Faith Hakesley

No matter what has happened in your life, no matter what anyone has done to you, and no matter what mistakes you have made, you have shown that you can do hard things. You have come this far. By the grace of God, you have gotten through difficult times that you probably thought you never would.
You are stronger and mightier than you realize. Keep going!
None of us is superhuman. There is no need to pretend that we are. We all have our weaknesses, but God gives us strength to persevere through every challenge we face. When you feel weighted down by suffering, remember to take a moment to breathe, pray, and invite God in. Ask Him for the grace to surrender to Him. God will give you the gifts you need to suffer well, and He will do beautiful things with your suffering.
Make good, healthy choices every day. Make small, achievable goals. Put God at the center of everything and allow Him to surprise you. He sometimes does surprise us in simple but beautifully profound ways. Those glimmers of His grace help to sustain us especially in hard moments.
Stand tall. Stay rooted in your faith even when you feel weak. Only God can give you endless grace and hope to persevere.
“I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me.”
Philippians 4:13
Sometimes you need to stop and celebrate just how far you’ve come. Consider all the times you could have given up but didn’t, all the mornings you got out of bed and faced the day despite not wanting to. You have changed, you have grown and, as tough as change can be at times, there is growth and beauty in change.
This week I want to motivate you to open your eyes to the fact that you are more capable than you realize. You can do hard things.