Dr. Morse and Father Rob Jack discuss a Vermont high school’s decision to not only accept a boy onto the girl’s volleyball team, but have mandated that the girls either undress in front of him, or share a single-room locker space. They discuss how the administrators should be protecting the young, how their actions will inevitably lead to negative consequences, and why they’ll be surprised when that happens.
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Fr. Jack: With us now is Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, and she heads the Ruth Institute, which is an interfaith, nonprofit organization helping defend the family and repair the damage of the sexual revolution. Her most recent book is called The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives. And those numbers keep ramping up, Dr. Morse. They keep destroying more and more, and they’re doing it in the name of civilization, which I find quite ironic.
Dr. Morse: No kidding? Yeah. The casualties continue to mount. I know. I was listening to your announcement about the rally that you guys are having, and that’s very good that you’re doing that. But, boy, it’s a shame that we have to fight every step of the way for every little thing, it seems like.
Fr. Jack: Well, that’s been the case in Ohio. We keep fighting it. And just as soon at the last minute, the 11th hour, the either the American Civil Liberties Union or Planned Parenthood managed to find a judge that will say, sorry, you know, this is affecting women’s health. I said it’s not affecting as much as killing not only the children, but sometimes the mothers, especially through the abortion pill.
That’s available through the mail. I mean, it’s just gotten to the point, Doctor, when you don’t know what to say.
Dr. Morse: Yeah. I mean, they talk about abortion being safe, legal and rare. And yet it’s not unusual for the things that we’re asking for to be things that actually are improving the health outcomes for people. And, you know, prescribing these powerful drugs through the mail, you know, where you can’t even remotely be checking whether this is going to harm the person, whether it’s contraindicated for some reason, you know, it’s bad medicine.
It’s really bad medicine and the medical profession, you know, someday they’re going to be so grief stricken with what they’ve done.
Fr. Jack: Well, between that and the pharmaceutical industry, because they’re making a ton of money, not only off of that, but off of the new thing, which is this whole transgender movement of flooding the market with these growth hormones, and now the governor of California making that place, so-called trans sanctuary. I mean, it is just we have lost our collective minds.
There is no one of any reason whatsoever that we can do. I know we’re talking with Don Johnson today, who’s just come out with his new movie called Disconnected, which is, again, he’s in California. And maybe he’s someone you might want to do a Dr. J Show with because he’s got a lot of great information.
Dr. Morse: Hey, you know, I was in an earlier film that he did, actually. Now that you’re saying that. He had a film on contraception years ago.
Fr. Jack: Yes, he did.
Dr. Morse: Yeah. Yeah. I was in that film starring me as well.
Fr. Jack: Now I’ve got to see it. If you’re in there, doctor, you know, now that that’s the deal breaker, I got to see it. You know, I was putting it off. But now, since you said it, we’re going I’m going to pull that up online and watch it as soon as I can. So we can hear your clear voice and your lovely face and that’ll change so many hearts, you know, just like, well, Helen of Troy had a face that would sail a thousand ships.
Dr. Morse: You know, you’re getting out of hand now.
Fr. Jack: I’m sorry, but sometimes you just got to do it.
Dr. Morse: I know, I know. If you don’t laugh once in a while, you’re going to cry.
Fr. Jack: So that’s for daggone sure. And we got a lot to cry about, especially this latest issue regarding the members of Vermont’s Randolph High School girls’ volleyball team.
Dr. Morse: Yeah, God love them. The poor girls, the girls’ volleyball team. And there’s a boy in their school who says he’s a girl and he’s on the team. And the girls are not even complaining about him being on the team. What they’re complaining about is the fact that they have to change clothes with him in the locker room.
And what’s happening is that they’re being told, well, you know, yes, everybody’s allowed to use the locker room. And so if you have a problem with it, he’s allowed to use the locker room. If you have a problem with it, you can use the bathroom. You can use the little, you know, stall. The cupboard that has the commode in it and it’s got a privacy thing on it.
So it’s like 12 girls are going to have to change in there taking turns changing there while one boy occupies the entire rest of the space.
Fr. Jack: This is called the tail wagging the dog.
Dr. Morse: Yes and to top it all off, the girls are being investigated for harassment because they’re objecting. Okay. So that’s how far gone the situation has gotten. That’s how, you know, you want to talk about losing your mind. That is how far things have gotten.
Fr. Jack: So the girls are being investigated for harassment because they don’t want to undress among a boy who thinks he’s a girl. You know, you can’t write this stuff. You just can’t write this insanity.
Dr. Morse: And let’s be clear, we don’t know what he actually thinks. We know that he says he’s a girl. But whether that’s, whether he’s confused or whether he’s taking advantage of a situation or whether he’s deluded, yet, I’m not going to make any claims about what he actually thinks. But he says that he’s a girl and the rest of the school and the school board and the adults and everybody is supposed to go along with him saying he’s a girl.
