Midweek Motivation: Doing the Impossible

Sometimes, parts of life feel impossible. Healing is one such part. 

When life feels impossible, slow down and take things one step at a time. Keep putting one foot in front of the other until you get through the seemingly impossible seasons. 

The great St. Francis of Assisi gives us a roadmap to dealing with what seems impossible. He wisely and simply tells us how to persevere and achieve amazing things despite the difficulties we face.

You might be grieving your past choices or contending with the aftermath of the hurt someone else caused you. Whatever you are needing to heal from, I want you to know that healing is never impossible. 

It all starts with that first step – with the decision to accept what has happened. Once you have come to a place of acceptance, you can then make the next important step on your journey: choosing to take the necessary steps in order to move forward. 

Those steps are going to look different for everyone. There is no “one size fits all” approach to healing. You have to find what works for you depending on your own unique circumstances. There isn’t a simple “how to heal” pamphlet that applies to everyone. 

Healing is not a race. There will be ups and downs and twists and turns along the way. If you’re not sure where to start, start by doing what St. Francis suggests. Do what you have to do.

Once you decide you are ready and willing to move forward and commit yourself to persevering down the path of healing, you will soon find yourself doing things you never thought possible. Sometime in the not too distance future, you’ll be looking back and seeing how far you’ve come.

Healing is hard but it is not impossible.

Start by taking one step at a time and soon you’ll realize that you’re doing what you once thought impossible. 

Stay the course, my friend. 

Do you have a question about victimization and/or healing? Email me at AskASurvivor@ruthinstitute.org. Your name and personal information will never be used in my public responses.

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