Midweek Motivation: Fighting the Battle for the Soul of America

How far we have come since that first Independence Day! Since then, the battle for the soul of America has only grown worse.

This week we celebrate the birthday of our nation. It was on July 4th, 1776, that the colonies declared their separation from Great Britain. We became our own country, a country founded by shared beliefs and principals. 

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
~Declaration of Independence 

How far we have come since that first Independence Day! Since then, the battle for the soul of America has only grown worse. Secular principals hold far too many people captive. Our children are constantly at risk. Many people would rather ignore or deny the Christian influence that founded this country in the first place. There are others who are simply ignorant of the facts. Regardless, the United States was founded upon sacred principles and natural law. 

Sadly, we deny and mock all that is sacred. We have become a nation of idiotic progressive ideals. As we have seen and heard time and time again, the basic laws of nature are denied. Many people make repeated attempts to get the rest of us to go along with their insane and immoral agenda. Despite banners and slogans proclaiming unity and peace, their ultimate goal is to destroy America and the family. Those who disagree with this godless agenda are often silenced. 

In the name of “progress” and “freedom,” we are on the verge of codifying things that are beyond despicable. We have laws protecting a woman’s “right to choose” – that is, the right to kill her own child. Men and women are shirking in their duties to God, family, and country. The traditional family unit has suffered in the name of “freedom.” Children are being sexually groomed and no one bats an eye. Pedophilia is being normalized. It is truly alarming especially when our so-called leaders not only turn a blind eye but also feed into it. We have a front row seat to some truly evil goings-on in this country as the radical left attempts to redefine what America was meant to be.

Natural Law: A Moral Compass

Despite the obvious growing issues, natural law is scoffed at. In his book, Rediscovering Americanism and the Tyranny of Progressivism, Mark Levin, wisely writes, “…natural law provides a moral compass or order—justice, virtue, truth, prudence, etc.—a fundamental, universal, everlasting harmony of mores that transcend human law. Through natural law discovered by right reason, man knows right from wrong and good from bad.” 

In part due to this departure from natural law, we find ourselves deeply immersed in the effects of the Sexual Revolution. Our beloved country needs to return to God, family, and country. If we don’t, we will only see further destruction, more victims, and more innocent lives destroyed. As it is, we are caught up in an endless cycle of destruction. In one way or another, each of us is fighting the battle for the soul of America.

Fighting for the Soul of our Nation

Despite the battles we face and the tumultuous times in which we live, there is much to be grateful for. We are thankful for the freedoms we do have in the United States.  On this July 4th and always, may we thank God for that freedom. We especially thank God for the freedom that can only be found in Christ. No matter how we are silenced or forced to suffer in this fallen world, we know that our Creator loves us so much that He made a way for us to experience true and lasting freedom. God sent His only Son to open the gates of Heaven for us and to cleanse our eternal souls from the grips of sin.

“The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth: ‘that God governs in the affairs of men.’ And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?”
-Benjamin Franklin

This week, I want to motivate each and every one of you to always remember that true independence and freedom come from doing what is right and holy – in making choices that glorify God. Some want to turn this beautiful country into a godless place. Is this not exactly what Satan wants? Make no mistake, the times we are living in are both a physical as well as a spiritual battle. It is beyond what we have ever seen. Yet, may we, the faithful remnant, never give up hope and ask God for the strength to never stop fighting in the battle for the soul of America.

Wishing you all a happy and blessed July 4th! God bless America today and always! 

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