SCOTUS’s NIFLA ruling is as good as everyone says…and better

by Curtis Schube This article was first published June 29, 2018, at Life Site News. NIFLA v. Becerra is better than anyone could have expected. The Supreme Court’s ruling last Tuesday overturned California’s onerous speech restriction on pregnancy care centers. Great news, to be sure. It gets better. NIFLA also overturned speech restrictions on therapists […]

Ruth Institute’s First Annual Awards Dinner Was a Success by Any Measure

On June 15, 2018, the Ruth Institute held its First Annual Awards Dinner in Lake Charles, Louisiana. Among the 250 guests was His Excellency, the Most Reverend Bishop Glen John Provost, Roman Catholic Bishop of Lake Charles, who gave the invocation. Recipients of awards included authors, scholars and activists. Dr. Mark Regnerus (left) received the […]

NIFLA v. Becerra is even better than you think.

Protecting Therapists, not just Pregnancy Care Centers by Curtis Schube June 27, 2018 Exclusive to the Ruth Institute NIFLA v. Becerra is better than anyone could have expected. The Supreme Court’s ruling on Tuesday overturned California’s onerous speech restriction on pregnancy care centers. Great news, to be sure. It gets better. NIFLA also overturned speech […]

Fighting the Sexual Revolution

by Dustin Siggins First published at The Stream on June 21, 2018. The Stream asked the president of the Ruth Institute why she brought Paul Sullins into their work. Dr. Jennifer Morse: replied: “We are concerned that ordinary people are making life-changing decisions without accurate information about the long-term consequences. Millions of people have thrown […]

‘I Am Relieved And Happy To Be Labeled A Hater,’ Says Pro-Family Researcher Targeted by SPLC

By Dustin Siggins This article was published June 21, 2018, at The Stream. Dr. Paul Sullins is a Catholic priest and a leading pro-family researcher. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) recently targeted him for attack. His crime? Working with The Ruth Institute on research on the effects of same-sex couples-led households on children. The […]

Siena Symposium speaker: ‘Contraceptive ideology’ creates new layer of inequality

by Susan Klemond This article was first published at The Catholic Spirit May 1, 2018. The economy and upper-level decision-making in the United States are built on delayed childbearing — a consequence of the sexual revolution and widespread promotion of contraceptives, said Jennifer Roback Morse in her April 26 talk at the University of St. […]

Symposium: ‘Humanae Vitae’ Teachings Essential for Stable Marriages, Families

Benedictine College event looked at why the teachings of the Church are the answer to many current cultural and societal problems. Mary Rezac/CNA/EWTN News March 28, 2018, at ATCHISON, Kan. — The promise of the sexual revolution and contraception was total sexual freedom for everyone. “Sex is for fun and now women can have […]

The Real Reason The Atlantic Fired Kevin Williamson

by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse First published April 11, 2018, at The Stream. Kevin Williamson has been summarily dismissed from The Atlantic. The editor says it was because Williamson advocated that the law should treat abortion as murder. But this is hardly a full explanation of the full social process around this disturbing incident. Williamson […]

40 Percent of US Pregnancies Out of Wedlock, ‘Shotgun’ Marriages Have Plummeted: Report

By Brandon Showalter This article was first posted on Christian Post on December 19, 2017. A new Senate report is highlighting the effects of unwed childbearing and family breakdown as approximately 40 percent of births in the United States now occur outside of wedlock. And what are known as “shotgun” marriages are largely a thing […]

Even Closer: Healing Family Breakdown

(January 23, 2018) Dr J is once again a guest on Relevant Radio’s "A Closer Look.&quot, She and Ed Morrissey, who’s filling in for Sheila Liaugminas this week, discuss the Ruth Institute’s work caring for survivors of the sexual revolution, specifically through our series of Healing Family Breakdown workshops. Check out our upcoming workshop this Saturday in Kansas City, Kansas:

Business tells pro-family group to say they ‘discriminate’ if they want donations processed

by Doug Mainwaring This article was first published at Life Site News on December 22, 2017. LAKE CHARLES, La., December 22, 2019 (LifeSiteNews) – The Ruth Institute is once again encountering difficulty in securing the services of an online donation processor because of its orthodox Christian views regarding marriage, family, and human sexuality. The Ruth […]

Here’s What’s Fishy about Al Franken’s Resignation and Selective Outrage.

By Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published at Clash Daily on Dec. 13, 2017. Former comedian Al Franken is resigning his seat as a Minnesota senator. Multiple women accused him of sexual harassment. The most notorious incident was the photo of him groping a female journalist, while she slept. In his resignation […]

I signed under duress. We don’t discriminate.

A friend of Ruth wanted to ask his employer to make a matching donation to the Ruth Institute. He asked us to sign up with Benevity, a company which, according to their website, We make it easier for nonprofit organizations to establish their eligibility for our client’s corporate giving programs, reducing the burden on charities […]

The Toxic Ideas that Enabled Weinstein and Others

by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first posted October 26, 2017, at Crisis Magazine. The Media-Entertainment Complex claims to be “shocked, shocked, I tell you,” to learn that powerful Hollywood men like Harvey Weinstein engage in a systematic pattern of sexual assault. Those of us outside Hollywood are not the slightest bit shocked. In fact, a lot of us in Fly-Over Country are just waiting for other powerful men to be implicated. This situation gives us an opportunity to unmask the ideology that enable predators like Weinstein. One of the most revolutionary ideas of our time is that a good and decent society ought to separate sex and childbearing from each other. The Grand Narrative goes something like this: Caring for unwanted children is an unjust demand on women. Sexual activity without a live baby is an entitlement for men and women alike. People need and are entitled to sexual activity. A life without sex is scarcely worth living. Do I exaggerate? Perhaps a bit. But the United Nations makes a claim that is very nearly that stark. On its “Frequently Asked Questions” page, the United Nations Population Fund answers the question “What is Reproductive Health?” Reproductive health can be defined as a state of well-being related to one’s sexual and reproductive life. It implies, according to the ICPD Programme of Action, “that people are able to have a satisfying and safe sex life and that they have the capability to reproduce and the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so.” (para. 7.2) The United Nations never quite explains who has the responsibility to provide us with a “safe and satisfying sex life.” As for having the “capability to reproduce the freedom to decide if, when and how often to do so”: that should not be rocket science, requiring a whole “Programme of Action.” A person who judges that the time is not right for a baby, has the option of not having sex. Pretty simple. Evidently, it is not that simple. Somehow, the United Nations does not expect people to go without sex, even tempo

On Important Issues, the Alt-Right and Life-Style Left Agree

By Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published September 2, 2017, at The Stream. The dust has settled on the clash between the Alt-Right and the Left in Charlottesville. But the labeling (or libeling) of conservatives will be back. Powerful people and organizations on the Left want to link the Alt-Right with the entire […]

Interview with Brenda Baietto, Esq.

Interview with Brenda Baietto, Esq., (left) coauthor with Jennifer Johnson (right) on the American Bar Association Journal article advocating for Family Structure Equality Dear readers, I was blessed with an opportunity to coauthor an important article for the American Bar Association Journal regarding the “family structure equality” argument I make in my book, Marriage and […]

SPLC ‘Hate Map’ Targets Christians, Pro-Family Groups

  The Southern Poverty Law Center lists the Alliance Defending Freedom and other Christian organizations as ‘extremist,’ and they have decided to fight back. by Joan Frawley Desmond This article was first published at NCRegister on August 31, 2017. Tony Perkins, the president of the Family Research Council, answers questions at a news conference in […]

Will the Southern Poverty Law Center Brand the Roman Catholic Church a ‘Hate Group’?

By Tyler O’Neil This article was first published September 7, 2017 at pjmedia. Pope Francis closes the Jubilee of Mercy in Vatican City on Nov. 20, 2016. (Rex Features via AP Images) In 2013, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) branded the Ruth Institute (RI) a “hate group,” and has stood by this decision ever […]

Southern Poverty Law Center Gets Creative to Label ‘Hate Groups’

Principled conservatives are lumped together with bigots. By Megan McArdle   This article was first posted September 7, 2017, at Bloomberg. This is an actual hate group. It shouldn’t be lost in a list of 900. Source: Hulton Archive, via Getty Images In 2010, the Southern Poverty Law Center designated the Family Research Council a […]

