Ruth Bader Ginsburg Was the Sexual State in a Black Robe

“Ruth Bader Ginsburg was doubtless a fine person and dedicated to her ideas,” said Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D. “I pray for God’s mercy on her soul, and solace to her family. But her ideas are dividing America.”

“For Justice Ginsburg, the Sexual State trumped everything else, including First Amendment freedom of religion, common sense and basic science.”

Calling the late Supreme Court Justice “the personification of the Sexual State in a black robe,” Morse explained: “She consistently solidified the most radical tenets of the Sexual Revolution using the power of the State. She used the highest law of the land to overturn democratic processes that tried to protect traditional sexual morals.”

In abortion cases where even most of the court’s liberal members favored restraint, she remained an unapologetic champion of abortion without exceptions. Justice Ginsburg allowed radicals to use the power of the State to enforce their views on LGBT issues, including “transgenderism.” In June, she was part of the majority that applied workplace anti-discrimination provisions of the 1964 Civil Rights Act to homosexuals and the gender-confused.

According to Morse, “This marked the first time the Supreme Court equated so-called sexual orientation with race and religion – a move which would have confounded the authors of the ’64 law. Although meant to cover employment, the decision will inevitably lead to removing remaining barriers to a distinction between women and men who call themselves women, their DNA notwithstanding.”

“The ruling essentially erased women,” Morse observed. “So it’s ironic that Justice Ginsburg is being hailed as a champion of women’s rights.”

“In addition, her dissents showed a marked hostility to religion. For instance, in Little Sisters of the Poor vs. Pennsylvania (2020), six justices upheld a Trump rule exempting the sisters from a provision of the Affordable Care Act, which would have forced them to provide contraceptives to employees through their health insurance plan. Ginsburg was one of only two justices who dissented.”

“In 2016, Donald Trump was elected to put the brakes on the Sexual State. He can make a significant step in that direction with a prompt replacement for Ruth Bader Ginsburg.”

Sign the Ruth Institute/LifeSite petition calling for a 4th presidential debate on family issues.

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