
Why Talk About Sex With Your Kids?

When parents talk to their kids about sex, and other sensitive topics, they open an invaluable channel of communication.

Joanna Hyatt on the Dr. J Show Ep. 23

Parents face a host of challenges when confronted with the prospect of talking to their children about sensitive topics, including reproduction, transgenderism, sexuality, creating a family, to say nothing of the awkwardness parents inevitably feel when broaching those topics for the first time with their children. But as parents approach those conversations, they need to be aware of two critical components: 1. The need to confront their own issues and 2. The importance of developing a relationship with their kids that fosters openness and sharing. While parents work on creating a good environment for their kids, they also ought to encourage  their children to be rebels against cultural norms that contradict traditional family values, ultimately empowering them to navigate the complexities of modern society.

Joanna has been the Director of a Los Angeles-based national STD and Teen Pregnancy prevention program and spent years at Live Action as a Director helping to shape content, lead major gift fundraising, and be a spokesperson. She’s hosted multiple series on Right Now Media, and spoken around the country, helping thousands of teens and parents tackle thorny issues that are essential to raising kids to be rebels in a culture going off the rails.

Check her website out: 

Get her latest eBook for Parents: 

A New Position on Sex: https://www.joannahyatt.com/new-position-on-sex

Follow her on Social Media: 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoannaHyatt1

Live Action | Pro-Life Advocacy for Dignity and Human Rights: https://www.liveaction.org/news/author/joanna-hyatt/

Mom speaks out against Planned Parenthood at school district: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2j2u_gvBNI

Inhuman: Undercover in America’s Late-Term Abortion Industry – Carhart: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIlYXmG287g

00:00 – Building a Foundation of Truth for Young Mothers

02:55 – Navigating Parental Experiences and Truth

06:07 – The Dilemma Series: Equipping Parents

08:55 – Addressing Past Choices and Parenting

12:10 – The Importance of Open Conversations

14:59 – Healing from Trauma and Its Impact on Parenting

18:07 – Engaging with Pro-Life Issues

20:59 – The Reality of Abortion Clinics

23:53 – Empowering Conversations with Children

27:04 – The Role of Parents in Shaping Values


Young mothers play a crucial role in building a foundation of truth.

Personal experiences can guide parenting decisions.

Open conversations about difficult topics are essential.

Parents must address their past choices to guide their children.

Healing from trauma is important for effective parenting.

Parents should be proactive in discussing sexuality and relationships.

The Dilemma Series aims to equip parents with necessary tools.

Pro-life issues are integral to discussions about family values.

Children need to hear about important topics from their parents first.

Establishing a strong relationship with children enhances their decision-making.

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 NC Register: https://www.ncregister.com/author/jennifer-roback-morse

 Catholic Answers: https://www.catholic.com/profile/jennifer-roback-morse

 The Stream: https://stream.org/author/jennifer-roback-morse/

 Crisis Magazine: https://crisismagazine.com/author/jennifer-roeback-morse

 Father Sullins’ Reports on Clergy Sexual Abuse: https://ruthinstitute.org/resource-centers/father-sullins-research/

 Buy Dr. Morse’s Books:

 The Sexual State: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/the-sexual-state-2/

 Love and Economics: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/love-and-economics-it-takes-a-family-to-raise-a-village/

 Smart Sex: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/smart-sex-finding-life-long-love-in-a-hook-up-world/

 101 Tips for a Happier Marriage: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/101-tips-for-a-happier-marriage/

 101 Tips to Marry the Right Person: https://ruthinstitute.org/product/101-tips-for-marrying-the-right-person/

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About the Ruth Institute

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State and Love and Economics – It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.

To get more information or schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact media@ruthinstitute.org.

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