The fact that he says it, that was good enough. So, yeah, it’s pretty far gone at this point, Father.
Fr. Jack: And the parents of the girls can’t do anything about that.
Dr. Morse: So they’re trying. But, you know, they’re being stymied by it about it. And that’s right.
Fr. Jack: And this is a public school.
Dr. Morse: Yes, this is a public school. It’s a government school. But as you and I have mentioned many times, many of the Catholic schools have similar kinds of problems. So don’t want to get, I wish we could say that we were that bright light and doing what we ought to be doing and stuff.
But I’m afraid we’re not doing all that we ought to be doing, let’s put it that way.
Fr. Jack: Well, that’s for sure. You know, as you point out in your newsletter, you said, among other things, this is a war on modesty. You know, the school presumes to order these young ladies to take off their clothes in front of a boy who says he’s a girl. They’re supposed to be okay with this. The school is punishing them rather than the voyeuristic boy.
Dr. Morse: Right. Right. And you know what’s really strange about this is that there’s many situations in our society now where we’re supposed to pretend that the sex of the body doesn’t matter. So, for example, you put kids into coed dorms and nothing bad is going to happen with that. You know, there aren’t going to be any temptations. We’re all mature, adult, grown up people.
We’re not all hung up about sex. Nothing bad is going to happen if you put people in a situation of perpetual temptation. If you put women on submarines where men and women are going to be living together in close quarters, I mean, very, very close quarters for six months at a time. And then you’re surprised that when you come to shore, you’ve got pregnant sailors.
We have no right to be surprised by that. Right. You know? Why should we be surprised by something like that? But we’re telling ourselves these things that we are beyond the taboos. And none of that stuff matters anymore. We’re so mature and sophisticated. And yet we seem to be stumbling over the most basic facts here.
Fr. Jack: Well, and again, it’s rather strange because, of course, sexuality is an urge of the person, and that urge has to be learned how to be controlled. But what they’re telling us is there’s no control whatsoever. You should just have license to do as you please. Right. And if so, you know, by accident, someone gets pregnant. I don’t know how that happens accidentally.
I mean, we all know how these things happen. That the child can be can be eliminated.
Dr. Morse: Yeah, we solve the problem by killing the child. But, you know, it’s a what you said a minute ago is only part of the story because we’re saying simultaneously that we’re allowed to do anything we want and at the same time that there’s no particular problem of temptation that we need to avoid, you know. So it’s not really a problem if unmarried people have sex with each other, you can do whatever you want.
And we’re going to put college students in the same dorm with minimal adult supervision. And nothing bad is going to happen. You know, it’s not logical. The whole thought process is not logical.
Fr. Jack: Doctor, we have simply eliminated original sin. There is no such thing as original sin.
Dr. Morse: That’s right.
Fr. Jack: It’s just natural impulses. It’s not disordered desires. It’s just natural impulses.
Dr. Morse: Right. And there’s nothing wrong with those natural impulses. And if a baby shows up. Oh, well, you know, so but you know what was really peculiar about it, though Father, is that we’re at the same time very concerned, rightly concerned about sexual harassment and people having unwanted sexual advances and things like that. Okay. If you put people in a position of perpetual temptation, you’re going to have things happen that, you know, maybe you didn’t exactly want or sign up for.
That’s what I’m getting at. And so the idea that we’re going to allow boys who say they’re girls on their say so alone, they’re allowed to have access to female spaces. And then we’re surprised when something bad happens. You know, we have no right to be surprised when something bad happens. And we have an obligation to protect the young.
And we are not living up to that obligation.
Fr. Jack: Dr. Morse, can you stay with us over the break and we’ll continue this?
Dr. Morse: Sure.
Fr. Jack: Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse heads the Ruth Institute. And every week they put out a newsletter to let us know what events are going on in the world today. Usually by the sexual elite seeking to continue to destroy human dignity, destroy the children. It’s all about destruction, isn’t it, Dr?
Dr. Morse: I’m afraid so. And, boy, when you put it that way, it sounds like we have a really. What kind of a job do I have here? Informing people about destruction? My goodness. Well, I need to go on vacation once in a while, don’t you think?
Fr. Jack: Well, you do, but you have something to celebrate. Because I saw another press release. You said that, I guess according to the United Nations population division, the world population will sometime reach 8 billion around November the 15th. What’s the 8,000,000,000th birth going to get? Are they going to get like a fruit basket or something? I don’t know, maybe free childcare?
Dr. Morse: Well, you know, actually, we are plotting and scheming at the Ruth Institute that we are actually going to have a birthday party for baby 8 billion and of course, you don’t know exactly who baby 8 billion is. Now, the people who do these projections, I’ve seen two different sets of predictions. One by the United Nations, one by the U.S. Census Bureau.
They’re a little bit off, but the world population of the UN, on world population day, somebody announced that it was going to be November 15th. So I think what’s going to happen is that all the people who think there are too many people are planning to say, Oh my gosh, the sky is falling because baby 8 billion has arrived and they’re planning their press releases for November 15th.
