Dr. Morse Presents the Facts
Dr. Morse gives a presentation about what parents need to know about the Gender Ideology to help navigate our turbulent times.
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Understanding Gender Ideology
As you know, I’m Dr. Morse, and the title of this presentation is, “‘Mom, I Think I’m Gay,’ ‘Dad, I Think I’m Trans,’ What Parents Need to Know About the Gender Ideology.” The Ruth Institute is honored that you invited us, and we are an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love. We’re going to talk about homosexuality, and we’re going to talk about transgenderism, myths and facts. First of all, nobody is born gay.
Nobody is born in the wrong body. That’s scientific nonsense, that’s theological nonsense, it’s just nonsense, okay? Secondly, the people can change their patterns of behavior and self-understanding, identity, and their patterns of sexual arousal. And in fact, this happens all the time.
The big picture, the big overarching grand myth is that the purveyors of the sexual revolution, the promoters of the LGBT project, they want people to believe that sexual orientation is an innate immutable trait. They want you to believe that it’s comparable to race, that people are born that way, that they can’t change, and therefore we can’t discriminate against them. However, this turns out to be incorrect. This is scientifically incorrect.
And I have no less an authority than the American Psychological Association telling you this, and this is still on their website, okay? So I’m not making this up.
The American Psychological Association says:
“There is no consensus among scientists about the exact reasons that an individual develops a heterosexual, bisexual, gay, or lesbian orientation.”
“Although much research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual orientation, no findings have emerged that permit scientists to conclude that sexual orientation is determined by any particular factor or factors.”
In other words, there is no scientific basis for the claim that people are born gay. If someone in your life says to you, “I think I’m gay,” first off, don’t freak out. Here’s what you do. Don’t freak out. Try not to freak out. And it’s probably not a good idea to argue with them about it because they know how they feel, and they know that better than you do.
But you do not have to accept that as their ultimate identity or their ultimate self-understanding. That’s not the final word about who you are. Just like when a 13-year-old makes some declaration about some other aspect of their life, you don’t accept that as the final statement of who they are.
Ask “What do you mean by that?”
What you do want to do. I would suggest that you try to ask them open-ended questions like, what do you mean by that? You say, mom, I’m gay. What do you mean by that? What does that mean to you? And also, do keep the lines of communication as open as you possibly can.
So let’s go through some of these possible things, okay? Is it true that, is there a genetic cause, is there a developmental cause, or are there social and cultural influences?
In the report, people are born either gay or straight. The truth bomb here is that there is no scientific proof that anybody is born gay. There is no gay gene. Believe me, they have looked for it. In 2019, there was a huge study of the human genome. There is literally no genetic… There’s no basis for saying that this is somehow genetically determined.
Identical Twin Studies
The studies of identical twins are also not consistent with genetic determinism. What remains of the claims? And the identical twin studies are in a sense decisive for this reason. If you want to say that gay is the new black, okay, and you’ve got a pair of identical twins, if one of those twins is black, I will guarantee you with 100% probability that the other twin is also black.
That is not true for gay. It’s not even close to being true for gay. It’s about 30%, okay? So it is simply incorrect to claim gay is the new black, gay is like race, gay is like being left-handed. That’s another thing you’ll sometimes hear. That is simply not the case.
Now, the second thing that is really important to understand is that the concept of sexual orientation itself is a very complex thing. When you start thinking about it, you go, wait a second, how could it be like race? How could it be like left-handedness? Because there’s so many elements to it. It’s a combination of thoughts and feelings, sexual feelings, but other feelings as well, behaviors, what we sometimes call an arousal template, that is,
What is it that reliably gets you sexually aroused? I think this is what most people have in mind when they think gay, that the arousal template is fixed and determined somehow. The answers to these questions, if you’ve got people and you start asking them, what do you think, what do you feel, how have you been behaving, so on and so forth, who have you had sex with lately, who have you had sex with over your whole life, they will not necessarily tell a consistent story. So there are people who don’t identify as gay but who are having gay sex and so on and so forth.
And so in addition to that, sometimes there’s a specific friend group that is attached to being gay, or you’ve got political commitments that are attached to being gay. Honestly, it would be astonishing if all of this was genetically determined like the color of your eyes or something like that or the color of your skin.
Developmental Factors in Sexual Identity
And the idea that this is not overlapping, this has been known among scientists who study this stuff since 1994. This is the reference that we have here. You know, these guys charted this out and realized there’s not a perfect overlap.
So now let’s talk about the developmental issues surrounding same-sex attraction, the development of same-sex attraction. I don’t know if you’ve ever heard of this word heteronormativity or heteronormative.
