Midweek Motivation: The Positive Little Things

Those of you who follow me on social media are probably already aware that I gave birth to my husband’s and my fifth child at the end of July. Many people have pointed out that we have our hands full. We do. However, I also like to inform them that our hearts are even more full! You can imagine how chaotic things have been around our home. The reality is that life is different now and has been a bit more overwhelming than usual. Despite the big changes, I am trying to focus on all the positive little things especially during difficult moments.

I want to share with you some inspiration I got a little while back. It came to mind last week on a particularly difficult and exhausting day. An inspiring moment happened months ago and reminded me that little positive things can make a difference. Between a busy schedule, pregnancy, a sick toddler, and homeschooling, the week had been rough. I got out of bed that morning feeling completely unrefreshed. The night before had been a near sleepless one due to a cranky, sick toddler. That morning, I was determined to make the best of things. I decided to do something positive to help me along.

My little way of improving my outlook was to throw on a pair of small, gold hoop earrings. They weren’t anything special or fancy. Yet, they made me feel a little more put together. I somehow felt more like myself.

Even something like a simple pair of earrings can improve your outlook.
Focus on the little positive things. Even something like a simple pair of earrings can improve your outlook.

I didn’t think much of my earrings until one of my daughters saw me. She looked at me in amazement, clapped her hands over her face, and exclaimed with excitement, “Oh, Mama! You look so beautiful just like a princess! Are you going out somewhere?”

Initially, I couldn’t help but laugh to myself and felt a bit like Clark Kent. When he wears glasses, everyone knows him as Clark. When he takes the glasses off, adds a cape and some tights, he transforms. My daughter’s enthusiastic reaction made me humorously think that maybe I should throw on a pair of fun socks too.

I also realized that one little positive attempt on my part (throwing on a pair of earrings) did make a difference in my day. Most people wouldn’t notice some simple gold hoops, but those earrings still elevated my mood. Those earrings didn’t solve any problems. They did give me the pickup I needed to get through the negative issues I was facing that week.

Putting extra effort into the little positive things really does make a difference.

This week, I want to motivate you to focus more on the little things – the little positive things. Put on something pretty. Maybe you can take an extra minute to get dressed into something you like. Maybe you can take some time to do something you love. What activities do you enjoy? That little extra thing just might positively impact your day and improve your overall mood and attitude.

Right now, I am adjusting to many changes. Despite all the changes (both positive and negative), I am striving to focus mainly on the beautiful, positive things especially on the difficult days. Sometimes the little things (even something as simple as a pair of earrings) really do make a big difference!

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