Gay Divorce in Texas

I will be talking about this article this afternoon in my regular Issues Etc show. It will be running a bit earlier than usual: 1:45 Pacific Time, instead of my usual 2 PM slot.

BTW, to all my new friends in Dallas: I mentioned to some of you that Same Sex Marriage could be coming to you, even though your state banned it by a vote of 3 to 1. This particular divorce case may be the mechanism that brings it to you. Hear what a Texas judge had to say:

A judge in Austin granted the divorce, but Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott is appealing the decision. He also is appealing a divorce granted to a gay couple in Dallas, saying protecting the “traditional definition of marriage” means doing the same for divorce….The Dallas men… had an amicable separation, with no disputes on separation of property and no children involved, said attorney Peter Schulte, who represents J.B. The couple, who married in 2006 in Massachusetts and separated two years later, simply want an official divorce. …Abbott disagrees with the judge in that case, who ruled in October that the same-sex marriage ban violates equal rights guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. Kelly Shackelford, chief counsel for the conservative Liberty Institute in Plano, called that decision “outrageous judicial activism.”

Indeed. Listen to my show this PM. If you miss the show, you can catch the podcast later this week.

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Catholic Sexual Morality is NOT out of Date

Catholicism is one of the last holdouts against contraception, abortion, euthanasia, sex outside of marriage, and more. The Church’s moral teachings ultimately protect people from heartache, illness, broken families, and, especially in the case of abortion, death.

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