Heteronormativity is the idea that being heterosexual is normal. And you’ll sometimes hear this word as a pejorative. That is, you’re being heteronormative is sort of like being racist. You have this unfounded belief that heterosexuality is normal. However, in our species, all mammal species, heterosexual attraction is normal. I mean, it is normal. That’s just a fact. So this is a kind of propaganda tool that you want to be aware of.
Everybody is born with the capacity to be sexually aroused by a person of the opposite sex. It’s normal for all mammal species, so heterosexuality is normal. So you don’t want to be intimidated by this word heteronormativity as if it were the equivalent of racism. But here’s what happens. Sometimes something happens to disrupt the normal developmental process.
Family Dynamics and Sexual Identity
We start as a baby, you are not a sexual being, contrary to some people’s opinion. These babies I’m seeing in your arms are not sexual beings. They are not gay. They are not straight. They’re babies, okay?
The ability to be sexually aroused is something that is developed after puberty, and the process by what, the process of that development can be disrupted so that instead of having the normal pattern of growing to be a little girl and then being a woman who’s attracted to men or vice versa. That something can happen to disrupt or derail that developmental process. And the sooner and more deeply you can deal with whatever you might have done or whatever might have gone down in your family, the better it’s going to be for everybody.
So let’s then talk about the contributing factors to the development of an LGBT identity. Some of this comes from my conversations with some of these individuals who’ve made the journey and some of their therapists.
Family dynamics are often a contributing factor. We’ll say a little bit more about this, but sometimes it can be divorce. Sometimes it can be adoption, even adoption at birth. Why? Because it disrupts a person’s sense of identity. If your sense of identity is disrupted, that can also disrupt your sexual identity. That can be part of the package. And there are some specific parental issues that we’ll talk about in a future slide.
Contributing Factors to an LGBT Identity
Another contributing factor that I’ve heard from numerous people is that the child is not gender typical, what you would consider gender typical. I’ve heard numerous times from men that they were more artistic, they were not athletic, they didn’t feel like they were one of the boys, one of the guys, they were lightly built maybe. They weren’t bulky, they didn’t develop as fast as other guys and so on.
Girls who were more athletic, tomboy kind of thing. And particularly if somebody starts bugging them about it, if people start teasing them about it, sometimes the other boys make fun of them, sometimes the girls make fun of the boys, okay, that they think are not suitably masculine. This can have an impact on a child and derail their sexual development.
And then finally, abuse. The abuse experience is highly over-represented among people with a persistent same-sex attraction, particularly sexual abuse. I’ve heard this numerous times.
Now, let’s say a little bit more about the family dynamics situation. This is based on clinical observations from therapists years ago before it was considered normal and they took homosexuality out of the list of disorders and say it’s not really disorders.
People would come to therapists and say, I’m homosexual and I don’t like it and I want to deal with it. These therapists heard the same patterns again and again, and this is where they got the idea that a boy needs to separate from his mother and identify with his father. That’s part of the normal maturation process for a boy.
So what the therapist would often see is some combination of an absent father or abusive father, a father who is not an attractive or available attachment figure, and a mother who’s perhaps overbearing, perhaps taking over the father’s role, perhaps taking the boy into the relationship, having a more intimate relationship, psychologically, emotionally relationship with her son that she should be having with her husband.
Complexity of Gender Identity
All these kinds of things can place a child at risk. That’s the kind of family dynamics we’re talking about. Likewise, the girl needs to identify with her mother and feel safe with her father. So this theory, you’re not allowed to talk about it anymore, but it was never disproven. It was simply booted down by the activists, okay, back in the day. So you need to be aware of that, that this is a perfectly fine theory and it helps people to understand a lot of times what’s going on with them, what the origins of their feelings are.
The child abuse, there’s a very high rate of abuse compared with kids who grow up to develop a heterosexual orientation. And I want to say at this point that pornography exposure can be abuse.
One of the guys, Ken Williams, whose picture I showed you before though, I interviewed him. The thing that derailed his sexual development when he was eight years old, he saw he was exposed to homosexual pornography and it scrambled his brain. I mean, it really confused him as a little eight-year-old.
And I also want to mention that a lot of what is going on in public schools, particularly, but even some Christian and Catholic schools, some of the sex ed material is, in fact, pornographic and is disrupting kids. There’s no question about that. So this is something for you to be aware of and perhaps monitor.
So to summarize these contributing factors, you’ve got family dynamics, you’ve got a child who’s gender atypical in some way, maybe because of how he’s built or maybe some of his natural personality issues. Abuse, these are the contributing factors. None of these things are chosen by the individual. So this is an important point for us to think about.
