In an open letter on the French website L’Express, more than 50 physicians, psychologists, sociologists, academics and other professionals condemned “gender reassignment” for children.
Ruth Institute President Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse, Ph.D., congratulated the signers. “They have risked their careers to speak the truth. There’s enormous pressure to go with the flow, to pretend that our sex at birth is an insignificant detail that we can accept or reject. These French professionals have the courage to say ‘Non.’”
Gender ideology is advancing on many fronts. On August 12, the Scottish government put out “inclusion” guidelines that would allow primary school students to change their name and gender designation at school without their parents’ knowledge or consent. A court in the UK just overturned an earlier decision that prohibited clinics from administering puberty blockers to minors.
The French letter notes: “Children are made to believe that a girl could become a boy and vice versa because they have decided to do so without the advice of adults, and this is happening at an increasingly young age… But the child is a being under construction, his or her future is in constant evolution before reaching a stage of maturity.”
Morse agreed: “The detransitioning movement is made up in part of adults who were brainwashed by the gender ideology as adolescents or children. Now they’ve come to see the truth of their sexual nature – that it can’t be changed, only disguised. They’re suffering the physical and emotional anguish of decisions they made as children because adult society allowed and even encouraged them.”
The letter proclaims: “We denounce the abduction of childhood. It is now urgent to inform as many citizens as possible, of all professions, of all sides, of all ages, about what would well appear tomorrow as one of the greatest health and ethical scandals, which we would have watched happen without saying a word: the commodification of children’s bodies. For by persuading these children that they have been ‘assigned’ a sex at birth, and that they can freely change it, they are made lifelong patients, lifelong consumers of hormonal chemicals marketed by pharmaceutical companies, recurrent consumers of ever more surgical operations in the pursuit of the chimerical dream of a fantasy body.”
Morse agreed: “Transitioning, pushed on everyone as “gender reassignment,” is not about the child’s welfare but gaining recruits for the gender movement and profits for businesses devoted to maintaining an illusion.”
The Ruth Institute is dedicated to fighting the Sexual Revolution in all of its manifestations, including gender ideology, hence the Transgender Resource Center.
The Ruth Institute is a global non-profit organization, leading an international interfaith coalition to defend the family and build a civilization of love.
Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse is the author of The Sexual State: How Elite Ideologies are Destroying Lives and Love and Economics: It Takes a Family to Raise a Village.
To schedule an interview with Dr. Morse, contact media@ruthinstitute.org, or reply to this email.