
Connecticut sneaks pedophilia protections into law

“Connecticut legislators took a step toward legalizing pedophilia and apparently expect us not to notice,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D.

The Connecticut House of Representative overwhelmingly passed a bill that changes the state’s anti-discrimination law. Advocates of the change, including the ACLU, say it merely “modernizes the existing definition of sexual orientation, moving away from thirty-year-old outdated and offensive terminology.”

Morse responded, “That statement diverts attention from how this change advances the most radical goal of the Sexual Revolution: normalizing pedophilia.”

The current definition of sexual orientation is: “having a preference for heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality.” The proposed definition is not limited to these three categories, but is instead based on “identity:”

“Sexual orientation means a person’s identity in relation to the gender or genders to which they are romantically, emotionally or sexually attracted.”

The Family Institute of Connecticut explains:

Advocates will argue that HB6638 only protects sexual orientations “in relation to genders.” But recall that even a baby or an animal has a “gender.”  We can hope, but it isn’t entirely clear how “sexual attractions” directed toward animals, inanimate and dead objects would be treated under this bill.  Believe us when we say we don’t want to have to talk about this, but it is true. 

Advocates will also assert that the sexual attractions they don’t want to talk about are not included in the bill. But those are only assertions and not the language of the bill which will be used by judges, lawyers and the Commission on Human Rights and Opportunities to assess fines and punishments.

Morse stated, “Sexual Revolutionaries are sneaky. They ‘modernized’ the ‘offensive’ definition of sexual orientation by broadening it to include an essentially unlimited range of possibilities, including pedophilia (attraction to prepubescent children) and nepiophilia (attraction to infants aged 0-5).”

“Discriminating against a known pedophile would be illegal under Connecticut’s new definitions. Citizens, churches and businesses in Connecticut cannot prevent individuals with these sexual attractions from working or volunteering in schools, hospitals or businesses. So much for ‘safe environment’ training and background checks!”

Morse warned: “Advocates of the bill might say it doesn’t legalize pedophilia, and that is technically correct. But by surreptitiously changing the definition of sexual orientation, the bill lays the groundwork for doing so. And they’re hoping we won’t notice.”

“The original civil rights movement outlawed discrimination based on race, which is an inborn, immutable characteristic. Now the most radical Sexual Revolutionaries are exploiting anti-discrimination law in ways the original champions of equality never would have imagined or approved.”

“The Ruth Institute applauds the Family Institute of Connecticut for their careful analysis exposing the radical implications of this bill,” Morse said.

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