Was Homosexuality Chosen?
Sometimes when if I say, you know, I’m giving a speech and I say, no one’s born gay, somebody will turn around say, so you think it was chosen? You think I chose this? No, I don’t think that. That’s a false dilemma. I don’t think you chose it. None of these things are a choice because all of these contributing factors are not chosen.
Nobody would choose any of those contributing factors. And in fact, you can’t. You can’t choose your parents. So the idea to frame the question that way is an incorrect way of framing it. And that’s what I really want to get across to you if you remember nothing else.
Besides, embracing an LGBT identity is not one choice. It’s a whole series of choices about how to respond to the feelings that you may experience. You experience feeling it comes unbidden to your mind or your soul, you know? And then you have choices about what to do. You not only have a choice, you have many choices you make. Daily you’re making choices about what to think, what to do, how to feel, who your friend group’s gonna be.
Look at these guys, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Do you think they were born with white face paint on them? Do you think they were born with an irresistible urge to ridicule other people’s religious beliefs? Obviously not. They made hundreds of choices that brought them to this day in these clothes to be photographed, you know? And so this whole way of looking at the question is really not helpful.
Transgenderism and Gender Ideology
Now I want to deal with transgenderism, okay? Transgenderism is the gender ideology that people use this term, gender ideology is an umbrella term. And so I want to try to give you some background and understanding of that term.
I consider feminism to be the original gender ideology, and it taught us, and I’m of the generation where I remember this happening, coming down the pike. We were taught men and women are identical except women are better. And so what people concluded was that it was an important moral imperative to wipe out all the differences between men and women because all of those differences are socially constructed and they’re certainly unjust. And so that’s what we’re supposed to do.
Well, the new gender ideology is, well, we still kind of want to do that, wipe out differences between men and women, except that the individual specifically chooses to embrace them and that’s okay. So if a guy decides he’s really a woman and wants to wear pink lipstick and wear…high heels and a dress and polished nails. That’s great. That’s fine. So it’s a little bit confusing. Any of you confused about this?
Okay. So we ask ourselves, how do these different versions of the gender ideology fit together? Here’s the way it works, I think. What they all have in common is the idea that the human body is unimportant and we can transcend the human body. In fact, not only can we transcend the human body, but if the sex of the body interferes with some important moral or social goal, we must transcend the body.
Feminism, the sex of the body interferes with equality between men and women. Okay? We are all for equality. So therefore, we have to use all possible social and legal means to overwrite the differences between men and women that flow from our bodies. And so, as I’m sure you know, this process ended up undermining the social support for lifelong married love and for stay at home motherhood.
Defining Transgender
Let me talk with you about what the word transgender actually means. And I want to convince you that you should stop using this word.
Okay. I have up here on the screen, nine different things that the word transgender can be used to mean. And I’m going to spell them out in a few minutes. I’m going to go through them and talk about what they all mean.
But here’s the point. Going into this before I get into the details, here’s the big picture. When somebody is using one term to mean six, eight, nine, 10 different things, they are up to no good. The confusion they are creating is deliberate.
People at the top of the pecking order who are generating the propaganda and developing the policies and all of that, they know exactly what they’re doing. So it’s very important that we watch our language and that we not get sucked into using their terminology.
So the material that I’m going to cover was first presented to me by this nice lady, Dr. Erin Brewer, who gave a speech at one of our summits on the psychology of the trans-minded client.
What does transgender even mean? The very first one is intersex. Intersex is, technically speaking, a disorder of sexual development. That’s the correct name for it, a disorder of sexual development. Of all those things on that first list, this is the only one that is a medically diagnosable condition.
This is a situation where somehow there’s a mismatch between secondary sex characteristics, DNA, genetics, the body, and one of the two sexes. So there’s some kind of mismatch. And there’s a whole list of these different traits. What does the word trans mean? One thing it sometimes is used to mean is disorders of sexual development.
On to the next one. The next is autogynephilia. Autogynephilia is a sexual paraphilia. And this is where you have an adult man who is sexually aroused by imagining himself and seeing himself as a woman or wearing women’s clothing.
Typically, is something that you see in adult men. Often these are men who have been married, who have fathered children. Some of the more celebrated public figures who claim to be transgender, Bruce Jenner, Richard Levine, who called himself Rachel Levine, was head of, you know, who was in the Biden administration cabinet.
These are men who have a sexual fetish, is basically what it comes down to. And we’re giving these people free rein with their sexual fetish. So that’s another thing that the word trans can mean.
