Sexual Integrity, Not Hooking Up

This article from CNN quotes favorably our friends at
the Love and Fidelity Network, based at Princeton. Evidently, students from a number of schools are trying to
start nonreligious pro-abstinence clubs. This is a favorable report, because they are describing the students in their own terms, rather than putting scare
quotes around them, or implicitly arguing with them. (To see why such groups are needed, check out this discussion I had on Fox Newswith someone who ought to be old enough to know better. Notice how she interrupts my every sentence….)

Evidence of the backlash on hooking up on campuses can be seen in the growing popularity of the Love and Fidelity Network, a secular, nonprofit group dedicated
to helping college students open the discussion for a lifestyle that doesn’t involve casual sexual activity with anonymous or uncommitted partners.
The organization, which promotes sexual integrity and defends marriage though discussion and speakers, has gained a presence on at least 20
schools from Harvard University to the University of Notre Dame since its inception in 2007. There is no official count on the number of students who
participate in the Love and Fidelity Network. But at Princeton University, about 40 students have joined.

Anyhow, students should apply
for the Ruth Institute Summer conference, to be held again in the San Diego area. Go herefor more info and an application! here is a write-up from last
year’s conference.

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Want to dig in? Here’s more

Catholic Sexual Morality is NOT out of Date

Catholicism is one of the last holdouts against contraception, abortion, euthanasia, sex outside of marriage, and more. The Church’s moral teachings ultimately protect people from heartache, illness, broken families, and, especially in the case of abortion, death.

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