Mother’s Day can understandably be a day met with mixed reactions by different people depending on their experiences. While many of us will rejoice in the tremendous gift of motherhood, many of us will also grieve on Mother’s Day for the wounds we carry – the wounds of miscarriage, child loss, parent loss, infertility, single parenthood, difficult relationships, the unfulfilled desires of marriage and children, abortion, adoption, etc.

Even though it is often looked down upon, motherhood is a precious gift. Take a moment to reflect upon the fact that God chose to bring us our salvation by sending His only Son into this world by means of a woman. That’s pretty amazing and speaks volumes about how precious women are in the sight of God. He gave men and women unique gifts, and these make us neither superior nor inferior to one another. They just make us different and beautifully unique as God intended. The differences of men and women are ones to celebrate! Mother’s Day is one way to celebrate the fact that women are capable of really amazing things including motherhood.

Mother’s Day can be a joyful day but also a sorrowful one. Regardless of your experiences and the season of life you are in, I want to honor all of you mothers out there. I want to remind you that you are fearfully and wonderfully made. You are loved, you have purpose, you have value, you are a masterpiece, and God has a great plan for your life.

Moms, you are seen and loved.

To moms in the thick of motherhood… you are seen, and you are loved!
To moms who are currently pregnant… you are seen, and you are loved!
To moms who have suffered the loss of a child at any stage of life, during pregnancy or beyond… you are seen, and you are loved!

To moms who live with the regret of abortion… you are seen, and you are loved!
To women who are caregivers or mother figures to others… you are seen, and you are loved!
To women who wish and pray to be moms… you are seen, and you are loved!
To women who are struggling with fertility issues… you are seen, and you are loved!
To women who have lost their mothers… you are seen, and you are loved!

To mothers who are trying to be better mothers than their own mothers were… you are seen, and you are loved!
To mothers who are doing their best to break generational traumas… you are seen, and you are loved!
To women who have a strained relationship with their mothers… you are seen, and you are loved!
To mothers who have a strained relationship with their children… you are seen, and you are loved!

Whether you are celebrating Mother’s Day, dreading it, or experiencing a combination of joy and grief, you are seen and you are loved.

Let us all take a moment to thank God for the gift of motherhood. If our mothers did not choose life, we would not be here. Moms, we thank you for the gift of life!

I am remembering all of you in prayer this weekend. May God grant all mothers the love, strength, wisdom, kindness, and patience they need. I pray that all mothers experience God’s mercy, forgiveness, and healing in any areas of their lives that need it. May Our Lord bless you always!

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