Another thing transgender can mean is what we would call predators, men who say they’re women in order to have access to women’s spaces. These men are not deluded. These men are taking advantage of the social structure we’re putting into place that says your gender is whatever you say it is.
So for them, they want to say that they’re women so that they can be locked into a women’s prison and have access to their preferred targets as rapists. These cases, believe me, these cases are out here. In fact, that was mentioned in Trump’s executive order that no longer will federal prisons house men in women’s prisons. Okay. You would think this would be self-evident, but this is where we’ve gone.
Okay. So another meaning of the term transgender we could call pretenders. This is men who say they’re women so that they can compete in women’s sports. Generally speaking, these are mediocre male athletes who are pretending to be women. You see here the Algerian boxer from the Summer Olympics who created so much havoc. This guy, by the way, turned out that he had a disorder of sexual development.
He, in fact, had the syndrome that I was mentioning a moment ago that when he was born, he had no noticeable male genitalia because his body was not processing testosterone properly at that time. But when he hit puberty, he went through a male puberty basically and has testosterone levels of an adult man.
Munchausen by Proxy
Okay, another meaning of this term transgender can be what we would call Munchausen by Proxy. The Munchausen syndrome is kind of a fancy word for being a hypochondriac, somebody who likes getting a lot of attention over their medical issues or their medical, you know, pay attention to me because I’m sick. They go to the doctor all the time and so on and so forth. Munchausen by Proxy is where you’re getting, you’re doing that with another person.
And so we have instances in our world of mothers who are getting a lot of gratification over thinking that their sons are really women, are really girls. And this would be the most celebrated example or best known. This is the mother of Jazz Jennings, the person there who looks like a girl.
His mother decided that he was trans at I think the age of two or three. She decided that he was really a girl. He had a TV program, reality TV program, which probably most of you didn’t watch because it’s not really attractive to people like us as a rule, but you may have heard about it. They created a book about him and children read this book and it was promoted. Oh, you could be like Jazz.
But I want you to look at this is what Jazz looks like today. He has suffered enormously as a result of this whole drama that his mom has put him through.
Gender Dysphoria
Another group of people that the term transgenderism is sometimes applied to is gender dysphoria. And a lot of times when people say the word transgender, they want to bring into your mind a young person who is confused about their gender and who is struggling and who really feels bad.
There are people like that for sure. Of course, they’re not the guys who want to be locked into the women’s prison. Those two people have nothing in common with them. This is the aspect of transgenderism that has skyrocketed in recent years. It’s connected with internet chat rooms a lot.
And there’s a whole social contagion factor going on here where the kids end up spending a lot of time on the internet and they’re talking to each other and it becomes kind of a cool thing. All my friends are trans, this kind of thing.
And this term has developed: rapid onset gender dysphoria, meaning the parents are going, what the heck is going on here? She always was a little girly girl. Why is all of a sudden she thinks she’s a boy? That kind of a process.
Another type of gender dysphoria is it’s not a different type, it’s a different population of people, I guess you could say, is is kids on the autism spectrum.
To me, this is one of the saddest and most egregious instance of this whole ideology, which is that you’ve got kids who are socially awkward, don’t have a lot of friends, don’t pick up about social cues very well, and somebody starts telling them that they’re trans, and all of a sudden they’ve got friends, all of a sudden they’re cool, everybody’s telling them how brave they are. In some cases, they go forward with doing the surgeries and the hormonal treatments that have lifelong negative consequences for them.
And then finally, another category that you may sometimes hear about are young people who are same-sex attracted or who are not gender typical. Some same-sex attracted teen boys, for example, may feel that they’d be more comfortable as a woman than as a gay man.
And if you read about this and follow it very closely, you’ll encounter people saying this, that same-sex attracted, that these kids are really all gay and we’re creating conversion therapy to keep them from being gay because they think being trans would be better.
There’s a, within the LGBT broader community, if you want to call it that, there are many lesbians, many gay men, who are absolutely opposed to transgenderism in part for this reason. Okay, so that’s another feature of this whole landscape.
Resources for Parents
Again, here are more resources that we have on this subject. And we have a few helpful books that are germane here. These two books are books to help parents who may be dealing with transgender issues in their family.
And by the way, we have a transgender resource center and the parent resource center that I’ve shown here has a lot of different organizations who are trying to help parents with different aspects of this. There are a couple of law centers because some parents need attorneys to get their kids away from whatever is happening or they need attorneys to get them out of the clutches of the school.
There are therapy organizations. There are activist organizations, parent support groups, all that kind of thing is in the Ruth Institute Parent Resource Center. These two books, I have interviewed these two authors to these books, so I can confidently recommend these.
