The Beauty of Womanhood: A Reflection on True Feminine Strength 

Recently, a friend asked me how I think women can help fight against the sexual revolution and counter its lies. Quite simply, I think it’s time that women take back the beauty of womanhood and embrace true feminine strength.

Embrace the beauty of Godly womanhood.

Strong Women

We hear about “strong women” so much these days. Yet, oddly enough, our culture can scarcely tell us what a woman is, let alone honor the God-given differences between men and women. We have thrown the beauty of womanhood to the wayside. Too many women have fallen prey to the modern-day definition of what a strong woman is (and what it means to be a woman at all for that matter). 

Time and time again, women are told that a career is an absolute must. They must do whatever they need to do to make that happen (including abortion if necessary). Multiple partners are okay. After all, it’s your body and if it feels good, you should go ahead and do it. Just don’t forget your birth control (after all, you’ve got to be responsible). At the same time, seeking out a lasting, loving relationship with a worthy man isn’t encouraged nearly enough. Women are told they don’t need a man or a family. 

Please don’t misunderstand what I am saying. Caring for yourself is good. Advocating for yourself is good. Protecting yourself is good. Fighting for positive changes and equality can be good. All too often, however, it’s all about “me, myself, and I.” A strong woman has become one who pushes everyone and everything out of their way to get what they want. Women are encouraged to abandon their natural femininity, including their natural tendencies to care for others. Sacrifice is a foreign concept. Life has become all about personal achievement and “one upping” the guys. 

Stop Competing

This constant competition for women to be more like men has taken away so much from women and men. It’s degrading on all fronts. Society has created victim after victim because of this idea that men and women should abandon their unique God-given gifts. The traditional family, the core of society, has all but been destroyed as a result. There is a lack of good, strong families that will surely negatively impact future generations.

Women are offered rewards for being “strong and powerful.” Just look at Hollywood. How many victims have there been as a result of empty promises? All the money, power, influence, and beauty in the world cannot last and often leads to emptiness. Someone deemed better will always come along to replace the current “it” person.

The war between men and women needs to stop. We need to stop running in place as if we’re going to get somewhere and win a race. It’s not working!

Trailblazing for Noble Causes

I am not for a moment suggesting that women have always been treated fairly throughout history. We certainly have had our battles. For example, the 19th amendment made voting possible for women. Women fought hard for that right! Many bold trailblazers have valiantly fought similar battles. Equality and fighting for justice are certainly noble causes but not to the point where we are all but erasing our female identities. We are seeing “trailblazing” women of today fighting for the right to kill their own preborn children, for equity in the workforce, inclusivity, for the right to define ourselves how we want to define ourselves, and for the right of people to mutilate their bodies. The goals of radical feminism have become toxic and sinister.

Men have all but been forced to erase their masculinity as a result. Second gentleman, Doug Emhoff, just recently condemned “toxic masculinity.” He essentially called into question traditional gender roles and dubbed the traditional alpha man as toxic. Yes, toxic individuals do exist, but even honorable men nowadays are considered toxic. There is no need to demonize men. Women are fighting to become more and more like the opposite sex. This is not a sign of strength. It is a failure – a failure to appreciate the beauty of womanhood. 

To my fellow ladies, let us strive for true strength!

  • Let us seek the strength, courage, and wisdom that is only possible with God’s grace. 
  • Let us value life and nurture and transform it. 
  • Let us show tenderness, compassion, class, and virtue.
  • Let us show courage and resilience even in the midst of difficult situations. 
  • Let us look to the women who have come before us, those faith-filled forces who still serve as guides and inspirations – the Blessed Mother, Rebecca, Ruth, Esther, Corrie Ten Boom, the female saints like Joan of Arc, Teresa of Avila, Therese of Lisieux, Catherine of Siena, Elizabeth Ann Seton, Kateri Tekakwitha, and Josephine Bakhita to name a few. May we look to them if we ever question what a woman of God can accomplish. 
  • Let us courageously embrace our unique life callings and recognize our value. We are precious and we don’t have to compromise our virtue and values to achieve our calling. We are “more precious than rubies” (Proverbs 3:15) in our Heavenly Father’s eyes!

Ladies, it’s International Women’s Day so make it a point to go out and shock the world. Dare to fight against society’s definition of feminine strength. Embrace your unique gifts that make you such an essential part of this world and allow them to grow and flourish. Use them for the greater glory of God. So, if you want to help counter the effects of the sexual revolution, embrace the beauty of womanhood! 

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