Ex-Gay Visibility Day: First Sunday in June

by T. S. Flanders June 1, 2024 at One Peter Five

From the Ruth Institute:

“The gay lobby makes sure everyone knows Junes is ‘Pride Month,’ but they certainly won’t acknowledge the many people who have left the LGBT identity behind. That’s why the Ruth Institute is declaring the first Sunday of June to be Ex-Gay Visibility Day,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

“It’s not politically correct to talk about ex-LGBT people. To the gay lobby, they don’t exist, or they’re just lying to themselves or were never really gay in the first place,” Morse said.

“But I have met many people who have journeyed away from an LGBT identity and are living happy, fulfilled lives with opposite sex partners. There are organizations of them all over the world.”

The next Dr. J Show interviewees are a man and woman who have journeyed away from a gay identity, as well as a therapist who has assisted many others in doing the same.

“Our YouTube channel has many more interviews of people just like this, brave enough to share their stories despite the possibility of public backlash.”

We can only say “Amen” to this effort of the Ruth Institute in this Sacred Heart Month. This is the month where we need to proclaim louder, with greater truth and charity, that the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus is King over souls and societies!

For people who have been recovering or have recovered from SSA, this reality of the Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus is more real than ever, and their conversions and their healing is nothing less than the glory of God. Therefore we invite priests and pastors to mention this on Sunday and spread the word!

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