And then one other book that may be helpful to some of you, this is a book, this is not a Catholic woman who wrote this book, but she, this is a person who went through her own experience, thinking she was a man for many years and getting out of that. So she’s written this book to help congregations understand how to walk alongside the young people who are going through these things.
Subscribe to the Ruth Institute newsletter and get our free report, Refuting the Top 5 Gay Myths: https://ruthinstitute.org/refute-the-top-five-myths/
The Sexual State: https://thesexualstate.com/
Main Resource Center: https://ruthinstitute.org/resource-centers/
Healing from the Sexual Revolution: https://ruthinstitute.org/healing-from-the-sexual-revolution/
Parent Resource Center: https://ruthinstitute.org/resource-centers/parent-resources/
Transgender Resource Center: https://ruthinstitute.org/resource-center/transgender/
Counseling Freedom for All: https://ruthinstitute.org/counseling-freedom-for-all/
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/RuthInstitute
Related Playlists:
Gay No More Testimonies: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSi2OoPf_APvpYetZ–PHACCS1oTkhJ9f
Counseling Freedom for All, Experts Defending Choice: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSi2OoPf_APt0rwnPIw_jFIrbMWEqNJMM
Advice for Parents of LGBT+ Children: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSi2OoPf_APu5qIvFpqlppaYPWfPWOM-D
Clergy Sex Abuse: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSi2OoPf_APtqWhe1N9SH2_5oG0PLXM7M
Ex-Gay Visibility Panel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UI9-J225ZEg
Luis Ruiz: Pulse Nightclub Survivor: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_z-vtkyvJo
Nancy Charles Pt. 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99S1_mv903I
Nancy Charles Pt. 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GrWIe0ld2Nk
Ken Williams: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxiQfFwH36Q
Charlene Cothran at the 5th Summit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Rna7CFzzkM
Marco Casanova: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSh7nlhZ6XQ
Nancy Charles Advice for Parents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2MVtjGDmTs
Daisy Strongin Advice for Parents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WhQcupSWXZ0
James Parker Advice for Parents: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEm_SZS3iPc
APA on What Causes Sexual Orientation: http://www.apa.org/topics/lgbt/orientation.aspx
Leaving Pride Behind: https://www.ncregister.com/commentaries/leaving-pride-behind-fiducia-supplicans
The Social Organization of Sexuality: Sexual Practices in the United States: https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/S/bo3626005.html
Judith P. Andersen and John Blosnich, “Disparities in Adverse Childhood Experiences among Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Adults: Results from a Multi-State Probability-Based Sample,” PLOS ONE 8, no. 1 (2013): e54691, http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0054691
“Special Report on Sexuality and Gender” The New Atlantis, Lawrence S. Mayer and Paul McHugh. http://www.thenewatlantis.com/publications/number-50-fall-2016
UK data: Sexual Identity–Behavior Discordant Heterosexuals in Britain: Findings from the National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyle 2010–2012, Maria Clatrava, D. Paul Sullins and Steph James, Sexes, 2023, Vol 4, No. 4. https://www.mdpi.com/2411-5118/4/4/39
US data: “How many Homosexual Desistors are there in the US?” Donald Paul Sullins, SSRN, August 6, 2024. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4910854
The trans-minded client: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tV3a36ALLLA
Gender Ideology’s Verbal Engineering: https://www.ncregister.com/commentaries/gender-ideology-s-verbal-engineering
Desist, Detrans, & Detox: https://sophiainstitute.com/product/desist-detrans-detox/ref/61/
A Practical Response to Gender Distress: https://www.amazon.com/Practical-Response-Gender-Distress-Families
Transformation, A Former Transgender Responds to LGBTQ: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1625862601/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2DYF18PSUU7HB&keywords=linda+seiler&qid=1690328087&sprefix=linda+sei%2Caps%2C546&sr=8-2
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NC Register: https://www.ncregister.com/author/jennifer-roback-morse
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Father Sullins’ Reports on Clergy Sexual Abuse: https://ruthinstitute.org/resource-centers/father-sullins-research/
Dr. Morse’s Books:
The Sexual State: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/the-sexual-state-2/
Love and Economics: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/love-and-economics-it-takes-a-family-to-raise-a-village/
Smart Sex: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/smart-sex-finding-life-long-love-in-a-hook-up-world/
101 Tips for a Happier Marriage: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/101-tips-for-a-happier-marriage/
101 Tips to Marry the Right Person: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/101-tips-for-marrying-the-right-person/
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About the Ruth Institute
The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.
Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State and Love and Economics – It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.
To get more information or schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact media@ruthinstitute.org.