Nuclear Family Under Assault

Protect the nuclear family, children need parents, parents have a duty to children

War on the Nuclear Family

“There is no respite in the war on the family,” said Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., President of The Ruth Institute. “Progressives are absolutely committed to destroying the nuclear family and taking every opportunity to advance their cause.”

Last Friday, the Biden administration released a 42-page “National Strategy on Gender Equity and Equality,” which pushes the feminist agenda, but short shrifts the family.

“In 42 pages, there are only six mentions of ‘marriage.’ None of them are relevant to the alarming decline of marriage and the nuclear family in the United States. ‘Forced marriage’ is mentioned six times, while ‘marriage equality’ and ‘child marriage’ are each mentioned once,” Morse noted.

National School Board Apologizes

Also last week, the National School Board Association finally apologized for labeling parents “domestic terrorists” for protesting what their children are exposed to in school.

“This is an empty gesture,” Morse observed. “Families have every right to object to what’s being done to their children in the name of equality. In Loudoun County, VA, a parent was put in handcuffs and forcibly removed from a school committee meeting for charging that the district’s transgender policies were partly responsible for the rape of his daughter in a school restroom.”

“How can a father’s understandable outburst be equated with terrorism?” Morse asked. “And, as far as we know, the Justice Department is still investigating parents who speak out at school meetings about the indoctrination of their children.”

Marxism’s Anti Nuclear Family Ideology

In a recent commentary, Ruth Institute Communications Director Don Feder said this is all part of Marxism’s ongoing war on the family. “For Marxists, killing the family is the key to everything. The war on the family isn’t peripheral. It’s central to the revolution.”

In “A Socialist Attack on the Family,” a booklet later expanded into a lecture for the Acton Institute, Morse noted: “Socialists are just as committed to abolishing the universal institution of marriage as they were to abolishing the universal institution of private property,” also, “The socialist program of eliminating sex differences and abolishing marriage has serious consequences for economic and personal freedom.”

“How is it possible to look at all of this, and not see it as a part of a pattern? Progressivism attempts to dismantle the family, that institution on which society depends for its continued existence,” Morse said.

About the Ruth Institute

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Jennifer Roback Morse is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies Are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.

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