Ex-Lesbian: Divine Grace is Real

by Suzanne Carrillo at OnePeterFive

Today is the first of June, the month that Church dedicates to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Since so many people outside the Catholic world haven’t any knowledge of the liturgical year, much less how one can live according to it, they will be inundated with “pride” memorabilia all month long. For this reason, I have decided to make known my disdain.

By now, very few may not know that I have long left the homosexual lifestyle (eight years). I take no credit, seeing how long I lived it, knowing that each time I engaged in homosexual acts, I greatly offended God, yet continued in the mire for as long as I did. Nothing other than the Grace of God liberated me from my disordered passions. (I always knew that every relationship I was in would fail if I kept loving this Invisible God. Perhaps it was the hypocrisy of claiming to love God while living a life I knew He forbade. Yet, regardless of the hurt I’d experienced, I knew I couldn’t forsake Him; I would not!)

There are many examples I can give and instances that prove that if one doesn’t entirely reject God, hope remains. The first step was finally submitting to His will and renouncing my own. The last eight years have been a quest to grow deeper in my Faith and to come to know, love, and serve this God I knew loved and watched over me all my life. In so doing, He has led me to more profound knowledge and understanding of Himself and myself. Without knowledge of God, it is impossible to know oneself. 

The prince of this world, Satan, and his minions have convinced people that it is no longer a sin to engage in homosexual acts. Well, pay them no heed, for like their master, they lie! Sadly, many in the Church speak this falsehood as well. God gave us many an example of how hard it is to enter Heaven: “How narrow is the gate, and straight is the way, that leadeth unto life: and few there are that find it!” (Matt 7:14) “Then Jesus said to his disciples: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me” (Matt 16:24).

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