The Sexual State at Work: Schools and Planned Parenthood Deceive Parents

“Recent cases in Missouri and New Jersey show a shocking pattern of parents being deliberately deceived by agents of the Sexual State,” said Ruth Institute president Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse. 

In Missouri, Attorney General Andrew Bailey blew the whistle on Planned Parenthood illegally trafficking children out of state to have abortions. A Planned Parenthood manager admitted to an undercover journalist that they run girls across the border to Kansas daily, even setting up hotels for them. All this happens without parental notification.

In New Jersey, a father is suing a high school for socially transitioning his daughter, giving her a male name and using male pronouns, while specifically telling school staff to not tell her father.

This father only learned the truth when a neighbor and fellow parent at the school, referred to his daughter by the male name. When this widowed dad told school officials about his daughter’s Asperger’s syndrome, ADHD, and borderline personality disorder, the school said they would continue referring to her as a boy unless she specifically asked them not to.

The father pulled his daughter from the school and is now homeschooling her.

“Public school officials are obviously government employees,” Morse said. “Planned Parenthood, while technically not a governmental entity, receives so much government money, and is so closely aligned with the state’s purpose of redefining human sexuality, that I feel no compunction in calling them ‘agents of the Sexual State,’” Morse said, noting that gender transitioning drugs are a huge money maker for Planned Parenthood.

“These cases are shocking in one sense. Decent people recoil at the idea of Planned Parenthood collaborating with schools to keep perfectly good and decent parents in the dark about their daughters’ abortions and their children’s gender confusion.”

“In another sense, we shouldn’t be surprised,” Morse said. “This kind of thing has been going on for a long time.”

“Since 1972, federal Medicaid rules require that states provide birth control to minors over the age of puberty, without parental consent. The US Supreme Court has made similar rulings regarding parental consent for abortion: states with parental notification laws have a judicial bypass provision, so they don’t run afoul of the US Supreme Court.”

“So states presuming to leave parents out of the loop on so-called gender transition are just another link in that chain separating children from the supervision of their parents.”

“When are we going to stop letting the government raise our children?” Morse said. “Parents need to be aware of what schools and Planned Parenthood are doing behind their backs and take steps to protect their children’s innocence, and in some cases, their very lives.”

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