As we await the Supreme Court’s decision on the Hobby Lobby case and the Mt. Soledad Cross case, we should recall the purpose of our government.
Ah, you supposed that the purpose of the government was to protect people from force or fraud?  Maybe you thought the purpose of the government
was form a more perfect union or insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare or something equally archaic.
That is all so five minutes ago. 

The real purpose of the government today is to give people the sex lives they want, with a minimum of inconvenience.  You want to
have sex without having a baby? No problem, we’ll give you contraception at no cost to you.  You want to have sex and you got pregnant and you
don’t want the baby?  That’s inconvenient. We’ll give you an abortion. You want to have sex with someone you aren’t married to? That’s ok. We’ll
give you a no-fault divorce so you won’t be inconvenienced by your
obligations to your spouse and children. You want to have sex with a person of your same sex AND you want to have a baby. That is really inconvenient.
So we will restructure the legal system and subsidize the technology that will make it possible for you to obtain all the babies you want without the
inconvenience of having to deal with the child’s other parent. Harsh? Maybe. Inaccurate? I don’t think so. I think it is time we wised up to realize
the manner of government under which we now live. The Ruth Institute Inspires the Survivors of the Sexual Revolution to share their stories with others. No one else is doing what the Ruth Institute is doing. If you have been victimized by the Sexual Revolution, and are ready to move from being a Victim to being a Survivor, to being an Activist for Positive Change, join us.