The Short Version If the unborn are not human, why is having an abortion “no easy decision?” If the unborn are not human, having an abortion
should be an easy decision, like having a mole or a tooth removed. The Long Version While browsing the Internet, I came across an
article talking about MTV’s show on teen abortion. Here’s the article I found: MTV’s Abortion Show, “No Easy Decision,” to Air Dec. 28 As of this writing, MTV had no information on their site regarding this teen
abortion show, only a relatively blank page with the show’s title. My purpose here is not to discuss the show, but to discuss it’s title in relation
to pro choice arguments for abortion.
Toward this end, I Googled the phrase, “Is having an abortion a difficult decision?” and discovered many pro choice sites that address this very topic.
Here are the results I found in case you want to see them: Is having an abortion a difficult decision? So I think it’s a fair statement to say pro choice people grapple with this issue. According
to Wikipedia, these are the pro choice arguments for abortion: 1.  “… whether or not to continue with a pregnancy is an inviolable personal
choice, as it involves a woman’s body, personal health, and future.” 2. “an embryo has no rights as it is only a potential and not an actual person
and that it should not have rights that override those of the pregnant woman until it is viable.” Here is the Wikipedia entry on Pro choice. Viewed from the pro choice perspective, the concept that teen abortion is “no easy decision” is contradictory. If pro
choice advocates are right, then the embryo/fetus is not a person. Since it’s not a person and has no rights, getting rid of it should be an easy decision,
like going to the doctor to have an unusual mole removed. Or going to the dentist to have a decayed tooth removed. Those are not hard decisions – people
don’t stay up at night worrying about the morality of removing a mole. Nobody is afraid to tell their parents that their tooth needs to be pulled.
The mole does not have rights, it is not human, certainly not a potential human. Same with the tooth. If they need to be removed, doing so is an easy
choice to make. I then wondered if by “potential person,” pro choice people mean a not fully developed person. But newborn babies and teenagers are
not fully developed either. In fact, science has shown us that the human brain is not fully developed until sometime between the ages of 20-25.
Read more about human brain development here. If an embryo/fetus is only a potential person, at what point is it an actual person? Is it at the
point of viability? Why is viability the crossing line between being a potential person without rights and being complete person with rights? Using
this reasoning, people on life support in hospitals have no rights and are not people, since they are not viable on their own – remove the machine
and the person dies. In fact, the family will often “pull the plug” precisely because the person can no longer be viable. The lack of viability
does not mean the person is no longer a person. It means that there is no hope of regaining any sort of conscious life. The unborn, however, WILL
become viable, they WILL have a conscious life. So is MTV’s title a contradiction? Only for people who favor abortion rights as they currently
stand in our country. Since abortion on demand is NOT as easy a decision as having a mole or a tooth removed, the pro choice crowd is not being
intellectually honest about what abortion actually is, nor are they honest with themselves about why they grapple with it. Abortion is
the death of a human being, and that’s why it’s “no easy decision.” Jennifer Thieme argues passionately on behalf of the unborn, because they cannot argue for themselves. Read more about teen abortion at