I’m assuming that’s what’s going to happen. So what we’re going to do is basically say, hey, we don’t know exactly whether your baby that was born on November 10th or November 20th is baby 8 billion. But by golly, you can celebrate it and we’ll celebrate it. And we will celebrate Baby 8 billion at the Ruth Institute. And if your baby is anywhere near plausibly close to being baby 8 billion, we invite you to celebrate with us because we’re glad that there are more babies in the world.
Fr. Jack: Well, you know, one of the things they often do is they get babies little hats when they’re born. And so, you know, maybe we can get the 8 billionth hat or a little bib for them or something like that with the Ruth Institute logo and happy, you know, happy 8 billion birth, you know, and see what.
Dr. Morse: I’m thinking, onesie. Father, what do you think about a onesie?
Fr. Jack: I was thinking about that, too. That’s also a possibility.
Dr. Morse: And, you know the Ohio State University Hospital. The University Hospital, at least back in the day when I was a student there, they used to give out receiving blankets for babies born in the hospital. They were always scarlet and gray receiving blankets given out at Ohio State. I’m just saying though no one cares about that.
Fr. Jack: There’s a lot of good Catholic ladies I know who make these hats and these shawls and all these wonderful things for the babies. Again, because it is something to celebrate. But it is. You’re right. There seems to be I mean, as you point out in your note, you know, in 1970 when The Population Bomb was written by Ehrlich in ‘68 and it was only 3.6 billion people.
So now we’re going to more than double that. And guess what? We still got room. There’s still room in the house for another billion probably.
Dr. Morse: We’ve got, not only do we have room in the house, but the dire consequences that were predicted that was supposed to have happened already. We were supposed to starve to death already, you know, by the year 2000 or something, you know, they were talking about that. But, you know, honestly, Father, I think it’s very important to point out just what a monstrous idea it is to be saying there are too many people in the world as if you were in charge of that.
Who is in charge of how many people there are in the world? Come on. You know. And so we’re going to take the opportunity to say that to just call that out and to say that this is a kind of arrogance, a kind of hubris that people are indulging themselves in. And as we know, arrogance and pride never ends well.
Fr. Jack: No, it doesn’t. And I remember I don’t know if I wasn’t hearing on Sacred Heart Radio or another place, but Mother Teresa is quoted as saying, you know, saying there’s too many children is like saying there’s too many flowers. You just can’t.
Dr. Morse: I agree with that.
That’s a great that’s a great quote, Father. That’s a great quote.
Fr. Jack: And this again, this is the thing. It’s I don’t again, there has to be an ulterior motive, whether it’s greed or selfishness. But I don’t know what that ulterior motive is. But it’s clear that if God creates these children, which he does with the help of the parents, that he’s not going to overpopulate what he’s created.
He’s God. After all, he’s got to you know, if it’s true, the scriptures say he counts every hair on our head. He definitely knows how many babies are being born. The sad part is he knows how many aren’t being born because of A. either the actual act of contraception, or B because of abortion. And those numbers.
I mean, could you imagine if God would let us know what those numbers were like? Holy Moses.
Dr. Morse: Yeah. Well, someday, someday we’re going to know, you know, someday we’re going to know. And some people are going to have a real accounting for that. You know, when you talk about the acceleration of population, this is what freaked everybody out. You know, you mentioned that population was around 3 billion, you know, back in the day or whatever when Erlich was freaking out and stuff.
What people forget is that throughout human history, people had a relatively high birth rate because so many babies died. So many, so many people died. But children died. Babies died. And over the last 200 years or so, the birth rate has fallen all by itself because babies aren’t dying as much. Parents figure it out. You know, we don’t need to have ten in order to have three kids.
You know, when we die, you know. Parents realize they didn’t they were not going to have to bury so many of their children. And so what you’re seeing with population growth, it’s happening not because people are breeding like bunnies. It’s happening because people are no longer dropping like flies. This is something to celebrate.
Fr. Jack: I like that you have to put that on a T-shirt.
We’re not breeding like bunnies. We’re not dropping like flies. There you go.
Dr. Morse: Right. Right. But, I mean, it’s a good thing the population is growing even though birthrates are falling. This is what people can’t wrap their minds around. How does that happen?
Fr. Jack: Dr. Morse, we’re out of time. I’m sorry. We’re out of time, but.
Dr. Morse: Ah, man. I was just getting excited.
Fr. Jack: I know we’ll have to do this again next week, so thank you for being with us. If people want to subscribe to Dr. J and get your weekly newsletter from the Ruth Institute, where can they find it?
Dr. Morse: Ruth Institute Dot org. And we would love to have Cincinnati listeners following us.
Fr. Jack: Thank you so much, Dr. Morse. You have a great day.
Dr. Morse: Thanks.
About the Ruth Institute
The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.
Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State and Love and Economics – It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.
To get more information or schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact media@ruthinstitute.org.