Donation Processing Company Cancels Christian Group’s Service Because SPLC Labeled It a “Hate Group”

by Steven Ertelt This article was first published at Life News on September 1, 2017. A company that processes online donations for organizations cancelled its service with a Christian organization after the pro-abortion Southern Poverty Law Center labeled it a “hate group” over its conservative political views. This action highlights longstanding concerns pro-life conservatives have […]

​I was lied to about successful, educated women “having it all"

I was lied to about successful, educated women “having it all,” including marriage and children. I was lied to about the impact of the contraceptive mentality on women, men, and their relationship. Brought up Catholic, sex was meant for marriage. But in my late teens I was persuaded to embark on intimate caressing by my  […]

Ruth Institute Survey Results

Our main objective with this survey was to see if our audience has a basic understanding of our mission. I’m pleased to see that, yes, you do! More than 90% of you agree that the list of issues we tackle are indeed related. The second question was like the first. We asked people to identify […]

A Child of Divorce Speaks Out on the Importance of a Family

A Child of Divorce Speaks Out on the Importance of a Family “No-fault divorce is like abortion,” says the Ruth Institute’s Jennifer Johnson.   by Jim Graves    This article was first posted April 10, 2017, at   Jennifer Johnson is Director of the Children of Divorce Project at the Ruth Institute. She is […]

Retreat offers hope and healing for survivors of family breakdown

by Leslie Fain First posted on Catholic World Report December 29, 2016 When we think of the “least of these,” whom Jesus exhorted us to defend and aid, several groups easily come to mind: the poor, the unborn, the disabled. One often overlooked group is adult children of family breakdown. The non-profit Ruth Instituteis striving […]

White girl with a Korean mom thought she was adopted. The truth was more unsettling.

  Jessica Kern couldn’t figure out why she was white and her mom was Korean. At 16, she learned the unsettling truth. June 25, 2014, at CULPEPER, VA — Jessica Kern was sixteen the day she found the missing puzzle piece that finally made her life make sense. Growing up, Kern, now 30, had […]

Planned Parenthood was cold and non-human

I am a happily married woman and mother of three beautiful boys who regrets having an abortion. It all happened about 24 years ago when my husband and I got engaged. We were, and are very much in love, which is the most disturbing part of this story. One would think that because of this […]

The hidden abuse

Without the societal climate that has been created by contraception and free sex, I don’t think it would have happened to me so easily. The Sexual Revolution is foundational in the situation. I wouldn’t be dealing with this trauma and the resulting emotional injuries. My pastor, a Catholic priest who has taken vows of chaste […]

When suicidal, the psychiatrist told me, "The problem is you’re still a virgin."

It all probably started in high school when I became bulimic. I thought I was the only one in the world with this terrible compulsion. Now I know that 4 of the 6 daughters of my family engaged in bulimia during their teens. I also now know that my father was engaged in porn and […]

Playboy sold me airbrushed lies

When I think of Robin, my heart is broken, both for her and the wrong I did to her. I met Robin at a party when I was eighteen. When she walked in the door, I was immediately taken by her. She was one of the prettiest girls I had ever seen. I made a […]

Decision 2016: Quack, quack, quack

by Jennifer Roback Morse Originally published at The Blaze on October 21, 2016. I have friends who are Never Trump, Reluctantly Trump and Members of the Trump Advisory Team. I understand the reasons behind these positions. I intend now to speak only for myself, and not for the Ruth Institute, which of course, does not take positions on political candidates. My dream in life is that every child be welcomed into life to a loving home with a married mother and father. My life goal is to create a Christ-like mass social movement to end the agony and injustice of family breakdown. From this perspective, both major candidates are deeply flawed. I did not vote for either in the primary. (PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images) (PAUL J. RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images) However, the third debate cemented my belief that the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is a choice between a sworn enemy of all I believe in, and an uncertain ally. Their exchange on abortion removed all doubt. Clinton has never seen an abortion she wouldn’t support. Trump described late term abortions graphically, and declared them “terrible,” something “nobody has the right” to do. I do not find this a difficult choice. I realize that some people find Trump so morally repugnant that they won’t vote for him. So, let me tell you what I plan to do. Between now and the election, I do not plan to excuse, defend, “endorse” or “support” Trump. Nor do I plan to agonize, wring my hands or clutch my pearls over how to vote. On Election Day, I plan to go into the voting booth and pull the lever for Trump. I plan to give it no further thought. I will leave the voting booth, and go right back to doing my primary vocation. Before, during and after Election Day, I plan to not lose any friends over Trump. If people feel they must “unfriend” me, I can’t stop them. But I will not attack my friends for making a different decision than I do. I am opposed in principle, to circular firing squads. I am not the slightest bit concerned about any new “revelations” coming up

