Faith Hakesley

Everyone suffers whether due to their own personal choices, because of what someone has done to them, or because of natural occurrences. Life certainly doesn’t seem “fair” at times but by opening our lives to Christ we discover that only He can triumph over suffering. He is the key!
Jesus never said anything about this life being free from difficulties. As a matter of fact, Jesus said, “Whoever wishes to come after me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24) By His very suffering and death, Jesus shows us that suffering is a part of life. He shows us how powerful it is when done with love. He suffered and died for every single one of us.
Our Lord also shows us that suffering has purpose and meaning. Embracing the cross plays a vital role in our lives, not only if we wish for ourselves and others to be healed, but also if we wish to love and follow Christ.
“Offer it Up.”
You’ve probably heard the phrase, “Offer it up.” I heard this a lot while growing up especially in response to little inconveniences (such as not wanting to eat my lima beans). I probably rolled my eyes quite a bit over this (sorry, Mom and Dad). That little phrase has actually served me well over the course of my own life.
Some of you are probably thinking that telling someone to offer their suffering up lacks compassion. Yes, depending on the situation, simply telling someone to “offer it up” can indeed lack love and compassion. However, when used correctly, these three words have the power to transform our suffering. By “offering it up,” we are able to suffer well.
We should never seek out suffering. Also, we don’t always have to “grin and bear it.” We can seek relief from our suffering. For example, we should seek help for a medical condition, or we can remove ourselves from an abusive situation. “Offering it up” isn’t about “white knuckling it” and walking the road of suffering all on your own. What the phrase “offer it up” truly means is that no matter the situation and no matter how small or big the suffering is, God will waste no part of it.
Offering up our suffering is a powerful way to show our love for Christ and others. It’s a powerful way to imitate Him (something that none of us will ever do perfectly). When we surrender every part of ourselves completely over to Our Lord (including our struggles), we are united more closely to Him. Others may also come closer to Christ when we offer our suffering for them.
No one really wants to suffer. Most of us would rather skip Good Friday and jump right to the joy of Easter Sunday. However, when we embrace our crosses and unite them to Jesus’s, we realize that it is only with Him that we can find joy and peace in our pain. We certainly have to put in the work to heal, but only He can truly triumph over suffering.
There is Always Hope!
As Christians enter into the holiest of days, we once again call to mind the fact that we can’t experience the beauty and glory of Easter without the pain and suffering of Good Friday. There is always hope, friends! Even when the world fails you or even when you fail at times (we all do), you are never alone. Jesus suffers right along with you. Your suffering will always have purpose and meaning if you unite it to His on the cross.
Your suffering will never be wasted.
Regardless of what you are struggling with, you have a choice: turn against God out of anger and resentment or draw closer to God and allow Him to use your pain for good. Ask Jesus for the grace to unite your cross to His. No matter how dark things seem at times, Jesus will always bring you to the triumph and joy of the Resurrection.