing we desperately crave. So many people who are hurting today miss an important point: it’s not a something we seek. It’s a someone. Until you pursue that someone, you will never know who you truly are, nor will you find answers to your questions.
Where do You Find Your Identity?

In just a few days, we will celebrate the birth of that someone we should all be seeking.
Jesus came into our dark world to bring us His light. He came to share in our human misery and to bring us joy, peace, and hope for all mankind. Jesus wants to free us from the chains that place our worth in anything other than Him. True hope, fulfillment, and security only come through Him. Contrary to what the world tells us, we don’t find peace through sinful choices, by causing harm to others, or through hurting and altering our bodies. Peace comes to us through Christ alone.
Our identity and our purpose can be found in Christ alone. Until we fully embrace our identity as children of God and make faith a part of our everyday lives, we will always be searching for solutions to our problems.
Your Identity is not Found in the World
Your identity doesn’t lie in your suffering or even in your joy. It doesn’t like in any worldly “solutions” that don’t last. God’s ways are lasting. Our identities are in Christ alone and that far surpasses any temporary worldly solution. As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior, let us make a conscious effort to open our hearts and lives to Him.
There is no quick fix to the problems we all face today. We can’t escape reality (nor should we). However, Jesus is the solution to fighting evil and holding onto hope. He is what (or who) that is missing from so many lives. Only through that tiny baby born so long ago can we experience true love. Only through Him, can we know who we truly are.
We are precious children of God. We are dearly loved and made in His image. There is nothing He cannot do in our lives, but we have to let Him in. What a tremendous consolation to know that amid all the confusion, division, and anxiety in our world, there is one clear answer and one clear constant: Jesus Christ! He can change hearts!

When we realize who we are by letting the light of Christ illuminate our hearts, address past hurts, and forgive those who have hurt us, our lives change drastically. There will be far less confusion and chaos. Even when we are hurting and going through difficult seasons in in our lives, we will have peace.
Gaze upon the sweet face of the Christ Child in the manger. Let Him in and rejoice in your identity as a precious child of God.
From my family to yours, best wishes for a blessed Christmas and New Year!