As Mother’s Day draws near, let us take a moment to reflect on the profound significance of womanhood and motherhood. Today, I want to share a special message for all women.

The Gift of Motherhood

In his Theology of the Body, St. Pope Saint John Paul II reminds us that a woman’s body is inherently attuned to motherhood. This gift can be biological, but it can also encompass various forms of nurturing throughout life. By the very nature of being female, women are mothers. Your role is essential to society, and it should be celebrated.

Sadly, our culture often overlooks and diminishes this sacred role. It is crucial that we uphold the sanctity of womanhood and motherhood as the divine endowments that they are. In a world where LGBTQ principles reign supreme and people are increasingly fixated on “rebranding” the definition of men and women, the profound beauty and importance of motherhood (and fatherhood) is often overshadowed. This, as well as society’s emphasis on career advancement, material possessions, and physical appearance, has led many to overlook the unparalleled value of nurturing and selflessly caring for another human being.

Yet, the act of mothering, whether it be biologically or spiritually, stands as a testament to the highest form of love and sacrifice. In a culture that often downplays the importance of nurturing relationships and prioritizes personal gain, it’s essential to reaffirm the unparalleled significance of motherhood as the height of human experience. No award or accomplishment can rival the profound impact of a mother’s love and devotion. Motherhood transcends worldly measures of success and endures as the greatest legacy one can leave in this life.

“In the spirit of Christ, in fact, women can discover the entire meaning of their femininity and thus be disposed to making “a sincere gift of self” to others, thereby finding themselves.”
St. Pope John Paul II
Mulieris Dignitatem

For many people, Mother’s Day is a day that is often mixed with both joy and grief. If you are struggling this weekend, please remember that it’s okay if you are feeling grief but also joy. Whatever you are going through, know that you are seen, and you are loved. You are so precious!

Thank you, Mothers

To our mothers who have given us the gift of life, thank you. You have been given the tremendous task of helping to raise your children to Heaven, to nourish not only their bodies, but their souls. Thank you for your love, sacrifice, faith, and joy.

We also remember the mothers who have passed on and those who miss them, mothers who have lost children, women who have been like mothers to children who weren’t biologically theirs, mothers who have strained relationships with their children, spiritual mothers, women who struggle with fertility, women who live with the pain and grief of abortion, and women who wish to be mothers (or hope for more children) but have suffered crushing disappointments.

And we also remember men and women who have difficult relationships with their mothers or have never experienced the love, dedication, and care of a good mother. You are seen. You are precious. You are loved.

Mothers, we thank you.

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