Poster Child of God’s Mercy

The expression, “I’ve been to hell and back,” is a perfect description of my life, and the hell was mostly self-inflicted through my abuse of alcohol. Even though I came from a loving, supportive, Christian family, I always felt like an outsider and “less than.” That all changed when I discovered alcohol. As a well-known […]

A Reflection on Experiences as a male using Contraception

In the film, Demolition Man, the year is 2032. The characters of John Spartan (played by Silvester Stallone) and Lenina Huxley (played by Sandra Bullock) are about to have sex having known each other less than a few days. John Spartan in fact is only a day or two living in this “brave new world” […]

Recapturing the public square: Sept. 17 event to provide ‘pep talk’ to Catholics

By Joyce Coronel This article was first published September 10, 2016, at In the midst of a contentious political season, Catholics might be tempted to obey the maxim about steering clear of politics and religion in public. But that’s not what they’re called to do. That’s one of the messages Catholics will hear at […]

Catholics Nationwide Reject claims of “Catholics for Choice”

Global Non-Profit Honors Catholic Prelates for Rebutting “Catholics for Choice” Roses from Ruth, October 2016 Recipients Responders to the “Catholics for Choice” newspaper ads Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, on behalf of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Galveston-Houston Archbishop Gustavo Garcia-Siller of San Antonio Bishop Kevin Farrell of Dallas and Bishop Steven Lopez of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter on behalf of the Texas Catholic Conference Archbishop John Myer of Newark, New Jersey Bishop Michael Olson of Ft. Worth, TX Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas This morning, the Ruth Institute sent a letter of commendation and 12 white roses to the above-named American cardinals, archbishops and bishops, thanking them for their defense of Catholic teaching. The badly misnamed “Catholics for Choice” sponsored paid newspaper advertisements, “Abortion in Good Faith,” across the country. These Catholic churchmen set the record straight. Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, President of the Ruth Institute, stated, “’Catholics for Choice’ is seriously out of touch with the views of Catholics across the country. In this election year of so much confusion and rancor, the followers of the Ruth Institute and other pro-life, pro-family groups are encouraged by the unified response of these Catholic churchmen.” The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization dedicated to finding Christ-like solutions to the problems of family breakdown. Founded by world renowned author, speaker and academic Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, the Ruth Institute has accumulated decades of research to support individuals and families harmed by divorce, the hook-up culture and other forms of family breakdown. Ruth Institute, an interfaith organization, dreams of the day when every child will be welcomed into a loving home with a married mother and father. Dr. Morse stated, “We are encouraged that these bishops stated clearly, each in his own way, that abortion is the taking of an innocent life a

Not your momma’s free market

by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published at The Blaze on September 29, 2016. I got into the conservative movement as a 19-year-old economics undergraduate at Ohio State University. My OSU professors were all recent graduates of the University of Chicago and were true believers in the free market. The theory was elegant, […]

Women’s lib is a lie. You can’t have it all.

I am a survivor of the sexual revolution. I wasted my entire child bearing years on sex. It started in the early 70’s when I was 16 and lost my virginity to a 22-year-old. I got high and gave away my heart and wept. It started a whirlwind of relationships. Sex was powerful! I was […]

Why the Prophetic Voice of Pope Paul VI Still Matters

by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published at The Blaze on September 12, 2016. Those of us who live in prosperous countries may not realize the full impact of the contraceptive ideology around the world. You know the ideology I mean: everyone old enough to give meaningful consent is entitled to unlimited sex […]

The historic Christian teaching against contraception: a defense

Acceptance of contraception undercuts Christian sexual ethics. by Sherif Girgis   Forty-eight years ago last month, our story reached a dramatic climax. But it began in the dawn of Christianity, with a document called the Teaching of the Twelve Apostles (or Didache). Written thirty to fifty years after Christ’s death, it gives the earliest evidence […]

Pro-Choice Puritans

by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published August 18, 2016 at The Blaze. For a very short time, Puritanism was the dominant religion in America. The need to populate a large continent led to lots of immigration of lots of people from different religions. Since then, we Americans have developed a sardonic definition […]

