
Scholar Of The Year Survives Cancel Mob

Scott Yenor, professor at Boise State University, and Ruth Institute Scholar Of The Year Survives Cancel Mob.
Dr. Jennifer Morse comments on the recent "cancel culture" attack levied against RI's Scholar of the Year, Dr. Scott Yenor.

June 9, 2022

The woke mob targeted Boise State University political science professor Dr. Scott Yenor after he gave a speech criticizing feminism. Civil rights accusations were lodged against him, but he was later exonerated. The Ruth Institute will honor Dr. Yenor with its Scholar of the Year Award at this year’s Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution, June 24-25 in Lake Charles, LA.

Ruth Institute President, Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., called attention to Yenor’s essay, “Inside the Title IX Tribunal,” in the June 6 issue of Law and Liberty, where he explained why he was targeted.

In the offending speech, Yenor dared to say, “Strong nations … cannot exist without strong families. Strong families in turn need respectable men capable of providing, and women interested in having children, [but] much of our culture, informed through feminist ideology, undermines or dishonors male achievement, while it promotes a vision of womanhood that discounts motherhood.”

In the essay, scholar of the year, Scott Yenor writes, “a swarm formed, mostly through social media,” in the weeks following his speech. “Creepy, threatening phone messages arrived daily for months. I received streams of vulgar and hateful emails. National media coverage began—I was even asked to appear on the Dr. Phil show to work out my issues. Letters to the editor appeared in our local papers. People tried to hack my accounts. Emails tempting me with intimate photos and pornography began to arrive at my university email. Many wanted me fired.”

Boise State University charged Yenor with Title IX violations of students’ civil rights, including alleging that he graded women lower than men.

Morse explained: “Because Dr. Yenor keeps meticulous records, he was able to easily refute the charges against him and was duly vindicated. But it’s important to note the following:

  • Boise State maintained that there was no connection between Yenor’s speech and the charges, even though they were filed just seven days after his speech went viral.
  • As is standard in Title IX discrimination cases, Dr. Yenor was not allowed to know the names of his accusers or to confront them.
  • Even though he was cleared of all charges, if another witch hunt is mounted, his behavior could be seen as part of a pattern.”

“This is the way academia enforces campus orthodoxy. Rather than admitting that it’s trying to censor unpopular opinions, conservative professors are subjected to bogus claims of violating students’ civil rights.”

“We are proud of Dr. Yenor, Ruth Institute Scholar of the Year, and applaud his refusal to be silenced for his pro-family views,” Morse said.

In addition to receiving an award at the Summit, Yenor will speak on “The Mistakes of Modern Political Philosophy and Why They Matter.”

Registration for the Summit for Survivors of the Sexual Revolution is only $199 for a complete two-day experience. A Virtual Pass is only $35.

About the Ruth Institute

The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.

Jennifer Roback Morse has a Ph.D. in economics and has taught at Yale and George Mason University. She is the author of The Sexual State and Love and Economics – It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.

To get more information or schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact media@ruthinstitute.org.

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