On her new book, and her position on abortion

By Jennifer Roback Morse Published on October 10, 2024, at The Stream


Dear Mrs. Trump,

So many of us love and admire you. Your conduct as First Lady was a credit to our country. I will never forget the way you decorated the White House for Christmas: elegant, tasteful, classy. You made me proud to be an American, a woman, and a Catholic. I have no doubt that even some people who hate your husband secretly admire you.

However, I was heartbroken recently to see you repeating the talking points of the Abortion Lobby. I could hardly believe it. You personally lived through the tyranny of Communism, and the Ruling Party in America relies on the very same tyrannical tactics as the Communists. And the Abortion Lobby is very much a part of the Ruling Party in America.

A Ruling Party

Now, it is true the U.S. does not literally have one party, the way Communist countries do. But many Americans, including many of your husband’s most devoted followers, have come to realize that for all practical purposes, the U.S. has a Deep State which functions in much the same way as those totalitarian states do. The Democrats are openly and obviously part of the Ruling Party, and many members of the Republican Party align themselves with it. (Your husband is certainly not part of the Ruling Party. This is what they hate about him.)

Like the Communist Party, the Ruling Party in the U.S. maintains its power by controlling law enforcement, the courts, and the flow of information. The Abortion Industry contributes to and benefits from The Ruling Party.

Weaponized Law Enforcement

The Party has weaponized law enforcement, including the FBI and the CIA, as you know better than almost anyone after they raided your own home in search of planted evidence, authorized to shoot to kill. But did you realize that they have weaponized law enforcement against us, too? Almost 300 Catholic churches have been vandalized since the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision overturning Roe v. Wade was leaked in 2022. The FBI does nothing about these crimes, except put Catholic groups on their “domestic terrorists” watch lists.

In 2022, the FBI raided the home of a peaceful abortion protestor, Mark Houck, in front of his wife and seven children. The Party has imprisoned other peaceful protesters, including two women in their seventies. The same Party that feels threatened by the people who peacefully protested the election results on January 6, 2021, likewise fears abortion protesters.

It’s Communist justice all the way: justice for friends, persecution for enemies.

Keep reading.

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