HOME ECONOMICS: Jennifer Roback Morse proclaims the social utility of the family

First published August 11, 2016 at and will be in the NATIONAL REVIEW August 29, 2016. by John J. Miller “It’s a discouraging time to be a social conservative,” says Jennifer Roback Morse. “We’ve been marginalized everywhere: the media, the academy, the legal system, and now even in politics.” Many of her brethren know […]

Darwinism, Contraception, and the Decline of Manhood

By Ryan MacPherson, a Ruth Institute Circle of Experts member Book Review: The Decline of Males, Lionel Tiger (New York: Golden Books, 1999) This article was first published at Why would a confessional Lutheran (who recognizes that God created humanity male and female, instituted marriage, and designed the one-flesh union for procreation) want to read a book written by an evolutionist who claims that Darwin’s theory of sexual selection is the key to interpreting the breakdown of the American family? If the evolutionist is Dr. Lionel Tiger, a Rutgers University anthropologist, and the book is The Decline of Males, then the answer is simple: his insightful analysis offers lessons that transcend the gap between Darwinian assumptions, which fundamentally contradict Scripture, and the confessional Lutheran worldview, which proclaims that God “impressed upon [human] nature” a “divine ordinance” for marital procreation (Apol. XIII (XI), 7, 12). Tiger differs from many scholars. He identifies the root of America’s culture war over “family values,” with its recurring “battle of the sexes,” not in politics, not in religion, not in any particular ideology, but rather in biology. He argues that male and female bodies, and the social behaviors that typically go with them, have evolved over millions of years to perfect a mammalian reproductive cycle in which offspring are preserved by males who care for pregnant and lactating females. The introduction of modern contraception in the 1960s, however, radically altered the human social environment. Biology—slow to evolve—is struggling to catch up. The result is social chaos, involving an escalation of single motherhood and absent fatherhood. A confessional Lutheran would want to correct Tiger’s evolutionary presuppositions with the doctrine that God the Creator designed human nature in such a way that “a husband should labor to support his wife and children … that a wife should bear children and care for them.” (AC XXVI, 10) The interesting thing is that many of Tig

How a Christian Child’s Love Won Jane Roe’s Heart

By Ryan MacPherson, a Ruth Institute Circle of Experts member This article was first published at on January 22, 2009 (36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade). Book Review: Won by Love, Norma McCorvey (with Gary Thomas), (Nashville: Thomas Nelson, 1998) In her own small world she was Norma McCorvey, a battered, then abandoned, wife and drug addict, pregnant but not desiring a child. The wider world would know her as “Jane Roe” of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide. The story told there was tragic: a woman gang raped, forced into pregnancy, and denied the opportunity to terminate that pregnancy since abortion was outlawed in Texas. This story, however, was a lie—fabricated by attorney Sarah Weddington, who herself had obtained an illegal abortion and now was on a mission to make abortion available legally. When McCorvey became “Roe,” she provided the tool Weddington needed to push the issue in the courts. But after McCorvey signed “Roe’s” affidavit, affirming the fabricated story as her own, Weddington reneged on her promise to help McCorvey deal with her crisis pregnancy. Weddington did not even so much as telephone McCorvey until four months after the child was born. The “Roe” of Roe v. Wade did not abort her baby, a child saved, ironically, by an attorney’s need for a pregnant plaintiff in order to sue for abortion access. McCorvey had never even been inside an abortion clinic, though later she would work for one. She was both the victim of deceit and the perpetrator of deception. Marijuana helped her to cope. So did alcohol. And coarse humor, too: “I tell women we aren’t killing little babies on Wednesday; they have to come in Thursday through Saturday to do it.” (150) But her verbal defense mechanisms, like her lesbian relationship with an abortion clinic coworker, only took her deeper into the pit of despair and anger, a bitter mixture of relentless grief and suppressed guilt. Even “Jane Roe” knew that abortion killed babies. While working at A Choice

Elite Women Wage Social Warfare on Everywoman

by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first posted at The Blaze on July 5, 2016. So a radical feminist and two childless women walk into a courtroom. How do you expect them to rule on abortion or contraception? Their lives as they know them, depend on both. In Whole Woman’s Health vs. Hellerstedt, the […]

