Deflecting the Blame 

A few weeks ago, I commented that the work of Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, head of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, was nauseating. 

One book in particular, The Mystical Passion, that was published back in 1998 and subsequently removed from publication, created quite a stir with its mystical/erotic themes and graphic sexual language. Fernández’s latest response to concerns brought up by clerical abuse survivors is just as nauseating. He is still deflecting the blame.

Fernández stated that his controversial book is “by current standards…inconvenient.” It “did not have the usefulness” he had hoped it would. 

In other words, Fernández is like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar – but it’s not his fault. His “ultra conservative” sibling is to blame.

Yes, he actually went there. Fernández blames ultra-conservative Catholics for using his book against him because they don’t accept him. 

Let’s be clear on this: the issue of sexual inappropriateness is neither a conservative nor a liberal issue. Some things are just wrong regardless of what side of politics or tradition you fall on. 

A Hypocritical Response 

Cardinal Fernández is behaving like a hypocrite. He has never said that anything was wrong with his writing. His concern was that it could be “misinterpreted.” I find it “interesting” that someone who is merely afraid of being misinterpreted would burn their own book (which Fernández admitted to).

The cardinal’s latest comments are flippant and arrogant, not to mention troublesome. He is not taking full responsibility for his actions. He is being dismissive and gaslighting yet again (classic grooming behaviors). Fernández also still fails to address the very clear issues the book presents.

Deflecting the Blame 

Fernández continues to deflect responsibility to those who have a negative response to his writing – much as abusers deflect blame onto their victims. Clearly he has learned nothing from the sex abuse scandal in the Church. The same goes for far too many Catholics. 

This situation, and Fernández’s reaction, is sadly a reflection of the very corrupt, often-diabolical portion of “the people part” of the Catholic Church. Until we get rid of the filth in the Church and until the silence ends, nothing will change. We can only expect that corruption will grow. 

There is something for each of us to do to help rebuild the Church. This rebuilding is so desperately needed! For those of you Catholics who are still hanging in there (me included), hold on tightly. The ride is only going to get bumpier. 

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