Young Women Are Gambling On a Losing Game

by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first posted at The Blaze on June 1, 2016.   The image from the Huffington Post staff meeting created an immediate backlash for editor Liz Heron’s rhetorical question: “Notice anything about this Huffington Post editors’ meeting?” Unlike many of the internet commentators, I am not interested in the […]

Turning back the tide of sexual promiscuity through religion

By Jenet Jacob Erickson, a Ruth Inst. Circle of Experts member Published: May 1, 2016 at the Deseret News Feminism swept into American culture during the 1960s in the name of women’s equality. While much has been said about feminist efforts to alter gender roles and workplace dynamics, scant attention has been paid to the […]

Blackmail Threat Leads to life-giving Testimony

Leave it to pro-choice political operatives to make a blackmail threat against a pro-life politician and his family. And leave it to the King of Kings to bring light out of darkness and to write straight with crooked lines.  It seems that “an unnamed source” told Michigan State Rep. Lee Chatfield, a pro-life Republican, that they […]

Pro-Life Leaders Decry Scandals, Urge Catholic Colleges to Reject Culture of Death

From the Cardinal Newman Society and a collection of Pro-Life Leaders on May 11, 2016.   Concerned by recent high-profile events at Catholic colleges featuring pro-abortion leaders — including Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards, Bill Clinton, Wendy Davis and Vice President Joe Biden — 29 Catholic and pro-life leaders joined a statement urging Catholic colleges to […]

Whose fault was no-fault divorce?

by Ryan C. MacPherson, a Ruth Institute Circle of Experts member This article was first published at on May 9, 2016. When language aficionado Bo Mitchell judged 461 entries for the “Great Oxymoron Contest” in 1983, he ranked “wedded bliss” in third place. In fourteenth place came “happily married.” Mitchell distinguished two kinds of […]

The Culture of Life Honors Parents and Respects the Elderly

The Culture of life, culture of life honors parents and family

By Ryan MacPherson, a Ruth Institute Circle of Experts member. This article was first published at in May 2016. Excerpted from The Culture of Life: Ten Essential Principles for Christian Bioethics, by Ryan MacPherson. (This book may be purchased at a bulk discount rate for use in Bible studies.) The Culture of Life The […]

The Church’s Finest Hour

by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published May 11, 2016, at The Blaze. Many Christians are distraught over our political situation. We are trying to chart an honorable course through an increasingly unreasonable moral minefield. I think the solution is at once simpler, and more difficult, than it seems. We need to tell […]

Why Everyone Should Oppose Surrogacy

By Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published at The Blaze on May 4, 2016. I am an outspoken critic of gestational surrogacy, in which the gestational mother carries a child to term for another person or couple. I have noticed that many people do not understand the stakes in this issue. Pro-life people […]

The Latest Pope Francis Controversy and Why Non-Catholics Should Care

by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first published at The Blaze on April 12, 2016. Non-Catholics may be wondering why Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation, “Amoris Laetitia” or “The Joy of Love,” has Catholics in an uproar. Has the Pope changed Catholic doctrine? Has he left the doctrine officially intact, but changed pastoral practice so […]

Hush: the film

One of our readers sent us this information: “There is a newly produced documentary film which profiles the marginalization even suppression of information regarding reproductive health that does not fit the liberal narrative. The film is called “Hush”. It is produced by Canadian company called Mighty Motion Pictures. You can find it at It […]

The Sexual Revolution Proves itself to be a Totalitarian Movement

My latest at The Blaze March 30, 2016 The Sexual Revolution is a war by the totalitarian State against the human body and against the Judeo-Christian ethos. I know. I know. The Sexual Revolution promises fun and freedom. How can I say that the Sexual Revolution is a totalitarian State making war on the human […]

It’s Time to Stop Letting the Elite Class Define What Family Looks Like

This is my maiden voyage at The Blaze.  The virtue of this blog, is that I can tell you The Rest of the Story, that you won’t necessarily see on the published article. For this article, I can tell you that I wanted a different title, “The Rich and The Rest.” The editor over there […]

A Prodigal Son’s Tale

The uproar over the Obergefell decision by the Supreme Court, as well as over the Planned Parenthood videos of aborted infants, has brought to light in my heart the brutal, circular journey I myself have made from devout Catholic school boy of the 50s to passive, liberal “hippie” of the 60s and 70s, and back […]

It’s Legal To Buy And Sell Children, As Long As They’re Small

Children created during in vitro fertilization can be disposed of for potential flaws, evaluated for ‘desirable’ characteristics, experimented upon, and bought and sold.   This article was first published at on January 25, 2016. By Katie Schuermann, with extensive quotes by Dr. Morse   Abortion is not the only legalized medical procedure that hurts […]

Missing Millennials — What Must the Church Do to Reach a Generation?

Experts weigh best practices to reach younger adults, who are less likely to attend Mass and more likely to back same-sex ‘marriage.’ by JOAN FRAWLEY DESMOND 07/09/2015 WASHINGTON — When the U.S. Supreme Court issued its June 26 ruling, which found a constitutional right to same-sex “marriage,” Catholic leaders called for renewed efforts to evangelize […]

Conscience and Its Enemies: Confronting the Dogmas of Liberal Secularism

A book review by Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse This book review appeared in the Fall 2015 issue of The Independent Review and was posted here. The latest book by Robert P. George, McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence at Princeton University, is a series of essays held together by natural-law reasoning. Although George is a devout Roman […]

At-risk kids losing American dream because ‘we’re too politically correct’ to defend family: Rick Santorum

Posted at Life Site News January 15, 2016. Dr. Morse is quoted near the bottom. by Ben Johnson NORTH CHARLESTON, South Carolina, January 15, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Americans are allowing a generation of at-risk children to lose their chance at the American dream, because we are “too politically correct” to say that the intact, traditional […]

Help for the victims of the sexual revolution

By Alyson Smith Celebrate Life September-October 2015 Jennifer Roback Morse, PhD, founder and president of the Ruth Institute, brings a unique voice to discussions of love, marriage, sexuality, and the family. Tell us about the Ruth Institute. What led you to found it? I had been a hard-charging career woman in my 20s and early […]

Uncovered — the dirty secrets behind the feminist movement

This article was published October 13, 2015, at Longtime Cosmo writer reveals how she hijacked the women’s rights crusade SAN FRANCISCO – The 1960s women’s rights movement has had a profoundly adverse impact on women throughout the United States, including Sue Ellen Browder, a former ardent propagandist for sexual liberation who wrote stories meant […]

Laity Should Act When Clergy Won’t

by Jennifer Roback Morse This article was first posted October 22, 2015, at Let’s face it: The 2015 Synod on the Family is a mess. I was one who gave Pope Francis the benefit of the doubt. I now have my doubts about him. And I have no doubt at all that some of […]

The Supreme Court Has Legalized Same-Sex Marriage: Now What?

A National Review Online Symposium, June 27, 2015 Jennifer Roback Morse After the Obergefell ruling, we can expect the following: Parenthood will no longer be considered a natural reality to be recorded by the government but the creation of the state for the benefit of adults. Some children will have a legally recognized right to […]

Impressive lineup at San Francisco NFP conference

Dr. Morse will be at this event. If you can make it, please join us! This article was first posted at California Catholic Daily. “Male & female he created them” draws star speakers On August 21 and 22 the Archdiocese of San Francisco is hosting the the 13th statewide conference of the California Association of […]

US Catholic Bishops Speak Out: Obergefell ruling a "tragic error"

by Jennifer Roback Morse  The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a strongly worded statement, supporting natural marriage. Here are some highlights from the statement, issued by the President of the Conference, Archbishop of Louisville, Joseph Kurtz. Just as Roe v. Wade did not settle the question of abortion over forty years ago, Obergefell […]

Ruth Institute Statement on the US Supreme Court Ruling on Obergefell v. Hodges

The Ruth Institute opposes the short-sighted decision of the US Supreme Court mandating that every State remove the gender requirement from their marriage laws. This decision undermines the natural right of every child to know the identity of their own parents, and as far as possible, to be in a relationship with and to be […]

Death by Contraception

posted by Jennifer Roback Morse  The Sexual Revolution: most people equate it with fun and freedom. At the Ruth Institute, we are convinced that the Sexual Revolution = destruction + heartbreak. We have identified 12 Survivors of the Sexual Revolution: people who have been harmed by this toxic ideology, who have lived to tell their […]